Get Lit This Hanukkah: 3 Ways to Tap into Your Inner Light

December 4, 2023

5 min read


Give, elevate the physical, and tap into tranquility.

Why do we celebrate Hanukkah with light? After all, the Maccabees’ victory against the Greeks was a tremendous miracle, greater than a flask of oil burning for eight days. Shouldn’t we be celebrating with a symbol that represents the battle, like a sword or a shield (every eight-year old boy’s dream)? Why light?

Because it wasn’t our might that won the war; it was our light. The victory wasn’t by our hands, it was by God’s hand. The true hero of the story wasn’t our physical strength, it was our spiritual light representing the Jewish soul that gave the Maccabees the passion and drive to fight for their people.

A candle’s flame always rises, even if you hold it upside down. A flame does not give up. Our inner light is our source of strength.

The story of Hanukkah took place thousands of years ago but it’s also your story. It happens any time you are surrounded by darkness, but choose light.

Here are three ways to G.E.T. lit and tap into your inner light this Hanukkah.

1. Giving of any form.

Giving to others is an easy way to light yourself up inside. Giving makes you feel powerful, and connects you to your soul. God is the ultimate giver because He created us and sustains us at every moment. When you choose to give, you imitate God and become similar to Him. This connects you and leaves you feeling empowered.

Giving can be small, and doesn’t have to be monetary. You can give a smile, a compliment, or lend a helping hand to anyone.

Giving can be hard because we are not naturally wired to give up what we have. We may think that the more I give, the less I have. In the physical world, if there is one pizza pie on the table and Rebecca takes six pieces, there will only be two left for me. The more she gets, the less I get.

But the spiritual reality is that the more you give, the more you have. Like the candle, the more you share your flame, the more light there is. Giving from your flame doesn’t diminish yours, it increases it.

2. Elevate the physical.

Judaism doesn’t believe in negating the physical; Jews embrace the physical and elevate it into something holy. The candle represents the tension between the physical and spiritual. The flame, like the soul, wants to rise while the candle, like the body, holds us back. Judaism doesn’t want us to avoid physical pleasures, but rather use them to bring us closer to God and our infinite light.

When lighting Shabbat candles as a child, my mother always told me that we cover our eyes because God’s presence rests on the flame, and we aren’t supposed to “look” at God. I always wanted to peek and never really understood what she meant. Today, I understand that God “rests” upon the flame because the flame represents our soul, which is actually a piece of God Himself.

Physical items are not inherently good or evil; they are neutral. How we use them is what determines whether they become an instrument for good or bad. For example, a table is neutral. It can be a place of torture, or it can be used to host guests and feed people. Money can pervert us, or help us reach our potential. Our mouths can be used to say kind words, or can hurt others.

Judaism imparts three commandments that specifically embody elevating the physical. Try lighting Shabbat candles, making challah, or engaging in the laws of family purity. Each of these take physical components and elevate them into something more.

3. Tap into Tranquility

One of the best ways to tap into your inner light is to rid yourself of distractions so you can hear your inner voice more clearly. Light reveals greatness. You don’t have to be great, you already are great.

Some evenings, I play basketball with my daughter on our cul de sac. And no matter how many layers I put on beforehand, I always feel chilly as we start. Once we begin really playing, I inevitably have to remove the layers. That’s because the heat of the body comes from within. It’s not the sweater warming me, it’s my inner energy. You don’t need anything external to light you up inside. All your power and light is already there, within you. You can warm yourself from the inside out.

Light reveals that which is already there. The key is revealing your greatness. Distractions cloud our ability to hear our inner voice.

To do this for yourself, try minimizing your screen time and avoid filling quiet moments with “noise.” Allow yourself to sit with your thoughts instead of trying to escape them with busyness. When you sit with yourself, you just might realize you already have the answers to life’s toughest questions. Reveal your inner voice, your inner light, and allow it to guide you towards your best self.

This Hanukkah, G.E.T lit by giving, elevating the physical, and tapping into tranquility. When you light yourself up, there is another benefit that comes along with it: you light the way for someone else.

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Bracha Goetz
Bracha Goetz
5 months ago


5 months ago

Good advice, thanks!

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