Alien Creatures - Now that traces of water have been discovered on Mars, I tend to believe that life could exist on other planets. I assume that traditional Judaism doesn’t say anything about alien life in outer space. What’s your opinion? More »
Awesome Moon - I thought you would enjoy knowing that a full moon will occur on the winter solstice, in conjunction with a lunar perigee – the point in the moon's orbit that is closest to Earth. The moon will appear about 14… More »
Creation & The Big Bang - I have trouble reconciling my reading of Genesis with current scientific theory. When I read the beginning of creation, is seems clear that God created the world complete, as well as the rest of the universe. But physics says that… More »
Did the Sages Know the Earth is Round? - What shape did the Sages of the Talmud believe the world to be? I’ve heard that the Talmud believes the earth is flat standing on pillars, following other ancient traditions. More »
Mars Colonization - I know this is a hypothetical question, but let’s say living conditions become too difficult on Earth and people begin colonizing other planets such as Mars. Would there be any concerns in Jewish law with doing so? More »
Nephilim – Giants in the Torah - The Torah talks about giants in Biblical times – in the times of Noah, Moses, and King David. What are their origins and what happened to them? More »
Significance of Hebrew Year - I know the Hebrew calendar year is counted from Rosh Hashanah, and the current year is 5778. But what is that measuring – the years since the world’s creation? More »
Singularity Theory - Time Magazine recently ran an article on Singularity Theory, which was new to me and very fascinating, and scary at the same time, that human intelligence is about to be surpassed by machines. Are you familiar with this theory, and… More »
Solar Eclipse - We learned in school about the solar eclipse. Can you give me Jewish perspective on solar eclipses? Is there a blessing to say, or another appropriate response? More »
Space Prayer - I have a question pertaining to Judaism and space travel. If humans ever colonize the moon or other planets, then which direction would we face while praying? More »
Torah Source for Pi - I am a scientist and enjoy studying the Torah lessons found on But from a professional standpoint, I feel that scientific information is more accurate and reliable. Is that a valid perspective? More »
Torah versus Science - I don't understand all the fuss about certain school districts approving a mix of "evolution versus creation" in the classroom. I have undertaken extensive research of the natural world in light of the biblical account, and my conclusion is there… More »
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