
Montana Tucker’s Favorite Jewish Foods

The popular social media influencer talks to about her family’s favorite Jewish foods.

What’s your favorite Jewish food?

Matzah ball soup! I have always loved it since I was a young girl, and I have been craving it recently. I even was searching for the best matzah ball soup on Postmates, but there is nothing like homemade.

I am actually searching for a great matzah ball soup recipe, so if anyone has one, please pass it along!

Editor’s Note: Hope you’re reading this Montana, our favorite recipe is right here, Chicken Soup with Matzah Balls.

Here is a variation of a Matzah Ball Soup Recipe that I love from, Creamy Chicken Gnocchi Soup.

What traditional foods did your grandparents make?

Grandma Lilly, my maternal grandmother who survived Auschwitz made matzah brei, which is matzah and egg mixed together and fried. I always ate it with syrup, like a pancake. It was amazing! Every time I went to her house, I had to have it.

I know this might sound weird, but there is another recipe passed down from my grandmother, to my mother, and now to me. I make it all the time. It’s noodles and cottage cheese, but you have to melt the cottage cheese. It sounds really gross and weird, but there is nothing like it. It’s just hot pasta with cottage cheese melted on top. It’s so good.

Lastly, she also made Challah French toast, which I think pretty much says it all.


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What Jewish holiday foods are you most drawn to?

There is no holiday that beats Hanukkah when it comes to food, with all the latkes, donuts, and chocolate gelt.

I always loved Hanukkah because it was a way for the whole family to get together. Plus, as a kid I loved the eight nights of presents. So it was definitely my favorite Jewish holiday overall.

Do you have any favorite recipes related to Hanukkah?

My mom used to make really good noodle kugel on Hanukkah. Here is a really good recipe!

Lokshen Kugel

What great memories do you have from these Hanukkah get-togethers?

I loved Hanukkah because it was a way for me to spend time with my grandparents and bond as a family, without all the services in Temple.

We would sing the Hanukkah songs with my grandparents, and that was just a huge highlight. Of course we played dreidel and got Hanukkah gelt. Who doesn’t love chocolate?

As I get older and think about having kids, I definitely plan to pass these traditions down to my family. I want these traditions to live forever.

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