Anchorless: Young Jews Need to Learn about the Story of the Jewish People

December 19, 2023

6 min read


The next chapter of the story of the Jewish People is being written and you play a role in it.

I grew up hearing from my parents about the open antisemitism that unleashed fear and eventually the hell of the Holocaust. My grandparents told me about the indifference of neighbors they had thought were friends. The vicious slogans, the boycotts, the beatings, the book burnings, and the laws against the Jews that all thought were impossible to occur in a cultured society.

No one thought it could happen. After all, to be highly educated means that you live with higher morals and clarity, right?


In just a few weeks we have seen the eruption of hatred unlike anything we have ever personally witnessed. Today we see the indifference of those who are sitting in the seats of authority. Hiding behind legalese they speak about “context” and close their eyes as rants calling for genocide against the Jews, “global intifada,” “resistance by any means, in all forms” shake the grounds of their campuses.

After beheading, raping, burning and kidnapping, you would imagine there would be widespread revulsion for their beastly behavior. Instead they are celebrated by professors, students, and mobs in the streets.

Hamas, an openly anti-Jewish terrorist organization, has become the new superhero of the younger generation. Their 1988 founding charter endorses the murder of every Jew on earth. Their leaders have called for “Jihad against every Jew.” After beheading, raping, burning and kidnapping, you would imagine there would be widespread revulsion for their beastly behavior. Instead they are celebrated by professors, students, and mobs in the streets. “We are all Hamas” they shout. A week after the terrorists' hands were stained with the blood of our people, they declared their intention to repeat the murderous acts of October 7th again and again until Israel is wiped off the planet.

Instead of crying out at the injustice of innocent babies, women and civilians being taken hostage, body parts cut off, women violently violated as they plead for a quick death, the world is back to blaming the Jews for the massacre they bring upon themselves.

As the world simmers, Israel and the Jewish people, are called “colonizers”, “occupiers”, “murderers”, and an “apartheid state.” Shockingly, a majority of 18-24 year olds think that Israel should be ended and given to Hamas. They were the largest proportion of respondents who disagreed with the statement that Israel has the right to exist. Young Americans hold more anti-Jewish sentiment than any other group and agreed with a slew of antisemitic statements including “Jews have too much power in America,” “Israel exploits Holocaust victimhood for its own purposes”, and “Israel has too much control over global affairs.” One in five young Americans believe the Holocaust is a myth.

How dare the world forget!

I grew up with half my family missing. I never got to hear my grandmother’s sweet lullaby, never got to be held by my grandfather, feel their love or hear their voice. Cousins, aunts and uncles were shadows above us, whose names we carried. We lived because they could not. They were shoved into cattle cars, murdered, burned in ovens, gasping their very last breaths as the world remained silent. To call the Holocaust a myth is to deny their final dignity, their story, their very soul. To disbelieve the atrocities of that dark time allows us to turn a blind eye to what is happening today. Deleting the memories permits the world to erase the magical moment that brought us the gift of our land, of Israel.

Too many of our young generation lack the knowledge of Jewish history that provides essential context to the present conflict.

There was no country in the world who would take my parents in. The orphans, the broken hearted, the dry bones, had no where on earth to go. My parents had to sit in displaced persons camps while begging country after country for permission to begin life anew. The Israel that was born and sheltered the shattered nation is the Israel of today that continues to shelter us, and nurture our faith in tomorrow.

Too many of our young generation lack the knowledge of Jewish history that provides essential context to the present conflict. They protest, they scream, they speak out against the one place on earth that the Jewish nation calls home. For thousands of years we have dreamed of Jerusalem, we have called out its name as we faced the destruction of our Temples, were sold as slaves in the markets of Rome, crucified in the crusades, tortured in the Inquisitions, endured blood libels, gas chambers, and concentration camps. We never lost our hope of returning to our land, and to Jerusalem.

As we sat by the rivers of Babylon, we wept as we remembered Zion. Today, we cry again as we mourn those beautiful souls who were cruelly massacred and taken. We grieve for the young soldiers who are giving their lives defending our land. But here’s the difference. Miraculously, after thousands of years, we have come home. We stand before the Western Wall of our ancient Temple, a fortress of faith, testimony to the Divine promise of the Jew. We walk the very earth that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob walked. We, the Jewish people, will never forfeit our eternal legacy.

The hatred we see on streets around the world and on college campuses across America is intertwined with the canceling of our long history. My parents’ story began with intimidation, harassment, and revulsion of the Jew. As I watch the same story repeat itself, I know that we must be committed to hold onto our faith, our love for one another, and for the truth of our destiny.

The Torah warns us, after being attacked by the nation of Amalek, “Zachor! Remember!” Never forget those who try to wipe you off the face of this earth. Knowledge is power. The Jewish People do not have “history”; we have a “story” – a personal story about the Jewish family that speaks to us from the beginning of time until today. On Passover night we retell our story for each new generation to hear, strengthening the current link in the chain, and we recall, “In every generation they try to obliterate us, but God saves us from their hands.”

When you lose your memory, you surrender your story and become anchorless. Learn about your spiritual inheritance. Embrace your family’s story and deepen your understanding of what it means to be a Jew.

The next chapter of the story of the Jewish People is being written and you play a role in it. Stand strong.

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4 months ago

It’s well known in intelligence orgs. - like: American mil/civ - other trustworthy-reputable intelligence groups - also trustworthy news media & fact checking groups Etc., they have learned that - certain rancorous-belligerent regimes - like: China/Iran/North Korea/Quatar/Russia - & others - are NOTORIOUS - in that they have a hidden - jealous hate agenda - toward successful Imperialist America/Israel. On certain issues - they feed FALSE ENGLISH MISINFORMATION - OR POLITICALLY CORRECT PROPAGANDA - to the Liberal Anglo speaking community & media(s) & other nations as well. Continued below.

4 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

Continued from above. However - intelligence groups - have learned - that - in their own country - in their language/dialect/ & off-the-table undercurrent threats. They teach a much different version of the issue - to their own people. Back door alliances - with hidden agendas - with like-minded nations are made.

Maria Francisca de Carvalho
Maria Francisca de Carvalho
4 months ago

E todas as nacões que te fizerem guerra, ó casa de Israel, voltar-se-ão umas contra as outras e cairão no abismo que abriram para apanhar na armadilha o povo do Senhor. E todos os que lutarem contra Sião serão destruídos; (1 Nefi 22:14).
Israel e o povo judeu vencerá!

4 months ago

The FIRST reason as has been stated in other articles by Aish is - that many of our leaders - believing they were protecting us - downplayed teaching too overtly - our children - And - THE NON JEWISH WORLD. The 2nd reason is - JEALOUSY. Even though - G-D made provisions for a CONVERT TO JUDAISM. A little research shows that - without needing to convert - many religions - cultures - people - saw/see themselves as ENTITLED & COMMANDEERED the COVENANT THAT G-D MADE WITH THE ANCESTORS OF THE JEWISH NATION. The Torah/Prophets - were revised/reworded by them - to reflect - a different interpretation. Prior to more recent history - there were NO VALIDATED CLAIMS - by other religions - refuting OUR 4000 Year History & 3500 years ago - the giving of the WRITTEN TORAH TO US BY G-D!

4 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

I don't think you mean "jealousy". You are describing "jealousy" when you write: "many ... see themselves as entitled ... [to] the covenant that G-d made with the ancestors of the Jewish nation." Jews who feel this are the jealous ones.

Do Palestinians fear that their land is being taken away from them? That would be jealousy.

You may mean "covetousness", however, as you point out, others, namely Christians and Muslims, have simply taken what they coveted, the Torah, and made it their own. There is no reason for them to covet what the Jews have.

BTW, Muslims similarly and equally erroneously try to attribute "Islamophobia" to jealousy/envy.

4 months ago
Reply to  ADS

ADS - FYI in the dictionary - it says - jealousy - to be like (X) person/thing - or what they have. So - JEWS - already have the COVENANT FROM G-D. The only jealousy - was/are those like Korah - who wanted to be of the PRIESTLY Class. All Non-Jews don't have a 4000 year history - and a 3500 year old Torah Covenant & LAWS with G-D. They aren't entitled to the Land of Canaan THAT OUR G-D gave to us - FOREVER! OR - the other protections - blessings - our G-D - gave to the Jewish Nation People Converts. The Muslim belief began - in 700 AD/CE.. Their Jealousy - can be attributed to even more Modern Muslim teaching - which says that - it was Ishmael - whom G-D chose - not Isaac. Yes - you can say Palestinians/Arabs/others - are jealous - of the land they've commandeered from Israel.

4 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

First of all, you should consult with a more detailed dictionary which distinguishes careful usage. Jealousy is resentfulness towards a rival like a jealous husband/wife who believes that their spouse is unfaithful. It does NOT refer to the adulterer who desires another's spouse. Another example: Exodus 20:5 is translated into bona fide English in the King James Version as "Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God ...".

YOU are the one expressing jealousy.

4 months ago
Reply to  ADS

More unnecessary obfuscation - as there's no need to go to every possible dictionary use of Jealousy. I chose the appropriate one. The others - can also be used. Your quote of Exodus is using the KJV - instead of - a LEGITIMATE HEBREW translation - is taken slightly out of CONTEXT - the CONTEXT - is also INCOMPLETE. If you somehow see me as being jealous - my apologies - as concerning my desire to present true facts - I'm not jealous of being obtuse - or contentious.

4 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

Being an Orthodox Jew - has nothing to do with the issue. It's all about the Covenant G-D made with - ALL the descendants of ABRAHAM - Forever! By NOT Accepting - Asserting our HISTORICAL LINEAGE & Covenant that G-D gave the Jewish Nation People/Converts - demeans - & disrespects - our relationship - with G-D! If you widen your research - to include - other resources - who report on what is being taught by Imams - or (X group etc.,) - you just might find the same answers we have - and maybe see the insidious - pernicious damage that's being done - by SOWING THE SEEDS OF DOUBT - JEALOUSY! Like the snake did to Eve in Genesis. And that's about all pertinent issues mankind faces.

4 months ago
Reply to  Gershom


Your accusations regarding Ishmael are unsupported in the Qur'an. ALL of the Jewish prophets, including Isaac, Moses, David and Solomon are explicitly identified as prophets of Allah in Islam. Please show me a Muslim source claiming that the Land of Israel was NOT given to the Children of Israel.

This is not the first time that I've heard this claim, yet, I've not seen the basis for it.

4 months ago
Reply to  ADS

I didn't quote the Quran. I follow many of the other resources - and media teachings - who quote what Imams are teaching. As I mentioned before - it's a MODERN INTERPRETATION - that has begun to take hold like a seed (of doubt) - when they discovered - a way to obfuscate - and began claiming - Ishmael - was actually the one G-D chose. This kind of latent obfuscation - has been going on for Eons. Currently - we see this all over the various media - from their selected columnists - and on air pundits and analysts. We see it occurring across many different international governmental and U.N. bodies. And we see it here on Aish.

4 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

So you can't cite even one article?

I'm certainly not defending Islamism, however, this political ideology is deeply rooted in a literal reading of the Qur'an. The Qur'an is as anti-Jewish as anything that 20th Century Europe produced and gives plenty of excuses for hating Jews. However, a grudge related to Ishmael is not one of those.

The Qur'an is clear that the Holy Land was given to the Children of Israel.

5:20 Remember when Moses said to his people: 'My people, remember Allah's favour upon you when He raised Prophets amongst you and appointed you rulers, and granted to you what He had not granted to anyone else in the world.

5:21 My people! Enter the holy land which Allah has ordained for you; and do not turn back for then you will turn about losers.

4 months ago
Reply to  ADS

Stop already with the Quran citing. I said - I wasn't using it as THE SOURCE - there is too much controversy - on the EXACT INTERPRETATION(s). IF - I'd have known that - someone who hasn't/won't research for validation - would need the article source. I'd have to have a warehouse - to house every source I monitor. If as you stated before - you've heard the claims from more than me. Then let me assure you - there must be some authenticity - to what I'm telling you. You'll have to accept my word - as I have integrity - and as the TORAH states - Don't lie to one another. IF you're not able to do that - then - I'll just keep praying that - G-D - will help you find a way to have true peace with Him - and us.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gershom
4 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

Nah, you're stirring him up.But keep calm and carry on.Makes good screen time.

4 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

The Qur'an is the primary source for what Muslims say. If the Qur'an says something, you can be sure that Muslims are not being taught the opposite.

Looking at this further, it seems that the Isaac/Ishmael conflict myth is coming from certain Christians who want you to believe that the Jews and the Arabs have always been fighting. Maybe they think that the current fighting has something to do with signs of the Second Coming. I don't know. I try to ignore viewpoints based on superstition.

I'm not questioning your integrity but that doesn't mean that you couldn't have your facts wrong. I don't mind being corrected when I'm wrong; you shouldn't mind, either.

4 months ago
Reply to  ADS

Boy - are you an UNINFORMED PERSON. Though we have the Written Torah - from G-D. The Orthodox Haredim - Mizrachi - Conservative - Reform - Ultra Reform - ALL have variations of the interpretations and minhagim of what G-D meant - by what He wrote. As do the Notzrim - including Jews for the son of G-D - who RECOGNIZE the Old Testament -which they basically teach is no longer valid. They have many preachers who teach a variety of interpretations - but have CLAIMED ERRONEOUSLY - that G-D abandoned the Jewish People and started a new religion. Which BTW - has just been celebrated. I use Torah and OR other facts/resources that are VALIDATED - from/with - the ORIGINAL SOURCES - and not SUPERSTITIONS - OR my OWN interpretations. Good day.

4 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

Much of the skepticism expressed on here - reminds me of the people of Marco Polos time. When he returned from his travels - with stories about huge animals tall & with very long necks - some with horns on their noses - some with very LONG STRONG noses. The people reacted with - scorn - skepticism & ridicule. They'd NEVER SEEN - or HEARD of such things. Therefore it cannot be true - he must be a drunken lier. BTW - FYI - The Issac/Ishmael story - one of the latest story tellers - was Arafat - who claimed/taught in Arab Media - that Ishmael was the TRUE one - chosen by G-D - Not Isaac. I'd say - that's a departure from the teachings of the Quran.

4 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

Sounds like you have a reference from Arafat? Where's the source? Let's talk about what he actually said. Did he, in fact, claim that Arabs have a birthright claim to the Holy Land?

It makes no difference to the political situation that you don't accept the claims of your enemies that God has abandoned the Jewish People and started a new religion. That's what they believe and they aren't going to listen to Jews who say otherwise.

This is not the religious view of just Hamas but of EVERY Islamic state. The IDF might succeed in destroying Hamas in Gaza but it will never succeed in destroying the religious ideology behind their fight.

4 months ago
Reply to  ADS

ADS - I can see by most of your replies/responses on Aish articles - you appear to be among those - to whom the phrase - NO EXPLANATION WILL DO applies ENDLESSLY. Get busy - do your due diligence research. You should be able to find the source(s) that will confirm that - Arafat & others - have claimed that - Ishmael - is the one G-D chose. G-D - Telling TheTruth and Time - will eventually bring an end to the conflicts - and negative arguments. Good day to you - your in our prayers for G-D's spiritual peace.

4 months ago

this is time for unity not arguments. The world saw how fragmented the Jewish people were and that gave them the idea to attack. they never thought that Israel would respond like this. so many Israelis working together as one. As we approach the fast marking the beginning of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians for the sin of baseless hatred let us continue to show unity as a nation

4 months ago

I love reading what you wrote. I love being a Jew and my students admire me for my passion. We MUST walk tall and be proud. The Jewish people must indeed remember. I will fight with every ounce of strength I have for K''llal Yisrael. In memory of all that have come before me. Am Yisrael Chai

4 months ago

The outrage should have caused the cry "We are all Jews", starting with our President and Congress!

Ester Leah (Amanda) Culhane
Ester Leah (Amanda) Culhane
4 months ago

Wow! That’s so great! We have to impart our true story with passion! Wherever we go and with whom so ever will listen.

4 months ago

I have been teaching Jewish children of all levels of observance for many years. I teach them love of Hashem, Torah, the Land of Israel and pride. I also work part time in a pharmacy. Everyone knows that I am Jewish and have children in Israel. So many people of all ethnicities have come to me to give me a hug, hold my hand, tell me that they are praying for Israel. Never ever deny who you are.

Gila Srour
Gila Srour
4 months ago

100 percent!!! Beautifully said Rebbitzion Slovie. As always, Thank you!

Joel Gershenson
Joel Gershenson
4 months ago

Important article. Now it’s time for Aish to develop distributable, lesson plans to solve the problem.

Esther B.
Esther B.
4 months ago

What a beautiful article Slovie, and it resonates completely!

Mark Goret
Mark Goret
4 months ago

I like what you wrote. My question is what are WE going to do ?

4 months ago
Reply to  Mark Goret

Be more aggressive and fight back hard. Be proud of who and what we are.
In the UK for too long the Jewish leadership didn't want to do this and today it's even worse, being led by Woke leftwing liberal Jews. Scared of a backlash against the Jews.
Happily a newJewish organisation is doing just that. Learn how to walk upright and learn self defence which I did. Never show fear and call out the lies and hate at the same time ensure our children learn what it means to be a Jew.
My privilege as a white Jew means it was my privilege to be born Jewish and the proselytes who convert. Being a learned convert makes a better Jew than the woke Jews that is for sure.
Hope this answers tour question. To want peace sometimes one has to fight for it even if it means dirty street fight tactics. .

4 months ago
Reply to  Martin


4 months ago
Reply to  Martin

Who/what is the new organization in the U.K?

4 months ago

You write so beautifully and succinctly.
Everyone needs to read this.So true.
Thank you.

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