About the Author

Harry Rothenberg

Harry Rothenberg, Esq., a partner at The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP and magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, is best known for his successes in the courtroom on behalf of victims of catastrophic injury. His firm is one of the leading personal injury law firms in the United States. Harry is equally passionate about speaking on Jewish topics. A sought-after lecturer for his crowd-pleasing talks, his favorite project is this popular weekly video blog about Jewish holidays and the Torah portion of the week.


How to Grow during Elul

I can’t wait until tomorrow because I get better every day.


The Promised Land

Don't blink or you'll miss Moses' finest moment.


Cash or Credit?

Would you allow G-d to pay you with a credit card?


Tick Tock

Every minute is an opportunity.



Don't miss your chance to impress.



Moses asks his father-in-law Yisro to remain with the Jewish people. But the reason why seems unusual.


Live Long and Prosper

Spock lives on.


Counting Sheep

Most people find it difficult to part with their money.



What's the connection between the prohibition against sorcerous fortune-telling and the obligation to honor the elderly and the wise?


Keyser Soze

What is the significance of the selection of the 2 goats on Yom Kippur?


Candy Crush

What are you doing with your freedom this year?



Why does the person who suspects tzaraas have to consult a kohen?


8th Day

Why is circumcision done on the 8th day, and what does it represent?


Frozen: Purim

Megillas Esther includes a number of phrases borrowed from the Torah. One of them is particularly fascinating.


Magic Moments

Certain special occasions make life worth living.


You're Welcome

Don't forget to say thank you....


You Can Handle It

Almost but not quite the entire Torah portion concerns one topic: the building of the Tabernacle (the Mishkan). What is the other topic and why does it appear now?


Now You See Me, Now You Don't

Moses' name is not in this week's Torah portion. He's gone, but not forgotten.


Builders of the Lost Ark


You're Free To Leave

A Jewish slave goes free after 6 years, unless he unwisely chooses to stay. If he does, his master bores a hole in his ear. Why, and what lesson can we learn?


Prime Rib or Chicken?

Moses gets a new job in this week's Torah portion - and it's a surprising one.


Seize the Day

What happened just before the sea split to allow the Israelites to walk across?



Why was Moses so angry when he left Pharoah's palace for the final time?


Give a Little Bit

Why couldn’t Moses hit the water and ground to bring the first three plagues?


My Big Little Brother

Moses returns to Egypt with what sounds like a wild story. But the Jewish people believe him. Why?


The Evil Eye

Jacob bestows his famous blessing on his grandchildren. But he uses an unusual analogy. Why?


The Truth Hurts

Judah's stirring speech to his brother Joseph still inspires us today.


I Love You, Son

Harry has a special dedication and an explanation of the gift that Jacob sent to the ruler of Egypt - his son, Joseph.


Children of Israel Are Never Alone

Joseph is only a teenager when he is sold as a slave. How was he able to develop enough strength of character to pass so many tests while still so young?


Missing Jacob

Jacob finally returns to Israel but then he waits 2 years before heading to his parents' home. Why did he delay?


Isaac To the Rescue

While Abraham's messenger is looking for a wife for Isaac, Isaac is looking for a new wife for Abraham. But why did Isaac go himself instead of sending a messenger?


Don't Stop Believing

Why do we need to hear about the sons of Abraham's idol-worshipping brother?


Abraham's Bed and Breakfast

In starting the Jewish people, Abraham used his belief in G-d as a stepping stone to a revolutionary philosophy.


Defending the Accused

It was bad enough that Eve sinned when she ate from the Tree of Knowledge. But why did she also give some of the fruit to her husband?


Go to 11: Rosh Hashanah

What type of New Year's resolution should you make?


Do the Happy Dance

Why is it so important to,put a smile on your face when observing G-d's commandments?


Shadow of Death

War is not for the faint of heart.


Koko the Monkey

Funny nicknames are no big deal - or are they?


Manna From Heaven

Moses tells the Jews to remember how G-d tested them in the desert for 40 years by giving them manna. But what was the test?


I Don't Roll On Shabbos

Unplug yourself on Shabbos.


Sin Crouches At the Door: Tisha B'Av

Their sin took place thousands of years ago, but the story of the spies still haunts us.


Cities of Refuge

Before the first personal injury attorneys opened their offices, what happened to people who killed others negligently?


Donkey Talk


Ain't No Woman Like the One I Got

Miriam passes away, but her memory lives on.


The Other Guy

Watch out for that big hole in the ground....


Unity Day

Let's unite.


All Hands On Deck: Shavuot

Do you have any plans this Saturday night?


Got Cholent?

There is more than meets the eye when we sit down to eat on Shabbat afternoon.


Blink of an Eye: Lag Ba'Omer


Love Thy Neighbor

How can we live up to one of the most famous and important passages in the Torah?

Next Steps