Is American Jewry Doomed to Repeat the Mistakes of Their Grandparents?

November 26, 2023

4 min read


They forgot that under the genial faces of their friends and neighbors simmered an ancient hatred. Are we making the same mistake?

On the rare occasions when my grandmother spoke of Europe before the war, I listened with the mounting dread of someone watching a horror movie. The tension was terrible. Underneath the singsong sound of her accented words, I could hear my own shallow breathing and feel the small hairs on my neck rising. Strains of eerie music were ramping up in my ears. My stomach clenched and twisted. My heart beat madly in my chest. I needed her to go on, and I wished that she would stop.

Because I knew the ending. The shattered glass, the cattle cars, Arbeit Macht Frei on the twisted metal gates to Auschwitz. I knew what she didn't know then, and it terrified me.

I wanted to go back in time to help her. I wanted to shake her. I wanted to shock her, to shock all of them out of their complacency. I wanted to scream, Don't stay in Europe. Don't you know what's going to happen? Get out while you can!

But of course, they didn't know. They didn't believe. And they didn't leave.

They were our neighbors and friends. We had known them all our lives. We didn’t think they’d ever hurt us.

“You see, they were our friends,” my grandmother continued gently, oblivious to my rising horror. “They were our neighbors. We had known them all our lives. We did not think they would ever hurt us.”

But they were wrong. They were horribly, fatally wrong. Because they had grown comfortable, complacent where they lived. And because they had forgotten that under the genial faces of their neighbors and friends simmered the ancient evil of otherness, that hatred lurked just underneath the civilized surface.

“Surely they understood that we were just like them,” she said. “We were professors and prominent businesspeople, you know. We were in all the elite universities. We were good citizens, part of the fabric of the community. Surely, they could see that we contributed!”

I listened with a helpless, terrible sadness. From my vantage point in the safety of America, the kindest of any of our exiles, I knew what she did not know then. And I thought it would never apply to me.

These days, in a different America, I look around at libraries and parks, peaceful places that have been turned into sites of mass protests by raging, screaming, hate-filled people. I don’t know these people. But they seem to know me. They know me and they hate me. They hate you, too.

These are college students. Professors. Deans and businessmen. Newscasters, reporters, senators. I look at these people, the best and the brightest our country has to offer, and I can't decide if they’re mad. Or if we are.

Just yesterday – or last week? Last month? – these normal-looking people stood before us on line at the store, exchanging murmured “Good mornings,” commenting on the weather and the price of milk. Today, they gather in seething masses, protesting our right to be alive. Such an old hatred on their bright young faces, twisting their features into diabolical masks.

Kill the Jews, they chant. Gas the Jews. Their eyes shine with the seductive hatred that is ancient and knows no reason. Hitler should have finished you off, they shout hoarsely.

I’m frightened because I hear that eerie music foretelling disaster. Only this time, we’re the ones turning a blind eye.

But it’s not the chanting that twists my stomach. That causes my shallow breathing and the hairs on my neck to rise. I’m frightened because I hear that music again. That eerie, foreboding music foretelling disaster.

Only this time, we’re the ones ignoring the angry shouting, turning a blind eye to the shocking crimes, disregarding the foreshadowing, insisting that we’re good citizens. We’re the ones shaking our heads and protesting that these are our neighbors and friends. That surely, they would never hurt us.

This is my home where I have lived my whole life, raised my children, built a family. The light shines through the windows of my kitchen at exactly the right angle, and I have a favorite takeout place around the corner. It’s impossible to consider leaving a place where we have been so very comfortable for so very long. Where we’re part of the fabric of the community. I can’t imagine it.

But I’m hearing that music in my head again, and I can’t imagine ignoring that either.

A version of this article appeared in Mishpacha magazine.

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4 months ago

This is my country. We have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. Its a Republic, " if we can keep it". I will not run, I will fight. The pro Hamas Fakestinians and the leftists are going to be in for a shock.

4 months ago

You are the problem for yourself. Stop taking orders from them.
Turn off the TV
None of their shows.
You are basically signing in as a slave to their system. Turn it off NOW or face your demise now.
You are an individual.
You have an imagination.
You have intuition.
Your thoughts become real events or real things. We are Human. We are spiritual beings and we are not these bodies. How can you worry of anything. We are immortal beings. We are Human and there is nothing else like us.
Take Control. Turn off the TV. We can create something from nothing. We are Human. Stop letting them keep you down and awaken to your humanity.
God Bless. Merry Christmas as well.
What is a Cohanim Gadol. My Dad always mentioned it. Hahahaha

Last edited 4 months ago by Doug
Alan S.
Alan S.
5 months ago

Yes, the times are frightful. But it is different than WWII Germany and Japan. The German government was our enemy. Our problem now is with fellow Americans. Many, sadly, on the right and left have problems with Israel and Jewish people. But our government is not (openly) anti- Israel nor anti-semitic. Thankfully Biden is solidly pro-Israel and likes Jewish people. His VP is married to a member of the tribe, though her support is shaky. Most -- obviously not all --Democrats are pro-Israel and like Jewish people. Trump is in Israel's corner and has Jewish family members. Most Republicans are pro-Israel and have no issues with Jewish people.

Last edited 5 months ago by Alan S.
S. Blackman
S. Blackman
1 month ago
Reply to  Alan S.

Have you listened to Biden lately, things have shifted. America is not supporting Israel of shouting 'Ceasefire'. They are causing our demise, G-d forbid.

Andrea Schonberger
Andrea Schonberger
5 months ago

Yup--I know. I've seen this movie before and the ending is catastrophic. I'm agreeable to hightailing it to Israel but my husband wants to wait. Wait for what? Until it gets really bad. What does that mean? How bad does it have to get?

5 months ago

"Let my people go" are the words God spoke through Moses to pharaoh (Ex. 5 : 1). Like a clarion call these words are as true today as they were then. Today God, once again, is calling His people (The Jews, the Hebrews, descendants of Abraham) to come out of Egypt (The nations) into the Promised Land (Israel). My prayer for them is that they do it ASAP not to allow history (His story) to repeat itself, Amen !

Last edited 5 months ago by Olivier
5 months ago

who is funding hammas, who is funding the anti sematic rioters, those t shirts and signs are not cheap and not all are hand made. who is funding Iran? where were many of those weapons left in Iraq sold to? who is hiring all these professors who hate israel and the united states? etc

5 months ago

If you live in a democratic city and state you should move. Criminals are not being punished.

5 months ago

Very powerful.

Andrea Chester
Andrea Chester
5 months ago

Oh, my dear Yael...I hear you, loud and clear. As a non-Jewish American woman, I HEAR you. I have several Jewish friends, most of whom are already (safely?) in Israel, but my dearest friend and his family are still in the States. When this horror of a war first broke out (as opposed to the ongoing war which began millennia ago), I begged him to go HOME. I know they want to, and olease, GOD, they get there, safe and sound. Please be assured that some of us really do, honestly, love you and are praying for you. Some of us are more able to be proactive about it, but you are not alone. And please, dear GOD, and in mercy.

Lawrence Fagen
Lawrence Fagen
5 months ago

I think like the author, however, the next move wasn't addressed, was the solution to leave the USA and immigrate to Israel? Other than arm and stay to fight in the USA streets, what was she getting at?

Ruth Broch
Ruth Broch
5 months ago
Reply to  Lawrence Fagen

Of course that is the ONLY solution! You American Jews are simply insane to still stay there! If you don't see the writing - now written in blood - upon the walls of the USA, I simply do not know what to say. I thank G-d that I left NYC over 53 years ago to live in our ONLY homeland. I implore all of you, PLEASE come home before we are all mourning your deaths.

Sara klein
Sara klein
5 months ago
Reply to  Ruth Broch


5 months ago

Unfortunately, I agree with this article and see a very dangerous time in the US for God’s chosen people. There is only one safe place left, Israel. At least there you are together. You are still the apple of God’s eye. Isaiah 43.

Norman Lieberman
Norman Lieberman
5 months ago

I felt this sense of being different as a Jew growing up in the south in the 50’s and 60’s. Discrimination and unacceptance whether in clubs or housing. You knew because you were Jewish you were different. This also continued in college. Now this hatered is fully out in bloom and is rampant. From just festering like a bad sore since Oct 7 it has become wide open and acceptable. My thoughts and feelings if “here we go again” somehow became part of my makeup at least 5 if not more years ago . Even this very day I have friends that say it will pass or it won’t affect us or our children and I am truly scared. I see politicians at the highest level catering and apologizing to Muslims. I am here to say that I can clearly visualize our leaders throwing us under the bus This

5 months ago

American institutions held in the Thirties, when antisemitism was across the board in America.Today, it comes from those Moslems who identify with Israel's enemies.

American Jews are perpetrating a self-Holocaust. Intermarriage is at 70% - and some "Jewish" groups want to recognize the non-Jewish offspring of these unions.

5 months ago

1. My in-laws were children when the Nazis occupied France. Adult foreign born men (they were immigrants from Poland) were taken first. But the children and their mothers were hidden, my father-in-law and his brother by nuns in a Catholic orphanage. After the war, they were returned to their mother. So I am disturbed at the implicit suggestion that no one helped when it was too late to flee.
2. I agree that we must be ever vigilant. Let’s also remember that others of our fellow Americans have been targeted for being Muslim or Arab. I just sent a note to a politician thanking him for supporting security for houses of worship, religious schools, etc. As it must, the law covers all places that might be targeted. As is morally right, too. Shalom.

soterios vrontis
soterios vrontis
5 months ago

Yes, you are. In the enlighten Germany, Jews thought they were as safe as American Jews are today. Hitler and the Nazis were a small group meeting in a beer hall in the 1920s. In 10 years, Kristallnacht happened and in 20 the European Jewry existed no more.6 million perished in a couple of years.
Here, in the USA, you have the colleges taken over by angry mobs wishing the total annihilation of Israel and the Jews. The useful idiots, the ignorant American kids, in many cases Jews, think that they're doing the right thing by supporting the defenseless Palestinians. They believe that Hamas didn't kill, rape and took hostages. They believe it's Jewish propaganda. Now you have four Hamas supporters in congress. In 20 years, there will be at least 200. Just like the Nazis in 1930s Germany.

Ruth Broch
Ruth Broch
5 months ago

You are voicing the absolute truth!

4 months ago
Reply to  Ruth Broch

can't believe i'm really reading this!!! had no idea other people had similar feelings....feel a little hypocritical though. LOVE being Jewish, yet never fit in with Jewish people....even today.....and even having heard lots of snide anti jewish remarks growing up in eastern pennsylvania years ago, and in ohio here and there. in the last few years, there have been quite a few interfaith events -- Jewish, catholic, black churches, and even with people at a mosque...the people were kind and wonderful and as tough as it was, being exposed helped me with my fears. this feeling of being let down and very scared is on my mind non jewish friends are all very supportive, thankfully. can't bring this up at Shul or with Jewish people. would NEVER support terrorists, EVER.

5 months ago

The worst antisemitism in America today is that of our fellow JEWS! In Israel they are united, left-wing, right-wing and center. Here in America there are Jews supporting our enemies. It's unbelievable. Did ANY American Jews support Hitler in the 1940's? No. Let's identify the real problem here.

Miss Anonymous
Miss Anonymous
5 months ago
Reply to  Morris

You've oversimplified the issue: Israeli Jews are unified NOW, after the Oct. 7th tragedy. Let's hope we've learned the importance of achdut (unity) despite differences of opinion, wherever we may be!
Sadly, American Jews (or Jews anywhere, for that matter) who are disconnected from their roots are floundering; the real question is how we canb bring them back to the fold.

soterios vrontis
soterios vrontis
5 months ago
Reply to  Morris

The overwhelming majority of Muslims in this country, just as everywhere else, hate the Jews. That's understandable. What's beyond comprehension, is the support of terrorism by American Jews. This despicable group, in many cases rabbis, businessmen and especially students at the most prestigious American colleges, think that they're right. That their fellow Jews in Israel are killing Palestinians at will, that they're settlers who invaded ant took over the land of the indigenous Palestinians.
These ignorant idiots are ashamed of being Jewish and they try to correct that blemish by supporting the very people who tomorrow will annihilate them. Those idiots don't realize that they're expendable. Their terrorist friends will get rid of them first, because nobody loves traitors.

4 months ago

It's very--VERY-- simple: it's called Stockholm Syndrome. Leftist Jews are who and what they are because they think identifying with the people who hate them will make their hate turn, if not to love, then at least some level of tolerance.

Reuben Hoch
Reuben Hoch
5 months ago

As a Yeshiva student at BTA in Brooklyn, I'll never forget a very special assembly in which all of the boys and Central girls populated the outdoor portion of the both the boys and girls schools. The assembly featured Rabbi Meir Kahane who came to address us. I was mesmerized by him! I knew that the other shoe would fall in the US. Most of our parents were holocaust survivors and never lived in the US with a very strong sense of long term security. Rabbi Kahane espoused his famous words, "Never Again". At this point, the only way to fulfill Rabbi Kahane's words is through Aliyah which myself and my wife are making in February. I was at Bellevue Hospital on call as an Anesthesiologist the night Rabbi Kahane was murdered by Nosair. In the Rabbi's zechut, we need to return home! עם ישראל חי!

Ruth Broch
Ruth Broch
5 months ago
Reply to  Reuben Hoch

Thank G-d you are making aliyah! You will be welcomed here with open arms and hearts!

5 months ago
Reply to  Reuben Hoch

Yes, let the clarion call to the Jews in America be clear : "Go to the Promised Land now before it is too late" ! Don't repeat history ! Amen.

Racheel schijveschuurder
Racheel schijveschuurder
5 months ago

True oh so true

J. Lazar
J. Lazar
5 months ago

Thank you for putting into words what I am feeling.

5 months ago

Thankfully I am a third generation American. My family served in almost every branch of the military.
Several won medals, one was a POW with the Nazis. We are Orthodox Jews. We are highly educated with several of us holding PhDs and MDs an JDs. Nevertheless, over 50 years ago my mother warned that there will come a day in our lifetime when we will see how antisemitism will once again raise its head publicly and without shame. At the time I thought she wasn't seeing how different things in America were from things in Europe. The past few weeks have proved her correct.

Ruth Broch
Ruth Broch
5 months ago
Reply to  Rob

Indeed she is correct. This has happened to us time and time again, thinking we were safe in Spain, then in Germany and now in the USA. Also, I simply do not understand how any Orthodox Jew can live any place but the Land Hashem gave us! PLEASE come home!!

5 months ago
Reply to  Ruth Broch


Sheila Byers
Sheila Byers
5 months ago

I have been saying this for a long time. Some Jews are so complaisant they don't want to hear any of this. I am sure that a great majority of protesters are Jewish. Perhaps it is time for the Jews to stop worrying about being politicly correct and worry about ourselves,I am worried about my children and grandchildren.

Dave Nichols
Dave Nichols
5 months ago

Jews declared economic and racial warfare on Germany. Look it up.

Jonathan Usher
Jonathan Usher
5 months ago
Reply to  Dave Nichols

From the concentration camps? Jabotinski warned them and they did nothing. And I hear that same fateful music.

soterios vrontis
soterios vrontis
5 months ago
Reply to  Dave Nichols

Said who? Facts, provide facts. This was a shameful Nazi lie. I'm old enough to have met German Jews who barely survived and came to this country. They were as patriotic as the other Germans, many fought in WWI. Most were reform, and conservative Jews, the orthodox and the Hasidim mostly resided in Eastern Europe. I'm not writing this to convince you, you can't be convinced, but for the other readers.

Dave Nichols
Dave Nichols
5 months ago

Jews aren't from Europe and wouldn't leave.

Steve Tan
Steve Tan
5 months ago
Reply to  Dave Nichols

No doubt you are one of those who also says the Jews of Israel should go back to europe (even though most of them did not come from there). You are providing some wonderful examples of how irrational and senseless antisemites are.

5 months ago
Reply to  Dave Nichols

How long does an ethnic group have to live somewhere to be “from there”? If you’re in the US, you should go back to Europe, right?

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
5 months ago
Reply to  Dave Nichols

America belongs to Native Americans.

White Europeans and Black Africans aren't from America and must leave.

Last edited 5 months ago by Robert Whig
soterios vrontis
soterios vrontis
5 months ago
Reply to  Dave Nichols

Go where? You don't want then in Israel either, you say that the land, from the river to the sea belongs to the Palestinians. If any Jews survive from the slaughter you plan for them, where are they supposed to go? To the moon?

5 months ago
Reply to  Dave Nichols

Dave - I thought you stopped sniffing glue. Guess not.

Celia Glick
Celia Glick
5 months ago

I live in Israel and I was just visiting the US and my big question is- how much antisemitism do we have to have to get people to pick up and move???? We daven three times a day to return us to Tzion- and we have a country with a strong army full of life and fun and energy. Move here before it's too late!!!!!

Max H
Max H
5 months ago

So why is "Our Father in Heaven" letting this happen?

Yaakov Dovid
Yaakov Dovid
5 months ago
Reply to  Max H

We don't know. We are not God. Not even close.

We look forward to one day understanding. Maybe we will, maybe we won't. If we do, it will be a bonus.

We, as people, are busy with how we can use current events to act, to improve. To make better choices.

Jonathan Usher
Jonathan Usher
5 months ago
Reply to  Yaakov Dovid

Try teaching our children to look at facts, not at the world as we would like it to be. Never mind the Palestinians, our newspapers, which are supported and directed by Trudeau's government, support the Palestinians' view of the evil Jew..

Bracha Goetz
Bracha Goetz
5 months ago
Reply to  Max H

Because people were given the free will to choose their actions in this world.

Barbara B
Barbara B
5 months ago
Reply to  Max H

As a takeoff on JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you, . . . ," I'll attempt a response to your query by asking what His children have been doing to please Him lately!
At the least, that should provide some proverbial food for thought.

Agnes Miller
Agnes Miller
5 months ago

When my mother was a young girl in Europe a young boy
yelled at her "dirty Jew, go back to Palestine ". Today the
Arabs, scream " Jews, go back to Europe".
North America is not a safe haven. At he moment, Israel is now united
and optimistic, and has a strong IDF. However due to the U.S A. enabling
Iran,the 7 million Jews in Israel, may soon be in the cross-hairs of a nuclear-
armed Iran.
We have nobody to rely on other than Our Father in Heaven.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
5 months ago
Reply to  Agnes Miller

Iran will not dare because we have our own nuclear weapons.

5 months ago
Reply to  Agnes Miller

May we all merit that realization, and soon!

Melanie Gadsdon
Melanie Gadsdon
5 months ago

Hatred breeds hatred.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
5 months ago

You want to turn the other cheek to Hamas?

You know what they do to Jewish women, don't you?

5 months ago

More than the 2nd Amendment it is the First Amendment that makes America different from Europe. We never had an established church. The government starts from the premise of freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
The woke elite do not define America and their behavior the past month will hasten their demise and the unraveling of the institutions that protect them
And by the way, take advantage of the Second Amendment as well.

5 months ago
Reply to  Howard

It's important to realize the difference between freedom OF religion and freedom FROM religion; the latter is the source of much of modern society's ills!

Jonathan Usher
Jonathan Usher
5 months ago
Reply to  Howard

The word to describe you is gullible - not evil, not stupid, not even bad, just gullible and dangerous to Jews.

5 months ago
Reply to  Jonathan Usher

Just wishful thinking, but the demise of leftist ideology would be wonderful!

5 months ago
Reply to  Howard

When did it become normal to describe anyone that disagrees with you as woke. I would say that the KKK, The Proud Boys and The Oath keepers are not "woke", and yet they hate Jews and support the demise and unravelling of our country.

Yakov Dovid
Yakov Dovid
5 months ago

IMO, the article as written is flawed. Yes, it is very easy to envision the USA as unsafe. We are fortunate that currently, the majority of lawmakers are sympathetic to us. Yet elections have shown how fickle democracy can be. But, where to go? Israel is also full of enemies.
Which geographic location is safe? I followed my whims and spent some time researching this. drumroll... Singapore. Lovely, stable country that already has in place the basic elements needed for practicing Judaism. Still, not a very practical move. Sigh.
All this assumes that the world is running itself. Actually, God is running it. True, there is special Divine providence in EY. But that that mean we should move there? There are mixed opinions amongst Rabbis. I remain confused. And this article has not helped.

Barbara B
Barbara B
5 months ago
Reply to  Yakov Dovid

Seems to me you've answered your own question by acknowledging that the Holy Land has a unique Divine Providence!

Jonathan Usher
Jonathan Usher
5 months ago
Reply to  Yakov Dovid

Yes, God will protect us. But your God and their God want different results. Which God will be successful?

5 months ago
Reply to  Yakov Dovid

I've been thinking about this quite a bit. My wife is from Israel but moved here 38 years ago. We have already had the talk...

I don't believe Singapore is the right place... It's very much a velvet glove quasi dictatorship. It's also a snitch society that is rules driven. Great place to visit but I wouldn't wanna live there!

Do you want to stay in Europe, Australia, Canada, USA and the UK and experience stochastic terrorism from BOTH the extreme left and right?

Or do you want of experience the stochastic terrorism that will be in Israel from its neighbors like Iran, Syria and Lebanon?

What are your red lines?
What are you prepared to sacrifice?
How much will you put up with?

There's no doubt that we are in the crisis that the Fourth Turning book talks about.

Last edited 5 months ago by Michael
Ruth Broch
Ruth Broch
5 months ago
Reply to  Yakov Dovid

Hashem gave this Land to us, told us to settle it, to be fruitful and multiply HERE and ONLY HERE in Eretz Yisrael! I do not know what discussions or mixed opinions you are listening to, but the Torah says it all extremely clearly!

Jan holtrop
Jan holtrop
5 months ago

I urge my Jewish friends to move to Israel. I will stand by them and help them wherever they are, but Israel is their ark of safety.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
5 months ago

Embrace the Second Amendment. Set up militias where all the men are Jews. Join the US army and, after discharge, train other Jews in your skills.

Above all, be a militant Jew!

Jonathan Usher
Jonathan Usher
5 months ago
Reply to  Robert Whig

In what mythical world are you living? In Toronto one krav mega school was set up by Jewish congress and they closed it after a year. Most Jewish schools do not teach self defence. There are a few private Jewish self defence schools and JDL is setting up a new public Krav Mega school. That seems to be the best we can do to defend ourselves except for pleading with the police to defend our synagogues.

Jonathan Usher
Jonathan Usher
5 months ago
Reply to  Jonathan Usher

In addition I suggested to my synagogue that they set up a Krav Mega school. Instead they set up a pickleball school. To me that said it all.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
5 months ago
Reply to  Jonathan Usher

But that's Canada.

The mythical world is real and is called America.

We must take total advantage of the Second Amendment.

Richard Miller
Richard Miller
5 months ago

More Jewish people living in the United States should embrace the Second Amendment, learn how to defend themselves, and their families. My background is law enforcement. The skills I learned will stay with me for the rest of my lifetime!

5 months ago

As a 2nd generation I was always aware of my parents concerns that Jews were not loved. They welcomed their new life in America. However my mother esp always said she was worried it could happen again. Here we are. It’s happening again. The ONLY salvation is a safe and secure israel. A country that could be a safe harbor should we need to flee. Even Israel became complacent with its political infighting and religious divides. Yes we are the chosen people. Chosen to be hated and admired but always we must be prepared to fight for what we have as well as for our very existence. It IS happening. Question. How do we not allow history to repeat. We fight and stay strong. In Europe and in America. And especially Israel.

Reb B
Reb B
5 months ago
Reply to  Doris

There's a missing ingredient in your recipe for Jewish security, and that's faith in the God of Israel!

5 months ago
Reply to  Reb B

It’s wonderful to believe in G-d. However just remember all of our brothers and sisters and other relatives lost in the Holocaust and other kill Jew campaigns with Jewish prayers on their lips. Belief is not enough. Strength and foresight is needed.

Reb B
Reb B
5 months ago
Reply to  Doris

You're talking about hishtadlut -- effort -- which I agree is essential, but without belief in the Creator who controls everything excluding our free will, our efforts are laughably paltry!
How else can you explain that Jews are the only ancient people who still exist, despite living among antisemites in the Diaspora and now being surrounded by declared enemies in our homeland?
Sure, we have an incredibly dedicated army, but consider that a gentile officer at West Point told cadets there that nothing can be learned from the Six Day War because that victory was clearly a miracle!

Jacques DuPont
Jacques DuPont
5 months ago

I am torn by this article. History can't and shouldn't be denied. But please know that there is also an army of us that live in Europe who will fight (to the death, if needed) to protect all Jewish people. We come from all backgrounds, but we will not let the enemies of Judaism control our countries nor our culture.

5 months ago
Reply to  Jacques DuPont

Good to know there are still decent people everywhere!

Max H
Max H
5 months ago

I always thought America was the exception to this historical 'rule,' because, unlike most other countries it wasn't made up of just one or two ethnicities, but with so many different ones, they could never agree to team up against the Jews. But now, seeing the woke Left and the radical Muslims whose ideology is the former's polar opposite (think women's rights. gender fluidity, etc.) sharing the same bandstand and waving the same flags of anti-Jewish hate, I realize that this is something very deep, irrational...and I'm afraid, inevitable. The question is, what is to be done?

Aryeh Goetz
Aryeh Goetz
5 months ago
Reply to  Max H

What is to be done is an excellent question. There are two basic approaches. (1) Move to Israel where Jewish is the majority and/or (2) Be more Jewish where you are. This means a) studying about and connecting to God and b) studying the Torah (Bible ie: Old Testament and the Oral Law) to understand that antisemitism this "oldest and irrational" hatred is a message from God to follow His Word written and given by God who accepted this responsibility in the Jewish Year 2448 (3,336 years ago) at Mount Sinai, upon their Exodus from slavery in Egypt.
There is a lot of factual evidence to show the Torah is the Truth for Jews and all humanity, if one is interested and willing to listen with an open mind and heart.

Yvonne Trimble
Yvonne Trimble
5 months ago
Reply to  Max H

It's not about the constitution and bill of rights, it's all about MONEY and antisemitic money is flowing into mainstream media, Congress and the WH. Israel may be the only safe haven from this hatred.

5 months ago
Reply to  Yvonne Trimble

And that’s why Netanyahu keeps thanking Biden? That’s why 300,000 people, including the Senate majority leader and the Speaker of the House rallied on the National mall?

5 months ago
Reply to  Max H

Women’s rights in the same category as gender fluidity??? See, when I read that, it seems that you want to take away my right to vote, my daughter’s right to work at a career of her choice, families’ rights to decide when and whether to have children, etc. And if someone wants to use the pronoun “they” instead of she or he, I think it’s dumb but it’s none of my business.

Ruth Broch
Ruth Broch
5 months ago
Reply to  Max H

Pack up and get out and into our ONLY homeland, Israel as soon as you possibly can, that is what must be done!

4 months ago
Reply to  Max H

Your comment is jaded and narrow. It was not the American Left marching in the streets of Charlotte carrying torches and chanting "The Jews will not replace us." The extremes have been empowered in the US by both social and traditional media, and like ants to a crumb, the politicians follow suit and created a propaganda network to garner votes and campaign funds. American Jews and allies need to unify, find common ground, and speak with a single persuasive voice. The beauty of America is that the Jews came here in 1654 along with many other faiths and nationalities in the following years. The Jewish people are not foreigners in the US, they came here in the beginning and are part of the birth of this nation. Embrace that you belong here and don't cower.

5 months ago

I understand the message that this article is trying to convey, but I just wanted to give the Jewish readers hope that there are many non-Jews such as myself who love and respect the Jewish people, and who will fight for them.

5 months ago
Reply to  BBP

Thank you. There were good people during the Holocaust too. Unfortunately there were too many who either cooperated
Acquiesced or turned a blind eye. History does repeat.

5 months ago
Reply to  Doris

Different country, vastly different history.

Yvonne Trimble
Yvonne Trimble
5 months ago
Reply to  Howard

No America is not a different country; it is a country run by corrupt greedy men who r being bought by antisemitic money.

5 months ago
Reply to  Doris

Here in lies the difference with Americans. Yes, the young people have gone off the rails but are easily influenced. If enough very tech savvy people develop TikTok and other social media posts that tell of female atrocities of those they praise, it will mute them to a certain extent.
Additionally, the difference is that the Christian right, for all the wrong reasons, is completely devoted to Israel and making sure it stays in the hands of the “people of the Twelve Tribes.” When you go to the southern states and see churches flying the Israeli flag….that gives me some hope. True, it’s bizarre and worthy of concern but I do believe we aren’t in the kind of danger our grandparents were. The key, is VOTE. You cannot let a fascist leader and their lies grab a hold of the government.

Yvonne Trimble
Yvonne Trimble
5 months ago
Reply to  Debra

Vote? That's idealistic, they stole the WH; Obama brought in enough Muslims to elect 4 antisemitic women to Congress. ME money purchases and funds American mass media, Congress and the WH. The handwritting is on the wall, read it.

5 months ago
Reply to  Debra

Conflict makes news. On numerous campuses, students are writing papers and studying for exams. That’s not news.

Yvonne Trimble
Yvonne Trimble
5 months ago
Reply to  BBP

Am a Zionist Christian who loves and respects the Jewish people and the nation of Israel but my words, my prayers, my support is nothing in the face of antisemitic money pouring into mainstream media, Congress and the WH. America is bought and sold to ME hatred and we r powerless against it.

Ben Blue
Ben Blue
5 months ago
Reply to  Yvonne Trimble

You make excellent points and I appreciate the support that you and other Christians have demonstrated. Jews, Christians and others who value freedom must coalesce to fight Islam, whose proponents' ultimate (and stated) goal is worldwide sharia. God Bless America - and the Second Amendment!

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