I Am Now Politically Homeless

March 27, 2024

7 min read


A lifelong progressive Democrat, Sarah Sultan is disillusioned by the antisemitism she sees in the Democratic party, yet she doesn’t align with the Republican party, despite its staunch support for Israel.

Jews Awakening” is a series of profiles about American Jews from various religious and cultural backgrounds who are strengthening their Jewish identity since October 7th.

From a young age, Sarah Sultan grew up with many Jewish influences in her life: her grandmother – a Holocaust survivor from France, her grandfather – a proud Zionist and JNF member, and her Jewish day school education from grades K-12. When it came time for college, Sarah attended NYU, playfully dubbed “NY Jew” for its sizable Jewish population, and naturally felt at home there – though recently she has been taken aback by the university’s handling of antisemitism on campus.

Sarah’s upbringing was one steeped in Jewish culture and tradition, but only lightly observant; she didn’t grow up keeping Kosher or Shabbat. Since college, she has remained exposed to Jewish traditions through her job as a nursery school teacher at a Jewish day school.

When Sarah was 9, she visited Israel for the first time for a family Bar Mitzvah, eventually returning for subsequent trips in her teens and late twenties, and most recently, this past December. Each visit touched her deeply.

I realized just how much people like to hate Jews.

“I felt there was something in my soul that was connected.” She maintains close ties to the country through her friend Sunny, who is Israeli, and her family, including a cousin currently serving as a lone soldier in the IDF.

The news of the October 7th massacre induced in her sheer panic for the safety of her loved ones. Sarah vividly recalls how she received real-time updates from Sunny as the attack unfolded. Not realizing the magnitude of the situation, she hastily reassured her friend not to worry, only to find out later just how serious the events were. It was several gut-wrenching hours before Sarah received confirmation that her family was okay. That day was a turning point which strengthened her love for Israel and the Jewish people. “I always felt a certain connection to the land but on Oct 7th it blew me right open and it became so much more than it ever had been before.”

At first, there were uncomfortable reckonings to be had with antisemitism and her political identity. “I realized just how much people like to hate Jews,” she says. “I never realized how deep antisemitism goes, and I never realized how people veil it.” But it soon came into focus during an interaction with a non-Jewish friend, who confidently claimed one can be anti-Zionist without being antisemitic, and again when an acquaintance posted “Gaza just broke out of prison” on Instagram after the October 7th attack. She has since honed a sharp eye for spotting subtle, yet nefarious, antisemitic remarks, often shrouded in social justice buzzwords or couched in trendy TikTok videos.

A lifelong progressive Democrat, Sarah has become disillusioned by what she sees as virulent antisemitism from the Democratic party, yet she does not align with the values of the Republican party despite its staunch support for Israel. This dissonance has left her feeling “politically homeless” – albeit with a clearer understanding of why many Jews support Donald Trump.

“When the 2016 election happened and Jewish people were saying ‘well Trump is very good for Israel’ I kept saying ‘well I don’t live in Israel I don’t care, I don’t like him here, and this is where I live,’” she says. “Now, I still don’t like Trump but I understand why Israel should be an issue in an American election.”

In recent months, Sarah has had to endure frequent patronizing from many conservative Jewish friends who claim the attacks would never have happened had Trump remained in power. Apart from being irritating, she sees this attitude as a hindrance to getting more liberal Jews engaged in pro-Israel activism. “If I’m going to throw myself into a group of people who treat me like I’m an idiot, why do I want to be there?”

Sarah believes there is a need for greater inclusion among the Jewish community, starting by understanding that “Jews are Jews are Jews.”

More generally, Sarah believes there is a need for greater inclusion among the Jewish community, starting by understanding that “Jews are Jews are Jews.” As she puts it, “when the terrorists busted into the kibbutzim, they didn't ask who has one Jewish parent and who has two. They didn’t care. Ironically, Hamas sees us as all one being and we are the ones who are dividing ourselves.”

October 7th brought Sarah’s family’s history into perspective in a raw way, and she sees parallels between the Holocaust and what Israeli citizens experienced at the hands of Hamas. The attacks have imbued her with a sense of responsibility to speak up for Israel at every opportunity. “As the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor, the fact that Israel exists is so important. I feel we owe it to every Holocaust survivor to stand up right now. What did they go through that for? My grandmother didn’t survive a genocide for me to witness another genocide.”

October 7th has catalyzed Sarah’s activism for Israel. She goes to every rally she can and has helped to distribute posters of the hostages across New York City. While some passersby have given her dirty looks, others have taken the opportunity to engage with questions. “Someone asked me, do you know that person on the poster personally? I said no I don’t, but she’s my sister.”

While hanging up posters, she pays close attention to her physical image and the way in which it might affect perceptions of the Jewish community. “I always made sure I was dressed nicely and that my hair and makeup were done because I wanted to present a civilized front; I wanted to look approachable.” Sarah has also started paying membership dues at a local synagogue and has begun to observe Shabbat regularly – but with some limitations, such as using phones – “because I have a nervous mother and she needs to hear from me on Saturdays.”

Staying quiet is simply not an option.

In addition to protesting, she has been spending time reading, studying, and attending lectures on Middle East history in order to form robust arguments against anti-Israel narratives. Education, she says, “is the most important thing Jews can be doing in addition to showing up for Israel.” Sarah views lack of knowledge and fear as some of the many reasons many Jews choose not to get involved. “I think people are afraid to get into confrontations. I think people are afraid to offend anybody. I think the world has become very politically correct.”

For Sarah, staying quiet is simply not an option. “My family survived the Spanish inquisition. We've been through things. We’ve stood up time and time again, I’m not about to lay down now. I’m the product of all of this survival. Why would I lay down now?”

Since October 7th, she has felt intense “brotherly love” for her community; every Jewish woman is her sister, every man, her brother. It is this love and strength that keeps her fighting day after day. “I’ve always been proud to be Jewish but I’ve never been SO proud to be Jewish. I have never been so proud of my people; I’ve never been so in love with my country.”

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DW Duke
DW Duke
29 days ago

The DNC is not the party it was back in the 60s through the 80s. Listen to long time party members like Alan Dershowitz, Tulsi Gabbard, and Robert F. Kennedy. The Free Speech Movement party has become the party of Sit Down and Shut Up and is funding terrorism throughout the Middle East. I rarely comment on political parties but it is directly on point here.

29 days ago

Thank you! This is exactly how I feel. And I have so few Jewish friends that I feel isolated from my other friends and coworkers who have no understanding of what we've been going through since October 7. Thank you.

29 days ago

Sarah is beginning to wake up and smell the coffee. Times in America have changed and the Jewish people here are now beginning to reap what the Democratic party has sown.

"They didn’t care. Ironically, Hamas sees us as all one being and we are the ones who are dividing ourselves.”"

Not only Hamas but most all fundamentalist Muslims think the same way. Muslims in America are celebrating Oct 7th. The primary reason they hate you is because of their religion. Muhammad hated the Jews and his teachings instill that hatred in the hearts of the majority of Muslims.

Biden and the democrat party is stabbing Israel in the back in order to win Muslim votes in Michigan. It will not get better. Your strongest friends now are the Evangelicals and Charismatics.

1 month ago

During my time at Brandeis, I championed social liberalism, dismissing traditional values as arbitrary constraints. However, delving into Torah teachings revealed a deeper truth: many traditional values align with spiritual realities, guiding us toward a greater purpose. Now, I understand that these values aren't arbitrary but essential for spiritual well-being, even if they contradict contemporary norms.

1 month ago

She is not alone. She should look into Zioness. It's a progressive, human rights oriented, Zionist organization.

Ben Blue
Ben Blue
1 month ago

Like it or not, as Jews, we're "stuck" with the choices that exist - not the ones we WISHED existed. In November, I'm not voting for a saint or a Torah scholar - are you? I'm not voting for a candidate whose every stance on the issues mirrors mine - because no such person exists. But one need not be a genius to see what the DemIzlamik WokePeeplz Partee is and what it stands for: The demise of Israel. One not be frum (or even observant) to prioritize our strength and survival. The author gets a kudo or two for achieving a bit of self-realization, but the lockstep devotion of Jews to the increasingly illiberal "liberals" of the Jew-hating left remains intact for her, albeit weakened a bit after October 7. *Personally, I'd like to see Lt. Col. Allen West in the WH - but he's not running.

1 month ago
Reply to  Ben Blue

I agree 100%. Welll articulated.

29 days ago
Reply to  Ben Blue

The Democratic Party is NOT anti-Israel. I refuse to be a single-issue voter. I am also considering RFK Jr, whose father was assassinated by a Palestinian terrorist.

29 days ago
Reply to  Rachel

RFK jr. has stated that immunizations cause autism. That is a myth which has been debunked time and again. It is a dangerous myth and quite frankly I wish he would educate himself about autism and other learning/developmental disabilities.

28 days ago
Reply to  Nancy

That bothers me, but I think he’s pro-Israel

Alan S.
Alan S.
1 month ago

Sarah, you are not alone. I feel the same way you do.

1 month ago

I'm glad she somewhat discussed the dilemma she finds herself in, and has begun to analyze her beliefs. I hope she finds the truth. However, whenever I listen to Jewish Democrats who are surprised and disappointed to find out that the Democratic Party suffers from a virulent antisemitism, I also find that they refuse to vote Republican (something I find shocking), and that they refuse to outline the reasons they wish they could remain affiliated with the Democrats.

Are they afraid that if they gave their reasons for wishing they could continue their affiliation with the Democrats at this dangerous time, people would criticize their reasons as frivolous, or worse?

At times I get the feeling that my Jewish Democrat acquaintances were living in a fantasy world, and that some still are.

29 days ago
Reply to  sarita

The GOP may be pro-Israel, but many are against Jews in the US. For instance, attempts to restrain academic freedom, favoring school prayer, endorsing closing of business on Sunday but not necessarily Saturday. More broadly, their values do not align with Jewish values, which include helping the poor and safeguarding the rights of all.

29 days ago
Reply to  Rachel

"More broadly, their values do not align with Jewish values, which include helping the poor and safeguarding the rights of all."

That's not true Rachel. Conservative Christians, which are the Republican base, are far more engaged in helping the poor and needy than the liberals. I am a Christian and I respect Judaism and my Jewish friends. I know how Jewish Americans have contributed greatly to American in all fields of science and medicine. Try talking to some of us instead of relying upon liberal caricatures.

29 days ago
Reply to  jimbo6

Thank you for your reply. My point was directed at the GOP organization. I am aware that many Christian individuals give generously. However, the party platform opposes things such as Medicaid (and even Medicare), Social Security, a living minimum wage, voting rights, etc. Likewise, most Jews do not believe that a human embryo has a soul, nor do any of us believe that some sort of rite must be performed on an infant in order for it to be “saved”, which is the theological reason given for opposing abortion and some forms of birth control. Judaism puts the life of a pregnant woman before that of the fetus she is carrying.
Liberals did not march in Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us”. There are those on the Far Left who hate us, but they are in the minority.

29 days ago
Reply to  Rachel

Rachel, again, it's not true that the Republican platform opposes Social Security. Even the leftwing PolitiFact documents this. Any politician with a quarter of a brain knows that Soc. Sec. is a sacred cow. Both the Repub and Demos know that it is in fiscal trouble and needs to be fixed and two Repub plans have been presented and none adopted and likely won't be adopted. Likewise claiming that the platform opposes Medicare and Medicaid is untrue. Medicare is also in financial straights and needs to be fixed. It is disingenuous to present the Repubs as "opposing" them. To fix those financial problems requires cutting spending or raising taxes. I support cutting spending.

I could continue with your untrue statements but you're working off of a caricature, not the facts.

29 days ago
Reply to  Rachel

Theologically, Jews and Repubs have some things in common and some things not. I am not familiar enough with the Jewish community to speak for it but I know there are many devout Jews who believe in God and seek to obey Him. They have far more in common with conservative Christians than they do with liberals.

You're statements on Christianity's opposition to abortion are somewhat off base. The early church, which drew some degree of thought from Judaism, was very anti-abortion. They valued human life which is why they also opposed the Pagan customs of abandoning unwanted children and letting them die in the wild.

28 days ago
Reply to  jimbo6

I’m a devout Jew who believes in G-d and seeks to obey Him. This includes keeping the Sabbath, only eating kosher, dressing modestly, giving charity: I could go on.
It’s my understanding that the New Testament does not say a word about abortion, which was very rare in the 1st century CE. Certainly Judaism, Christianity and Islam prohibit exposing infants to die. I know that some Christians baptize infants, who they consider not saved without baptism.
And most Jews fully support IVF, so that couples having difficulty conceiving a child can have a baby.
Finally, given two millennia of antisemitism including by popes, Martin Luther, etc, it’s hard to believe that any other peoples care about Jews. I know some support Israel because they want us all to move there.

28 days ago
Reply to  Rachel

Are you listening to the GOP directly or are you listening through the lens filtered by the DNC and its media allies? The difference is substantial.

1 month ago

Trump was the one who signed the legislation to protect Jew on campus. He saw what was happening before October 7th. His daughter and grandbaby are Jewish.

I am checking out the book:

‘Betrayal: The Failure of the American Jewish Leadership’ by Charles Jacobs and Avi Goldwasser

"American Jewry is under siege, ideologically and physically. A new critically acclaimed book details how establishment Jewish organizations have failed to respond effectively to these mounting assaults".

Ephraim Ponce
Ephraim Ponce
1 month ago

She's not the only one. The GOP is MOSTLY supportive of Israel, but the rest of their values are horrible. It is the worst party the US has had since the Know Nothings EXCEPT for the National Socialist Party (formerly Democratic). Professor Dershowitz is also suffering from being left out in the cold politically. I voted for Trump twice, and I will again. What many of the Trump haters do not realize is that he is generally despised within the GOP. He has the support of many, but they still don't like him because he is NOT a politician! Part of what offends so many people (myself included) is that he frequently engages mouth before his brain is in gear. As repugnant as that can be, HE IS HONEST. You know where you stand with him, and he did many many good things for the US.

1 month ago

Whatever Trump has done for Israel was only for his evangelical base and their end-times narrative. Biden is too old. Remember the Yiddish expression "Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas." Both parties suck.

1 month ago
Reply to  Shozhie

Shozie -- Trump's daughter and grandbaby are Jewish.

As far as Christians go, Jesus was a Jew who was pro-Israel so read the Bible (Joel 3), He damns to Hell all who oppose Israel.

Melanie Gadsdon
Melanie Gadsdon
1 month ago
Reply to  Noname

Thank you. I like your comments.

Alan Bly
Alan Bly
1 month ago

Trump is a gruff guy. Even he wouldn't deny that. But the slanderous myths that have been relentlessly thrown at him have taken root in the American Jewish "community". It's really time that American Jewish voters began to do some real reflection and intellectual examination of the realities there. Obama proved he was the leader of the Democrat Party years ago and he plainly continues to be. And he also made clear what the Party's ambivalence about Israel and its security, not to mention Jews in America, would lead to. It's all there right in front of our eyes now.

1 month ago
Reply to  Alan Bly

A “Gruff guy”…!? A grift, a crook, a fraudster, not a very good businessman, a liar .. treasonous.. I can go on and on.

1 month ago
Reply to  Yosef

That’s a very silly question. Why would I as a proud Jew prefer anti-semites. It is quite ignorant to suggest that the Democratic and Progressives who attended the pro- Palestine marches are my friends.
Are the January 6th rioters who stormed the capitol and beat up the Police officers your friends?? Are the Neo-Nazi’s that marched in Charlottesville, chanting “ Jews will not replace us” your friends??

Max H
Max H
1 month ago
Reply to  Yosef

You mean 'can go on and on' with with the list of media-manufactured calumnies that have brainwashed and hoodwinked many otherwise intelligent Jews.

1 month ago
Reply to  Max H


Maritime guy
Maritime guy
1 month ago

When it comes to Israel and the Mideast, an excellent guide is "Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict," by Mitchell Bard. It's available free of charge online at Jewish Virtual Libary.com.

1 month ago

Thank you for writing this and thank you AISH for publishing. Very important article for us all to reflect upon.

1 month ago

Liberal Jews think their arms will fall off if they vote Republican. Get over it and recognize that the vast majority of Democrats hate you.

1 month ago
Reply to  Jerry

That's the thing, they wish Democrats loved them. Why? Who knows?

Melanie Gadsdon
Melanie Gadsdon
1 month ago

I think most people are secretly anti semitic. I have always been very guarded about my faith and hide my Magen David. I have been bullied for being Jewish so what do I do about it? I can’t be bothered to fight back. I just walk away.

29 days ago

I’m sorry you feel that way. It’s one thing not to put oneself in immediate danger. It’s another to say “I can’t be bothered to fight back.” The Jews of Europe tried to “just walk away”. My husband’s maternal grandparents thought they would be safe in France, but his grandfather died in Auschwitz. Anne Frank’s family fled Germany and started a successful business in Holland, only to be discovered and murdered. We only survive when we stand up for each other. Courage.

28 days ago

Most people are anti semantic? Globally? Just in America? Maybe you feel that way mostly because you have bullied, I cannot imagine going through something like that. I do not believe that's true, that most people are anti semantic. If it means anything to you, I have only talked with 5 to 10 people who ever talked that way in my whole life.

Arnon Furman
Arnon Furman
1 month ago

The Republic Party is like Israel, lies told about both. The Liberal Democrat Jew is no naive about the Republic Party I’ve been apart of all my life. Read this: Israeli Hostage families denied entry to Colorado House of Representatives
The Colorado House of Representatives is controlled by 46 Democrats to 19 Republicans.
What had saved so many Israeli lives the Democrats decided this;
House Democrats on Tuesday removed $1 billion in funding for Israel's Iron Dome air defense system. Sep 21, 2021 https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/house-democrats-remove-money-israels-iron-dome-system/story?id=80155316

1 month ago

Both parties have extreme wings that are anti-Semitic. If you'll remember President Trump has a strong abiding love for NAZIs and White Nationalists. It is the Republican Party in the House of Representatives that refuses to fund aid to Israel (a first in US History). President Biden has stood by Israel this whole time, regardless of the political consequences. If he loses this election it will be because of his support for Israel. I am an orthodox Jew and as such I have always felt that the Democratic party reflects those values best. It is wonderful that Sarah has taken upon herself to become more aware about her Judaism and has taken upon herself to be more observant. May we see peace soon while keeping Israel safe.

1 month ago
Reply to  Grace

“Biden has stood by Israel this whole time”!?!?Not true. Biden is no friend of Israel

Max H
Max H
1 month ago
Reply to  Shelly

Yes, stood by, as in 'stood by and watched'.

1 month ago
Reply to  Shelly

I agree.

1 month ago
Reply to  Grace

First off - Trump's daughter and grandbaby are Jewish. Trump is also pro-Israel - he moved the embassy, and created the Abraham accords. Trump was the one who signed the legislation to protect Jews on campus. He saw what was happening before October 7th. He denounced white supremacy 38 times and declared the KKK a hate group.

The Left and white supremacists are anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian due to Grand Mufti and his Nazi Jew hatred. Biden is undermining Israel behind the scenes watch the Caroline Glick show on JNS, she describes how he is giving lip service but trying to undermine Israel and Netanyahu.

I am checking out the book:
‘Betrayal: The Failure of the American Jewish Leadership’ by Charles Jacobs and Avi Goldwasser

1 month ago
Reply to  Grace

You mean like public schools teaching your child that they might be a girl trapped in a boy’s body? (This is none of your business, parent, says public schools.) And he, I mean “she”, can compete against real females? What about unlimited border access? Who knows who we let in? I believe it’s just a matter of time before our next 9/11. These are NOT JEWISH VALUES.

1 month ago
Reply to  Grace

Also. Trump has bragged that he can grab a woman where he so chooses. (I'm cleaning that up). Additionally, he mocked a disabled reporter. His developmental level stopped at the age of 12. He does not care about the American public. He only wants to be a star, as he was on TV. With that said, I am not calling Biden perfect. And btw--I happen to be a fan of a local Republican assemblywoman who has done a lot for the disabled community. I voted for her in one of our local elections. (I am a special education advocate).

1 month ago
Reply to  Grace

Biden wants aid to Ukraine, Israel bundled with $4.5B. Each one needs separate consideration. Buden wants to fund additional NGO's with $4.5B to process illegal border crossers.

29 days ago
Reply to  Grace

We are all victim's of what we think we know. To believe that the republicans do not want to help Israel is on par with believing the democrats are not in the streets screaming from the river to the sea.

1 month ago

I understand exactly how this writer feels. I too am an imperfect Shabbat observer. We need to respect one another's views. I love reading what the other aish commenters have to say. However, the minute I see any name calling anywhere (thankfully not here!) I'm out.

Jossi Fries
Jossi Fries
1 month ago
Reply to  Nancy

In the far past between 1990 and 1998 a brutal fruming out of my family has been taking place.Just like Jews calls last Israeli Simchat Torah the "black Shabbat", I call this period "the black period".In december 1998 something bad happened to us that compelled us to be united with the family of my mother,scorned of being "lightly" observant...It took me 10 years to get back to my true self.I don't see any contradiction of being a nude recreationer(coed...) and a meticuluos Shabbat observer.Should this combination lead to negative consequences to my future generations down the road,I'll accept it as a destiny.Today, the more people are scorned because their frivilous way of observance,even if I might not agree with them, the more interesting it is for me to get to know them.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
1 month ago

I hope these events mark the end of Jewish involvement in Democratic and Progressive politics.

President Trump is the greatest friend that Israel has ever had.

He moved the US embassy to Jerusalem.

He brought about the Abraham Accords.

His daughter married a Jew and converted to Judaism.

I would urge all Jews to vote for President Trump.

"Every Jewish woman is my sister; every Jewish man is my brother".

What a noble thought!

1 month ago
Reply to  Robert Whig

Don't forget recognizing Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights and stopping the State Department doctrine of viewing Yehuda and Shomron as occupied territories.

1 month ago
Reply to  Robert Whig

Please understand that the Democratic Party has an extreme wing as well as the Republican Party. This said, President Biden, has come under attacks because of his support for Israel, he has given or sold Israel bombs as well as aircraft. Even on the day that the IDF killed 7 “Food workers”.. But you support Trump because his daughter converted to Judaism?.. Moved the U.S embassy to Jerusalem? Abraham accords!!!??. Where Kushner has profited and continues too?!.. Has an affection for dictators who have and are currently persecuting our people. Really!? , May I suggest that you read a little more about the current events. If we are divided as Jews about simply Right and Wrong.. doing the right things,Integrity, treating others as we would like to be treated, Justice, May HaShem help us.

1 month ago
Reply to  Yosef

I want him to do nothing. He has already done enough damage to our Democracy. I support Integrity, Justice, Peace, Democracy, Respect, Good, Truth. Have a great night Robert.

1 month ago
Reply to  Yosef

The Democrats are very close to the Iranian Mullahs. It's important that you be aware of this, as a start, although there is much more you need to inform yourself about.

29 days ago
Reply to  Sarita

Please provide sources for this comment. Thank you.

29 days ago
Reply to  Rachel

I wish the person who disliked this comment had explained what is wrong with asking for sources. Reasonable people are always willing to provide information in a civil discussion.

29 days ago
Reply to  Yosef

what does Kushner have to do with anything. He makes a profit? Biden knows he will lose the Christian vote if he goes to hard Israel. The evangelical vote. The Democratic Party, and I used to be Democrat, is mostly extreme leftist now. The conservative Christian's have not pushed all of the horrible issues in our schools. They did not close down the police, they are not marching screaming from the river to the sea, etc. etc. etc.. may I suggest you start with changing what you read about current events. I may not be Jewish, but as a noahide, not a drop of Christianity in me, I know right from wrong, doing the right things, treating others as we like to be treated, Justice. I also pray Hashem will help us and believe that truly only he can fix these problems.

1 month ago
Reply to  Robert Whig

Well said.

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