Stand Up for the Jewish People

March 19, 2024

5 min read


Hamas isn’t waging a war only against Israel; it’s a war against the Jews.

In the timeless narrative of the Scroll of Esther lies a profound exchange between Mordechai and Esther that resonates through the corridors of history. Like today, there was an enemy determined to obliterate the Jewish people from existence. Mordechai, cognizant of the imminent danger, implores Esther to intercede on behalf of her people by approaching the King—a perilous endeavor fraught with risk and trepidation.

Mordechai delivers a sobering reminder to Esther, cautioning her against complacency merely because she resides in the safety of the palace. He tells her, “Do not think within your soul that you will be able to escape in the king's palace any more than the rest of the Jews” (Esther 4:13), underscoring the grim reality that the peril facing their people includes her, despite the false sense of security she enjoys in the palace.

The admonition echoes beyond the confines of ancient Persia and speaks to us today. It is a stark reminder that as we watch the war in Israel unfold from thousands of miles away within the perceived safety of the palace that is America, we are not any safer here in the US than our brothers and sisters who live closer to the danger.

Hamas isn’t waging a war only against Israel; it’s a war against the Jews.

Hamas has made it clear that they want all the Jews dead, not just those in Israel. Israel is not just fighting to protect those who live in the geographic borders of the country; they are fighting for Jews throughout the world. Many Israeli soldiers I’ve spoken with have stated that they are risking their lives to protect Jews throughout the world and to ensure the Jewish People can proudly identify as Jews without fear of being killed, just because we are Jews.

Mordechai’s message to Esther was the inspiration for me to travel to Israel, twice, during this period of conflict. It’s why I am committed to go back as many times as I can until we see the peace we so desperately crave.

The threats facing our people transcend borders and demand a unified response from everyone who is part of the Jewish nation.

I was confronted with the realization that my actions are driven by a deep-seated awareness of our interconnectedness in the face of adversity. Just as Mordechai cautioned Esther against the fallacy of thinking only about her current situation and perceived safety, I recognize that our enemies do not discriminate based on geographic proximity. The threats facing our people transcend borders and demand a unified response from everyone who is part of the Jewish nation. This is my fight just as it is their fight.

In the midst of uncertainty and upheaval, I am compelled to stand as a testament to the resilience of our people, refusing to yield to the allure of passivity in the face of injustice. My decision to journey to Israel amid war is a declaration of solidarity with my brethren in their time of need.

As Mordechai reminds Esther, perhaps this is the moment for which we have been placed here. He takes it one step further and reassures Esther that if she doesn’t rise to the occasion “relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another place” (4:14). She will be the one who misses out. Ultimately, the Jewish people will be saved. We have a promise from the Master of the Universe that the Jewish People will be here forever. As we say at the Passover Seder. in every generation one rises up to destroy us but God always saves us from their hands.

Mordechai explains that this is not the end of the story. The ending will be victory. The only question is where Esther chooses to place herself in the larger story.

Just as Esther ascended to the throne for a purpose greater than herself, each of us carries within us the potential to shape the course of history through our actions, however seemingly insignificant they may appear. Every moment of our lives has been a build up for this moment. Each and every one of us can show up today and make a difference. In the crucible of adversity, we are called upon to rise to the occasion, to confront the challenges that lie before us with unwavering resolve and determination.

We must ask ourselves: What are we doing to ensure that we do not let this moment slip by? Are we content to remain passive observers, or do we possess the courage to stand up and be counted among those who dare to make a difference? What can we do to proudly demonstrate our Jewishness and stand up for our people? What can we do to help bring home the hostages? What can we do to stand against antisemitism and the vilification of Israel?

The story of Esther serves as a timeless reminder that the fate of our people rests not in the hands of fate but in the choices we make and the actions we take in response to the challenges that confront us. Now is the time to step up and make a difference.

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1 month ago

The country that once was Persia is now funding Hamas and Hezbollah. The wicked Haman today is Hamas.

Laine Frajberg
Laine Frajberg
1 month ago
Reply to  Merle

The wicked Haman is his distant descendant Ayatollah Khameini.

Linda Rivera
Linda Rivera
1 month ago

Encouraging and Extremely Inspiring! "Just as Esther ascended to the throne for a purpose greater than herself, each of us carries within us the potential to shape the course of history through our actions, however seemingly insignificant they may appear.

Eva Friedner
Eva Friedner
1 month ago

All your comparisons between the current war on Hamas and the Purim story are very well taken. However it is curious that the one missing player is Netanyahu whose role in this fight is very questionable.

1 month ago
Reply to  Eva Friedner

<cough> Chuck Schumer </cough>

Patrick Jarvis
Patrick Jarvis
1 month ago

Provocative and inspiring! Thank You, Rabbi

Chana Wilner
Chana Wilner
1 month ago

Great 👍 article
Thank you
Very important

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