AI & Judaism: Exploring the Connection

December 31, 2023

6 min view


How the Torah is the original A.I., except there’s nothing artificial about it.

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Today we're diving into the intersection of Judaism and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). Join us as we unravel the connection between an ancient tradition and the cutting-edge world of technology.

The Torah: Ancient Wisdom in the Age of A.I.

The Torah, an ancient text, may seem worlds apart from the futuristic realm of A.I. Yet, surprisingly, they share a common thread. In the world of A.I., particularly with Large Language Models like ChatGPT, massive amounts of text are analyzed in an instant, generating responses based on programming. Similarly, the Torah functions as an original form of A.I., providing guidance and advice based on its carefully selected stories and anecdotes with the help of a rabbi. It's a unique perspective that showcases the timeless relevance of ancient wisdom.

Artificial Intelligence in Israel

Ever wondered why so much A.I. innovation comes out of Israel, earning it the moniker "Silicon Wadi"? Israel has emerged as a global tech hub, fostering companies like Mobileye, Waze, Cortica,, and many more. The factors contributing to Israel's A.I. dominance include the Israeli spirit of risk-taking and entrepreneurship, military cyber-units acting as A.I. boot camps, and a tech ecosystem where ideas flow freely, providing the perfect environment for A.I. innovation.

Jewish Ethics and A.I.: Making the World a Better Place

Judaism, with its emphasis on "Tikkun olam" or repairing the world, looks at A.I. through an ethical lens. Instead of categorizing A.I. as inherently good or bad, Judaism evaluates its use. A positive impact on the world, such as in healthcare, accessibility, sustainability, and unbiased decision-making, aligns with Jewish ethical principles. This perspective challenges the prevailing fears surrounding A.I. and envisions a future where technology follows ethical guidelines.

AI Rabbis: Navigating Faith in the Digital Age

Imagine having an A.I. rabbi at your fingertips, a knowledgeable guide to answer life's questions with encyclopedic knowledge. However, despite the capabilities of A.I. to disseminate information, it falls short in connecting individuals to something beyond the physical world. A rabbi's primary goal is to facilitate a connection with a higher purpose, a realm that A.I., lacking a soul, cannot reach. The human touch and spiritual connection remain irreplaceable.

Jewish AI: Exploring Identity in the Digital Sphere

The question arises: Can an A.I. be Jewish? While an A.I. can be programmed to follow Jewish rituals, practices, and teachings, it lacks a soul—the essence that connects humans to something beyond the physical world. In Judaism, the concept of a soul is central to human existence, setting humans apart from other entities. Despite impressive capabilities, A.I. lacks the intangible spark that defines a soulful existence, making it distinct from a genuinely Jewish identity.


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Jossi Fries
Jossi Fries
4 months ago

Very tough!My oncle from my mother's side who passed away almost 2 years ago has told me this.He served to me as a second father.

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