Shemittah and Flowers

Aliyah Difficulties

We recently moved to Israel, fulfilling a life dream, but so many things have gone wrong since we arrived. I’m hoping the worst of our issues have been settled by now, but I’m bothered on a more fundamental level. Doesn’t God want us back? Why does He seem to purposely make things difficult when we are only trying to fulfill His will?

The Tabernacle’s Construction and the Shamir

Will There be Sacrifices in the Third Temple?

Will there be sacrifices in the Third Temple? I heard they were only necessary in earlier times when people were more primitive and felt a need to offer sacrifices to God.

Israeli in Diaspora, Second Day Yom Tov

Anointing and “The Anointed One” (Messiah)

The Returning Exiles to Israel

Where Was Salem?

The Borders of Israel Promised to Abraham

Fruit Trees for the First Three Years (Orlah)

The Purpose of the Mishkan (Tabernacle)

The Cruel Death of the Scapegoat

In the Yom Kippur service with the two goats, one of the goats – the se’ir la’azazel – was taken out to be pushed off a cliff – and would be broken to pieces. What was the point of doing something so cruel?

Urim and Thummim

Sacrifices versus Idolatry

Ancient versus Modern Hebrew Script

Israeli Fruit on Tu B’Shvat

Carobs on Tu B’Shvat

Why the Holy Land?

Temple Service - Two Little Goats

Moses: No Entry into Israel

The Power of Mitzvot in Israel

Waging War Against Canaan

Religious-Secular Strife

Jewish Leadership

Abraham – the First Jew

Yeshiva Students and Army Service

Who was Shlomtzion?

Who is a Zionist?

Water from the Rock?

Wall Camera on Shabbat

Walkway to the Mount

What is that large covered walkway leading up the Temple Mount?

Waging War

Trip to Israel

Three Pilgrimage Festivals

Temple Mount

Suicide Bombers

Security Threat

Safe to Visit Israel?

Requirement to Visit Israel?

Red Heifer

Priest on a Rope

Mitzvah to Live in Israel

Medical Volunteer

Leaving Israel

Land for Peace?

Jewish Claim to the Land

Is Gaza Jewish?

Holy City of Many Names

History of Palestine

Four Quarters

Next Steps