Do Jews Believe in Aliens? Astrology & Judaism

December 24, 2023

4 min view


Do Jews believe in aliens? Does astrology play a role in Judaism? Get all your questions answered in this episode of Jew Know It.

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Today, we're exploring the cosmic realms and answering the intriguing question: Do Jews believe in aliens

Transcending the Stars: Mazel Tov and Cosmic Origins

You've likely heard the phrase "mazel tov" countless times during weddings and bar & bat mitzvahs, but did you know its cosmic origins? In Hebrew, "mazel tov" translates to wishing someone a "good cosmic influence." Judaism asserts that the cosmos can impact people's lives positively. It's about hoping that the cosmic effect is a favorable one, not determining one's fate.

While this might sound like predetermination, Judaism emphasizes the power of free will. Abraham, the first Jew, challenged the prevailing idolatry of his time, believing in the existence of one God. God acknowledged Abraham's unique perspective by lifting him above the stars, indicating that free will trumps cosmic influence. Like Abraham, individuals can defy fate and chart their own course.

Have you ever felt like you defied fate? Share your experiences in the comments!

Astrology in Judaism

Astrology, which suggests that factors like the day you were born can influence your life, is acknowledged by Judaism as a force but strongly discouraged for use. Why? Judaism views astrology as unreliable and promotes personal responsibility over reliance on external forces.

In Judaism, you are accountable for your choices, and astrology shouldn't serve as an excuse for negative actions. Rather than depending on cosmic influences, Judaism encourages turning to a higher power—the Big Guy upstairs. Remember, free will is more potent than any predictions from a crystal ball.

Do Jews Believe in Aliens?

Now, let's address the burning question: Do Jews believe in aliens? The Torah states, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth," but remains silent on other life forms.

 In Judaism, there is room for the possibility of aliens, as it doesn't limit what God can or can't do. Some ancient Jewish scholars even hinted at the existence of extraterrestrial life by interpreting verses in the Torah. However, the current knowledge suggests that little green men observing Shabbat might be a stretch. Yet, who can say for sure?

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18 days ago

If we're gullible - and ignore ALL the other evidence pointing against it - and believe as many alien theorists do - we'll consider that - there are multi-deities - and we can pick and choose - which mythical deity to believe in.

Ingrid Sternberg
Ingrid Sternberg
4 months ago

Only Hashem knows. He is our one and only God🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Wayne W
Wayne W
4 months ago

Mazel tov…. “God was telling Abraham, ‘You don’t need to be controlled by the cosmos. Your free will is even more powerful.’ “Like Abraham, you don't have to accept the fate dictated by the cosmos. You can chart your own course.”
Hmmm the article seems to say it was no longer necessary to believe the cosmos dictated individuals, but the G-d who created the cosmos did/does. For ex, G-d told Abraham where to move. G-d didn’t say to Abram, “Use your free will and move to anywhere your heart desires.” G-d didn’t tell Abram any sacrifice of his choosing would suffice—…people still are controlled…slaves to self or some other.

Jossi Fries
Jossi Fries
4 months ago

I HATE ACCEPTING REALITY!!!That's the main motto of my life.Therefore I don't
like using the word "talent".Being dependent on the way I was born is a burden for me.One of the best movies I like to watch is the "Gracie" movie.It's about defying the odds.Every year since I bought it in 2009 I see it at least once...It gives me courage.

4 months ago

Could aliens disguise themselves as ANGELS!!! Might clear up some passages in the Torah and the New Testement

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