Antisemites Thrive When Jews are Embarrassed about their Judaism

December 24, 2023

6 min read


#The October 8th Jew must not only lean in to their unapologetic Zionism but must embrace, live, and promote unapologetic Judaism. 

Bret Stephens, the Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times columnist, recently spoke at the Boca Raton Synagogue. In his talk, he referenced his recent column, “For America’s Jews, Every Day Must Be Oct. 8.”

He opens:

There used to be a sign (which, for all I know, is still there) somewhere in the C.I.A.’s headquarters that read, “Every day is Sept. 12.” It was placed there to remind the agency’s staffers that what they felt right after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 — the sense of outrage and purpose, of favoring initiative over caution, of taking nothing for granted — had to be the mind-set with which they arrived to work every day.

There ought to be a similar sign in every Jewish organization, synagogue and day school, and on the desks of anyone — Jewish or not — for whom the security and well-being of the Jews is a sacred calling: “Every day is Oct. 8.”

Stephens goes on to share several important and insightful takeaways of how we must forever be different since the horrific and barbaric pogroms, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Holocaust. One of the key ones: “On Oct. 8, Jews woke up to discover who our friends are not.” Stephens continues to enumerate the “friends,” institutions of “prestige” and movements that abandoned us, betrayed us, and with whom we should no longer feel aligned or seek the approval of.

On Oct. 8, Jews woke up to discover who our friends are not.

He concludes: “More than 3,800 years of Jewish history keeps yielding the same bracing lesson: In the long run, we’re alone. What can Oct. 8 Jews do? We can stop being embarrassed, equivocal or defensive about Zionism, which is, after all, one of the world’s most successful movements of national liberation… Jewish America abounds with dreamers and entrepreneurs who took crazy risks in their careers to find value and create things that never existed before. It’s time they apply the same talent and energy to creating new institutions that hew to genuinely liberal values, where Jews need never be afraid. In time, the rest of America may follow.”

Bret Stephens is a proud Jew and supporter of Israel, a brilliant and insightful commentator. However, I believe there is more for the October 8th Jew, a different change without with we cannot hope to defeat our enemies, and without which we cannot survive or thrive.

The October 8th Jew must not only lean in to their unapologetic Zionism but must embrace, live, and promote unapologetic Judaism. The October 8th Jew must find his or her voice, not only the voice and vocabulary to lobby, advocate, rally and fight for the rights of the Jewish state and the Jewish people. The October 8th Jew must find his or her distinctly Jewish voice, a voice informed and inspired by authentic Jewish wisdom. We must raise our voices of prayer and voices of study, our voices of Jewish unity and our voices of Torah insight, justice and truth.

When Jews are Silent

When Jacob presents himself to his father Isaac to seize the blessings from his brother Esau, he disguises his hands but not his voice. Troubled by the incongruity, Isaac wonders aloud, “the voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands feel like the hands of Esau.” Noting the anomaly, that the voice of Jacob is simply incompatible with the hands of Esau, the rabbinic sages conclude (Midrash, Bereishit Rabba 63:20):

“The voice is the voice of Jacob” – when the voice of Jacob is found in the synagogues, the hands are not the hands of Esau; but if not, “the hands are the hands of Esau.”

Antisemites thrive when we are assimilated, apologetic, defensive, embarrassed, or afraid about our Jewish identity and Jewish values. When we lower the volume on our Jewish voices, they are empowered to raise their hands against us and pounce.

The October 8th Jew must confront these enemies, sometimes on the battlefield, other times at congressional hearings, other times in the courtroom. But the October 8th Jew must also confront himself and herself, confront their Jewish passion, Jewish pride, and Jewish practice.

Go Pro

In his short but powerful book, The War of Art, Steven Pressfield talks about resistance, the force that holds us back form fulfilling our dreams and potential. He describes the dangers and the methodology of resistance and ultimately offers a strategy for how to overcome it. He writes:

Aspiring artists defeated by Resistance share one trait. They all think like amateurs. They have not yet turned pro.

The moment an artist turns pro is as epochal as the birth of his first child. With one stroke, everything changes. I can state absolutely that the term of my life can be divided into two parts: before turning pro, and after.

To be clear: When I say professional, I don’t mean doctors and lawyers, those of “the professions.” I mean the Professional as an ideal. The professional in contract to the amateur. Considers the differences.

The amateur plays for fun. The professional plays for keeps. To the amateur, the game is his avocation. To the pro it’s his vocation. The amateur plays part-time, the professional full-time. The amateur is a weekend warrior. The professional is there seven days a week.

The word amateur comes from the Latin root meaning “to love.” The conventional interpretation is that the amateur pursues his calling out of love, while the pro does it for money. Not the way I see it. In my view, the amateur does not love the game enough. If he did, he would not pursue it as a sideline, distinct from his “real” vocation.

The professional loves it so much, he dedicates his life to it. He commits full-time. That’s what I mean when I say turning pro. Resistance hates it when we turn pro.

Yes, the October 8th Jew must know who are not among our friends. As Bret Stephens convincingly argues, the October 8th Jew must be ready to build our own institutions that conform to our values.

But most importantly, the October 8th Jew must be ready to take their Judaism pro. From the observant to the unaffiliated, we cannot continue with our Judaism as usual, we cannot be amateurs with a casual attitude, lukewarm Jewish practices, impassive Jewish experiences and lives. Our Judaism must not be observed only on the weekends and holidays but must be there seven days a week. Our study and prayers must not be avocations but vocations. We must love our Judaism, the Torah and God so much we are ready to dedicate our lives.

On billboards, bumper stickers, and the sides of busses all over Israel is the motto – Am ha’netzach y’nateiach, the people of eternity will prevail. If we want to prevail, we must ensure that the October 8th Jew is practicing a Judaism of eternity.

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1 month ago

When I was Jewish – call me ‘Jew’ and I shrink.
Now I’m a Jew – I don’t even blink.

When I was Jew-ish – an irrelevant birth fact.
Now I’m a Jew – an essential soul pact.

When I was Jew-ish – primitive superstition.
Now I’m a Jew – a spiritual mission.

When I was Jew-ish – atavistic ethnicity.
Now I’m a Jew – core of identity.

When I was Jew-ish – a fact that I hide.
Now I’m a Jew – one in which I take pride.

When I was Jew-ish– if I could I’d erase it.
Now I’m a Jew – standing tall I embrace it.

When I was Jew-ish – loser, ‘slaughtered like cattle’.
Now I’m a Jew – star of spiritual battle.

In short:
When I was Jew-ish – Jew rhymed with Eeeew.
Now I’m a Jew – Jew rhymes with true.

Toshiro Momoi
Toshiro Momoi
4 months ago

I’m GOI with Jewish heart and soul.
Thank you for your powerful message!

4 months ago

I suggest listening to the second half of Rabbi Twerski's speech. Rabbi Twerski teaches in Yeshiva University.

4 months ago

Many of our leaders in the past - taught us to be PACIFISTIC. Avoid drawing attention - and we'll be left ALONE. WRONG! Since AD/CE - there have been 87 KNOWN MAJOR POGROMS AGAINST THE JEWISH PEOPLE. We've meekly put our tails between our legs - and RUN. NO MORE! When the Non-Jews challenge us - we should ASK THEM - DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE G-D OF THE WRITTEN TORAH - That HE gave to the JEWS - as part of your belief - as many do? ARE YOU NOW CALLING G-D - a LIAR? If you believe in the Torah - then you know that - 4000 years ago - G-D gave a COVENANT TO ABRAHAM - ISAAC & JACOB - and THEIR DESCENDANTS - THE LAND OF CANAAN - FOREVER! 3500 years ago - G-D CONFIRMED WHAT HE SAID - DID - when HE GAVE THE JEWISH NATION/CONVERTS - THE WRITTEN TORAH & COMMANDMENTS! 

4 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

What part of that - DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? The WRITTEN TORAH AND COMMANDMENTS - should be CLEARLY TAUGHT to all the Jewish Children - ADULTS - CONVERTS - and TO THE WHOLE WORLD. We should be prepared for their skepticism & resistance. BUT - REMAIN FIRM AND STRONG - and be willing to DEFEND VIGOROUSLY - WHAT WE BELIEVE IN!

4 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

Do you put into action all those words that you've put in capitals?

4 months ago
Reply to  E.R

ER - As a matter of fact - whenever I'm given the opportunity - I ask them. Including the missionaries I meet. By your initials - I see that - you often read Aish articles & post questions/answers - and should be able to recognize that - some of the posters - come on Aish - to question - mislead - stir up dissention etc.. The above posting I did - I try to call them out. Being careful HOW I say it - as the AISH's CENSOR - tends to want only AISH PC responses. I try to provide responses - using the Written Torah - and if I'm giving my own OPINION - I hope I've made it clear - the difference.

hana blume
hana blume
4 months ago

Is your community awash with signs supporting Israel as it was with BlackLivesMatter signs? Mine is not. Although it is a very Jewish neighborhood - the one that was ubiquitous with signs mourning the Tree of Life murders that occurred here. Are there ribbons around the trees as there were when Iran took American hostages? Not here. We don't wear buttons and ribbons supporting Israel. We haven't looked to improving our children's Jewish education so that they will be proud and informed Jews when they enter college. And before. Are we demanding that our public schools include Jewish history and accomplishments among the other minorities that are noted, valued, and studied? What are we teaching our children if we hide in public and fail to demonstrate just a modicum of courage?

4 months ago
Reply to  hana blume

Well what kind of community are you living in?

Virginia Kondas
Virginia Kondas
4 months ago

Great article Rabbi
I would go further and write that non Jews should act as if it were October 8th. On Oct 8 th, I still did not know the gravity of the massacre that happened to Israel but once I did, saw videos and read things that I cannot unsee, I was outraged

While Jews must wholeheartedly embrace their Judaism, non Jews must embrace protecting you guys from antisemitism, violence, and criminal activity. The Jews that want to separate zionists from nonzionist Jews, the opposition would not differentiate one from another. All Jews must try and stand together.
Jews are not alone. I will emphasize this as it might feel like this for you and I keep reading this sentiment expressed by Jews. I understand it. I am sorry.
Jews are loved. I wear my Magen David necklace for all Jews.

Avraham Yitzchock
Avraham Yitzchock
4 months ago

When Jews are more connected with their Judaism they are less embarrassed than those that are Jews In Name Only. For sure, when some half-wit throws a slanderous remark at people they get all flustered and they shouldn't, let it roll off you like water off a ducks back. These simpletons will continue to insult but don't respond & eventually they'll go away or want to have a physical confrontation & then there's a problem. Be prepared for all scenarios as, sadly, we live in an Upside Down World.

Nancy Davis
Nancy Davis
4 months ago

How can I, as a gentile, who loves the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who loves the land and people of Israel, help with this?

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
4 months ago
Reply to  Nancy Davis

Wear a Magen David.

Volunteer at the B'nai B'rith.

Carry an Israel flag on "Save Israel" marches.

Nancy Davis
Nancy Davis
4 months ago
Reply to  Robert Whig

I do wear a Magen David, I have a "I support Israel" sticker on my car and I talk to as many people as possible about what's going on in Israel now as well as share what I know about the past, sometimes it just doesn't seem like enough. There always seems to be this underlining of antisemitism. There isn't a whole lot of marches in my area. But I did write a couple of letters to the editor, none of which got published, so I sent copies to local Synagogues just to let them know I support them. I also donated money to the FIDF as well as a couple other groups that help kids through trauma. Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. Shalom!

4 months ago
Reply to  Nancy Davis

You're kindness and empathy is so touching.Ive seen so few messages like this but each one goes straight to my heart.How kind in a mostly unkind world.Thank you.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
4 months ago

Friends and allies are out there.

We have to look beyond Europe and America for friends and allies.

We are not alone.

4 months ago
Reply to  Robert Whig

Jews are not alone because the Eternal One is always with us, whereas history has shown that "friends" can be fickle and even become foes!

Seems to me that Rabbi Goldberg implies we should be proud Jews, and to achieve that we need to be true Jews.
Any compromise of our time-honored principles is assimilationist and, ironically, this causes the nations to lose any respect they may have for us.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
4 months ago
Reply to  Barbara


It is shameful that there have been Jews on the "free palestine" marches.

4 months ago
Reply to  Robert Whig

Those are either sadly uneducated, miseducated or self-hating Jews!

4 months ago
Reply to  Robert Whig

Yes we are. There are very few people that are friendly or allies.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
4 months ago
Reply to  Sue

40% of the world are friends and allies.

So are a lot of people in the remaining 60%.

Chava Schrader
Chava Schrader
4 months ago

I think it's important to separate Judaism from Zionims. The Gedolim were at the time of the formation of the state and continue to be all emphatically against Zionism. We love Eretz Yisroel, we love all of Clal Yisroel but it is not our mesorah to form a Jewish state before Mashiach comes.

4 months ago
Reply to  Chava Schrader

It is my Judaic mesorah to honor the Jewish state of Israel now. Am Yisrael Chai. The Israeli anthem is Hatikvah. And the state of Israel indeed is our hope.

Miss Anonymous
Miss Anonymous
4 months ago
Reply to  Merle

Indeed, but it's even more important to honor our Jewish traditions!
A Jewish state, by definition, is a state founded on Jewish values AND practice!

4 months ago
Reply to  Chava Schrader

Chava, I agree with your comment. We as Jews should be proud to express that Zionism and our religion are mutually irreconcilable, and this dangerous avodah zarah must be cleansed from our Holy Torah.

4 months ago
Reply to  Melech

Sorry, but your comment sounds a bit "holier than thou," not to mention puzzling: Religious Jews are Zionists in the purest sense of the word -- loving Tzion, praying towards Yerushalayim and always invoking a profound desire to return to a permanently rebuilt and final Beis Hamikdash!

In the meantime, there are plenty of Gedolei Yisroel who live in Eretz Hakodesh; they just don't agree with the unfortunately largely irreligious govt., which is gradually gaining more dati & even chareidi ministers, btw.

4 months ago

Very fitting words at this hour. "We must love our Judaism, the Torah and God so much we are ready to dedicate our lives." No more half-heartedness, no more fear of offending the masses. We are serving the creator of the universe who commands us to give Him no rest day or night until Jerusalem is established.

Fraidy Horwitz
Fraidy Horwitz
4 months ago

Historically, antisemites have also thrived when Jews were proud of their Judaism. An example of this is during the crusades.

Barbara B
Barbara B
4 months ago
Reply to  Fraidy Horwitz

The "cure" for antisemitism is clearly spelled out for us: be loyal to G-d's word and He'll take care of our enemies!

4 months ago
Reply to  Fraidy Horwitz

For example in the times of Tevya of Fiddler on the roof fame? Most Jews have not kept G-ds word at most times through the pogroms and crusades.The religious are always the minority.

4 months ago
Reply to  E.R

Has anyone considered that not observing Divine commandments could in fact be the problem (with an obvious solution!)?

Chaim Loeb
Chaim Loeb
4 months ago

Brilliantly cast Rabbi Goldberg. Am Yisroel Chai!

Melvin Band
Melvin Band
4 months ago

For the Christians (a small but very vocal percentage) who yell at us, try to shame us, mock us, ridicule us, quite conveniently forget must, always be reminded that their boss was a JEW.

4 months ago
Reply to  Melvin Band

Yaaaaaaa and all those lovely carols...lurics written By Jews and put to music composed By Jews...all about a Jewboy in Jewland🤪
They need to boycott Christmas if their serious.

4 months ago

Go pro and make aliyah! That is part of Judaism too!

Bracha Goetz
Bracha Goetz
4 months ago


Melanie Gadsdon
Melanie Gadsdon
4 months ago

I am very proud to be Jewish but unfortunately in this country (UK) I have never felt safe displaying my Magen David so I have always hidden it. When I was in Israel in 1967/1968 I felt very safe there and proudly wore my Magen David. I have had people shouting at me for being a “Jew” and that made me protective towards myself. I could not have a Mezzudah on the door for fear of attracting unwanted attention either. The trouble is, most Jewish people do not like to fight as it is not in their nature to attack people. I don’t have the stomach for violence.

4 months ago

The more you hide your Jewishness the worse it will get. I am buying a nageb David fir that reason. Stand up and be proud.

4 months ago

Move into a more Jewish area.We stick together so we are free to put up mezzuzas and live openly and proudly as Jews.No need for Magen David necklaces where I live! A blind man can see who We are.

Noah Kitty
Noah Kitty
4 months ago

I agree with the message of this article, that we must all be October 8th Jews. And at the same time we must acknowledge that we are not alone at all, although it often feels that way. There are scores of Christians who have supported us, publicly and enthusiastically. There also are Muslims and Druse who have supported us publicly. Their people serve in the IDF. and many died along side the kibbutniks, especially the Thai people who died caring for us. Do not forget them! Do not deny or lessen their commitment even as their support has been muffled an trampled by the haters and terrorists. Am Yisrael chai!

Gabriel Schecter
Gabriel Schecter
4 months ago

Why does antisemitism arise in the world? Why are world nations now attacking Israel and the Jewish people? Are there ten righteous Jews in the world who follow Traditional Rabbinical Judaism’s Oral Torah? 

Could the answer be found in Genesis 18:32, when Abraham was speaking to
G-d, referencing Sodom and Gomorrah? “'And he said, “Let not my lord be angry if I speak but this last time: What if ten should be found there?” “I will not destroy for the sake of the ten.”

Would world nations attempt to murder His covenant people if we followed our Creator's Torah, and would there, as promised, be a land of peace, milk, and honey?"

4 months ago

Do You follow it? If not why are you preaching?

Ephraim Ponce
Ephraim Ponce
4 months ago

Thank you rabbi.

4 months ago

Fabulous article!

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