Why I Am Suing Harvard

January 21, 2024

4 min read


Harvard has allowed an atmosphere of antisemitism to fester within its academic community, creating an environment that is hostile to Jewish students.

In a poignant moment captured in Helen Mirren's portrayal of Golda Meir, Israel's first female Prime Minister, Meir recounted to US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger the harrowing experiences of growing up Jewish in Ukraine:

“My father would board up the windows of our house to protect us from Cossacks who would get drunk and attack Jews. My father would hide us in the cellar… My father’s face, Henry, I will never forget that look. All he wanted to do was to protect his children. I am not that little girl hiding in the cellar!”

While the circumstances faced by American Jewry today do not mirror the brutal pogroms of Eastern Europe, one thing has remained constant throughout Jewish history: experiencing antisemitism.

Since Hamas’s brutal terror attack on October 7th, culminating in the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, there has been an onslaught of antisemitic incidents across the world, and in particular, in institutions of higher learning.

Rather than act as beacons of intellectual rigor and debate, too many universities have become engaged with, and have often promoted, vitriolic hatred towards Jewish people.

To that end, I, along with five other classmates, have filed a lawsuit against one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the United States – Harvard University. This legal action signifies a pivotal moment in the ongoing struggle against antisemitism, challenging its presence even within the hallowed halls of academia.

Our decision to pursue legal recourse against Harvard is not taken lightly. It is a response to a deeply ingrained issue that goes beyond mere disagreements or differences of opinion. The plaintiffs, me being one of them, argue that Harvard has allowed an atmosphere of antisemitism to fester within its academic community, creating an environment that is hostile to Jewish students. Former Harvard President Claudine Gay exacerbated the already-existing climate of hatred towards Jews. Indeed, we plaintiffs are from a broad coalition, representing different schools, departments, and areas of study at Harvard, further underscoring how widespread the problem has become.

We hope that this lawsuit gives a voice to all those who have been on the receiving end of hatred, bigotry, and discrimination.

Be it professors who cancel classes to encourage students to demand Palestine be freed “from the river to the sea,” being yelled to “globalize the intifada” on my way to classrooms, the drawing of swastikas across campus, Harvard’s unwillingness to discipline students immersed in hate or the many other offenses alleged in our lawsuit, we hope that this lawsuit gives a voice to all those who have been on the receiving end of hatred, bigotry, and discrimination.

Shabbos Kestenbaum

One striking example that stands out is the continued employment of Harvard Professor Marshall Ganz. Three Jewish Israeli students enrolled in his Organizing: People, Power, Change course, decided to create a presentation centered around uniting factions within Israeli society. The professor repeatedly insisted they change their presentation, taking issue with the phrase “Jewish democracy,” and compared the project to white supremacy. Ganz went even further and threatened unspecified “consequences” if the Jewish students would not acquiesce to his demands. Although Professor Ganz was found to have intentionally discriminated against three Jewish Israeli students, he has not only retained a teaching position, but Harvard recently published a glowing online article, praising the professor’s work in organizing and civil rights.

This lawsuit forces Harvard to not only be held to account for its actions, but also calls for introspection and action, urging universities to fulfill their legal obligations of equal protection, as well as actively foster an inclusive and respectful environment for all students, regardless of their religious or ethnic background. Specifically, the lawsuit calls on Harvard to enforce its school policies in taking action against students who violate the school code of conduct and fulfill its legal obligations and federal mandates under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.

Antisemitism, in its various forms, has a long and painful history. From the ghettos of medieval Europe to the horrors of the Holocaust, Jews have faced discrimination, persecution, and violence. The resilience of the Jewish people has been tested time and again, yet the fight against antisemitism continues to be an uphill battle.

Those of us taking a stand against Harvard's alleged antisemitism are a reminder that the fight for justice and equality is a collective effort, transcending individual experiences to create a better future for all.

As Jewish people, we must remain steadfast; we are not that little girl hiding in the cellar.

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Ben Beverly
Ben Beverly
2 months ago

I am not Jewish, but feel deep horror at what you have described going on at Harvard. Thank you SO MUCH for taking a stand and exposing this unthinkable evil to the world. You have the support of many. I wish I lived nearby so that I had the ability to take a stand with you, in person. May God's favor and blessing be upon you - you are a man of courage!

2 months ago

Thank you for standing up for what is right and for bringing the battle to Harvard. They have a lot to answer for. It’s time to hold them accountable. B’hatzlacha!

Steve Wenick
Steve Wenick
3 months ago

The silence of the Jews never ends well, as this article demonstrates. https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jews-of-silence/

Rochelle Fry
Rochelle Fry
3 months ago

Stay focused. You don’t have to save the world, just the Jews.

the problem is also who these schools are hiring…

3 months ago
Reply to  Rochelle Fry

And who's funding them (big donations from Qatar)

3 months ago

Well done, I’ll be keeping tabs on what’s going on. These people must be fired/sacked and certainly not promoted. Not only that, but they must be stripped of their qualifications and never permitted to teach again, along with being charged with crimes against fellow humans - racism, which must be punishable by law due to the consequences racism holds, and the wars it starts. Harvard as a learning institution along with all others that profess racism must be closed down for reformulations and changes to staff. And last but not least, where and why funds are received from. Any monies given for the purpose of racism must be caught and likewise charged with crimes or intent to commit racism/discrimination/brainwashing of young people in order to commit future genocide/discrimination.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
3 months ago

@Shabbos Kestenbaum

Please a give a link so that we can conribute and donate to your legal fees.


Leonard Richardson
Leonard Richardson
3 months ago

Shabbos, your efforts are most admirable. I have one suggestion. I think that the surest way to reform Harvard is for your lawsuit to end Harvard's eligibility for federal grants unless it mends its ways.

3 months ago

Also, they shouldn't receive funds from foreign countries that have an agenda (i.e., Qatar)

3 months ago

If these institutions of higher learning can't change their attitudes and quit discrimination against any race they need to be defended and shut down!

3 months ago
Reply to  Mary

I meant to say defunded and shut down!

3 months ago

The only thing they will understand is a lawsuit or just starting kicking axx when someone says or does anything against the Jewish students. Fight back. Work out. Lift weights, take Krav Maga. Carry a pepper blaster. Watch Charles Bronson in the Death Wish series. They only understand strength and think Jews will not fight back.

3 months ago

Good luck its the right thing to do - proud of you for taking a stand

Peninnah Rochel
Peninnah Rochel
3 months ago

IAM so happy and proud of what you do. Blessings to you all.

Ruth Berkovits
Ruth Berkovits
3 months ago

Thank you very much for your courageous undertaking. May HaShem give you the strength to go on.

3 months ago

Thank you for standing up to Antisemitism!

Cindy Homer
Cindy Homer
3 months ago

Thank you for representing our Jewish people! You are our heroes.

Bracha Goetz
Bracha Goetz
3 months ago

Thank you SO much for your great courage!

Child survivor1937
Child survivor1937
3 months ago

The only way the Universities will pay attention is by class action suits putting monetary numbers on mental suffering, inability to learn in hostile classes for which we paid, etc. Unfortunately, money has become the driving force in the Universities and Arab countries have taken note of this, influencing how the Universities handle these problems.

3 months ago

Oy! I'm embarrassed that Prof. Ganz is Jewish, at least his father was, according to Wikipedia (not the best source, but a start):

"His father was a rabbi and his mother a teacher. For three years after World War II, his family lived in occupied Germany, where his father served as a US Army chaplain working with displaced persons. Having encountered survivors of the Holocaust, his parents taught Marshall about the dangers of racism and anti-Semitism."

3 months ago

I'm not Jewish but the Jews I have known have been amazing people The hatred I have seen towards them has been beyond anything I had thought the human race was still acceptable. These are the times when I feel disgusted to be a human being. But I will continue to fight for my friends and all Jews as long as I can!

3 months ago

Good for you and your classmates for standing up and speaking out in such a forceful way! May HaShem bless this initiative and may it inspire other students as well!

3 months ago

Success on the lawsuit. You are doing this for every American.
Any school that discriminates toward any student's background or ability to have a safe experience should be made an example of and punished until it corrects its behavior and makes appropriate amends.

3 months ago

A huge Yasher Koach to you! Good luck in this crucial endeavor. Please provide us with updates on your progress!

Melanie Gadsdon
Melanie Gadsdon
3 months ago

Why are the Jewish people so persecuted? I have helped so many people as a volunteer and I have always been so happy to help so why the hatred? May the Blessings be with you Shabbos.

Liz E.
Liz E.
3 months ago

Good luck with this lawsuit! It's very important and will hopefully create necessary changes for the better for current and future college students and staff all over.

Chaim Binder
Chaim Binder
3 months ago

Proud of you for taking on this critical endeavor. May God shower you with success in defeating our smug enemies particularly in that noxious institution.

3 months ago

Thank you for your service! Having gone to school at the University of California, Berkeley, UCLA and spent time at Georgetown University, I can tell you that I saw antisemitism alive and well. In my current home (Greensboro, North Carolina) a Holocaust memorial dedicated to the women and children who perished in the Shoah, was recently defaced and our synagogue also received a bomb threat last week. It greatly saddens me that communities of color are not there for us and remain silent -- although we Jews have always been there for them.

3 months ago
Reply to  NilsTak

Sad to say there is a lot of hatred (or jealously) against the Jews from the black community.

3 months ago

May HaShem bless all your endeavors on behalf of the Jewish People!

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