Dairy in Meaty Oven

Medicine From Oyster Shell

Same Pot for Meat and Fish

Separate Tablecloths for Meat and Milk

Heating up Food in a Non-Kosher Oven

Glatt Kosher Meaning, “Treif”

Using a Non-Kosher Microwave

Is Eel Kosher?

Taking Non-Kosher Medications

Mushrooms: Kosher Status, Blessing

Kid in Mother’s Milk not Taken Literally

Checking Eggs for Blood Spots

Cooking Meat and Fish Together

Kashering a Sandwich Maker

Wrong Sponge

Non-Kosher Oven – Kashering

Customs for Waiting Between Meat and Milk

Hotel Room Coffee Machine

How to Make a Microwave Kosher

Food Cooked in a Dairy/Meat Pot

Single Oven – Meat, Milk and Pareve

Meat with Soy Milk and Non-Dairy Products

Single Sink for Meat and Dairy Dishes

Blood Meal Fertilizer

China Dishes, Porcelain

Milk and Meat on Same Table

Is Turkey Kosher?

Separation between Fish and Meat

Kosher Bacon Bits

Welcoming Guests

Where did the Jewish tradition start to generously open their homes to guests?

Why Not Milk & Meat?

Why Keep Kosher?

Waiting Between Meat & Milk

How long after must I wait between eating meat and milk? And why?

Vessels in Mikveh

I heard that all my pots and dishes need to be dunked in a mikveh. Why?

Pareve Food

Why do Jews not eat pork?

Kosher Travel

Right now I’m in Butte, Montana and I'm starving! Do you have advice for eating kosher on the road?

Kosher Symbols

Kosher Sushi?

Kosher Species

Kosher Slaughtering

Kosher Grains

Signs of Kosher Animals

Kashering Vessels

Israeli Produce


Halal Meat

I try to buy kosher meat, but it is not always available in my area. Can I use Islamic halal meat instead?


Giraffe Burgers?

Eating in Non-Kosher Restaurant

Next Steps