The Real Reason Why People Hate Jews

November 26, 2023

5 min view


Explaining antisemitism.

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Antisemitism is trending again. As soon as the news broke of the horrors in Israel on October 7th, students at America's top universities and beyond were rushing to defend the perpetrators, and it's only gotten worse.

Around the world, antisemites are harassing students, staging protests, vandalizing Jewish homes and businesses, destroying posters of the Israeli hostages, and crafting insane justifications that blame the Jewish victims.

For many Jews, who are often on the front lines fighting for social change, they feel abandoned. It's like they don't count.

But if you look at Jewish history, you shouldn't be surprised.

From Aish, this is JEW KNOW IT, and today we’re talking about antisemitism.


First, a little history -

Back in the late-1800s, German race-theorist, Wilhelm Marr, coined the term “antisemitism.”

Marr believed that Jews were diluting “pure” German culture, and made up the term as a way of stressing the Jews’ racial inferiority. Though other peoples also claim to be “semites,” the term antisemitism refers solely to Jews.

The term stuck and today “antisemitism” is used universally to describe hatred and bigotry against Jews.


Antisemitism is unlike any other form of hatred throughout history. Let’s break down why -
Universality: No matter where the Jews have been - Europe, the Middle East, North Africa - they’ve always faced hatred.
Longevity: Antisemitism has been around for thousands of years, but it really kicked into high gear with the rise of Christianity and Islam.
Intensity: Discrimination against Jews often turns real ugly, real fast. It can escalate into false accusations, mass expulsions, violent mobs, murders, and even genocide.
Irrationality: Everything and its opposite is a reason for hating Jews –

In communist countries, Jews were hated for being capitalists, but in capitalist nations, they were accused of being communists.

When Jews lived in ghettos, they were called "clannish," but when they assimilated, they were accused of infiltrating and corrupting the dominant culture.

Jews are “too white” to count as an oppressed minority, but not “white enough” to mollify white supremacists.

Basically, no matter what, someone somewhere comes up with a reason to hate Jews.


Antisemitism is old and many thoughtful people have tried to explain it. The most common reasons are:

Jews are rich, powerful and influential given their numbers. Jews claim to be the Chosen People. Jews killed Jesus. Jews are outsiders and different from everyone else. Jews are an inferior race. Jews are easy scapegoats.

And while some of these reasons may describe a particular antisemite’s motivation, none of them really explain antisemitism, especially since antisemitism happens at times and in places where these reasons don’t make a whole lot of sense.

For example, Jews living in Russia’s Pale of Settlement were poor and weak, but they were still hated.

The Jews of 19th century Germany renounced their status as a “chosen people,” but they were still hated.

Even when the Jews assimilated and did their best to shed their Jewish identity - you guessed it - they were still hated.

So, no matter where you look in history, antisemitism is always there, and with the explanations always changing and evolving, it’s hard not to think they’re really just… excuses.

But why do people really hate Jews?

According to Jewish tradition, Jew-hatred started with Mount Sinai, which marks the birth of the Jewish people.

The secret is in the name, "Sinai," (pronounced "SEENAI”) which sounds similar to "sinah," (pronounced "SEENAH") the Hebrew word for hatred.

You see, at Mount Sinai the Jewish people received the Ten Commandments, and embraced the tenets of ethical monotheism: concepts like the dignity of the individual, the brotherhood of man, equality and justice, and many other ideals that nowadays most people hold to be “self-evident.”

Antisemitism is a rejection of those values, or as Hitler / one infamous antisemite stated explicitly, “Conscience is a Jewish invention. It is a blemish like circumcision.”

Antisemitism is attacking the messenger who brought the values and morals of the Ten Commandments into the world.

Yet those same values are also the solution to antisemitism. Jewish ideas still need to be embraced and taught.

That’s also the unique mission of the Jewish people: to know those values and to teach them.

So in a surprising way, Judaism teaches that antisemitism is a reminder to the Jews of what they stand for - morality and conscience. The answer to antisemitism is to embrace and live with these values as best we can.

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Anders Hammer
Anders Hammer
10 days ago

So jews have no responsibility in the matter of why normal people dislikes them? Are jews not capable of soul-searching?
Everybody else knows; that if the most of the world are hating someone - it is self inflicted.
Sorry for writing Jews. I have no problem with jewish people or religion. I just hate Zionists.

Tellit Likeitis
Tellit Likeitis
2 days ago
Reply to  Anders Hammer

Sure, next you'll tell us that some of your best friends are Jewish . . .

W Penn Handwerker
W Penn Handwerker
14 days ago

Genesis 1:26-27 tells us (Christians & Jews) that we're ALL children of God, HENCE we're ALL brothers and sisters and should treat each other likewise!!!

Max H
Max H
28 days ago

Two pieces of evidence that Jews are different (I didn't say 'better; but 'different'):
1) The uniquely hypocritical way they (Israel) are criticized by the media and others.
2) The uniquely hyper-critical way they criticize themselves.
Think about it...

28 days ago

But they dont believe
In equality as the Torah says bad things about goyim. Anyone who is not Jewish is seen as lesser human.
Ofcourse the real values of the Ten Commandmemts is what other religions adhere to too.

27 days ago
Reply to  Liz

Sorry Liz - Jews believe in equality - in accordance with HOW G-D outlined our relations with them - in HIS Written Torah Commandments & Laws. G-D - did say why - He was disgusted with goyim - for their sins. However - Non-Jews are not seen as a lesser human - EG: Abrahams discussion with G-D - before Sodom was destroyed. Also - Non-Jews couldn't become - CONVERTS - as they are to be accepted & treated "EQUALLY & RESPECTFULLY! As for the Ten Commandments. Jews can be PUNISHED severely for violating them. Not so much for the Non-Jewish.

24 days ago
Reply to  Gershom

BTW - In the Written Torah - even slaves were to be treated with respect. There were penalties for harming them - & some - were to receive freedom. If you check out other historical accounts. That RARELY would happen in other cultures.

Yolanda M. Hesch
Yolanda M. Hesch
27 days ago
Reply to  Liz

Liz, that not true! Many Jewish people have invited goyim to their homes for Shabbat. The Israeli medical search and rescue doctors, nurses and tech are often the first to go to countries and minister to disaster victims around the world. Often, they set up before the other teams get to the disaster. The hospitals in Israel also treat all equally ... those who are taken to the hospital including the perpetrators as well (as his or her) Israeli victims. As a frequent flyer to Israel, I can tell you are in error. And ... 'NO' ... to your reference that other religions adhere to the Ten Commandments! Check out other religions and you will find the Hebrew Ten Commandments Moses brought down from MT. Sinai are unique, however, meant to spread to the entire world for redemption, freedom.

Cathy Silverman
Cathy Silverman
16 days ago
Reply to  Liz

That is false. Jewish people believe in equality. Non-Jewish people are in no way seen as lesser. All are uniquely created in G-d’s image and likeness.

Max H
Max H
28 days ago

It is said that "when the Jews refrain from making 'Kiddush', the non-Jews will make 'Havdalah.'" I.e. when we stop behaving or even viewing ourselves as a Kodesh (holy) people with a specific, unique spiritual mission, then the non-Jews will be subconsciously compelled to Havdil (distance, push back) at us through nonacceptance and even hate. This is a spiritual axiom that transcends all specific superficial 'reasons.' That spiritual mission is as defined by and explicated in the Torah.

1 month ago

The talking points - observed on here - can be likened to - AN AUTO REPAIR SHOP - BEING LAZY & NOT FIXING THE CANCEROUS RUST. INSTEAD - using body putty & different choices/shades of paint - TO COVER - The CORE ROOT CAUSE - OF THE CANCEROUS RUST & HATE. Even though - there is a REAL WAY TO FIX IT.

Be Human (Kind)
Be Human (Kind)
1 month ago

I don’t understand hating people for being who they are or hate in general. The amount of energy it must take to hate someone is beyond me and for that I’m grateful. Whatever happened to connecting with people on a human level? We focus far too much on stuff, difference, neither of which matter at the end of the day or end of life. Be kind, be loving, be human.

A human being
A human being
2 months ago

The Idf are Massacreing the Palestinians and This is not fair. We don't hate the jews and we won't target any of them specifically however we do not support the mass murder of Palestinian Children. I have a jewish friend and he is really supporting and kind and wishes the Isreal Palestinian War didn't happen. In fact he didn't support the invasion of Palestine from the beginning. Hate on jewish people is bad but supporting Palestine is not antisemitisim.
Peace for everyone

1 month ago
Reply to  A human being

What "invasion of Palestine" are you talking about? When all the jews of europe (those that managed to stay alive) had to escape their home lands and lost all their properties and then the Brits gave them the possibility to live in Israel?

Alexander Hutchinson
Alexander Hutchinson
20 days ago
Reply to  A human being

There’s grey area /overlap of Palestinians and Hamas- the terrorist organization whos goal is to kill Jews. So some hide as civilians when they have a different agenda. The solution is peace. Israel and Jews have always been defensive fighters look at the history and educate yourself before being manipulated by the media.

Cathy Silverman
Cathy Silverman
16 days ago
Reply to  A human being

The war is terrible, but Hamas is to blame, not Israel. Hamas’ goal is the genocide of all Jews. Israel’s goal is to remove Hamas from power so that they can not continue with their goals and to get the hostages back. Hamas has launched 1000s of bombs, indiscriminately targeting civilian neighborhoods (a war crime). They locate themselves underneath and in their most populated areas (another war crime). There are NO women or children protected in their hundreds of miles of tunnels.

You should study the creation of Pakistan (Muslim). Both Israel and Pakistan were created for similar reasons at about the same time.

Lungile Khoza
Lungile Khoza
2 months ago

If the so called christians hate Jews for killing Jesus then who would have died for their sins. Take out Israel from the Bible then the Bible will not make sense. A lawless country is worse than a bad dream. Take out the 10 commandments from the law and witness hard-core barbarism.

2 months ago

Criticism of an ethnostate is not the same as hatred of an ethnicity. The government of Israel should not be allowed to represent the entirety of the Jewish people and if you are Jewish you should resent the fact that it's being framed that way. Your identity is not a government.

2 months ago
Reply to  Justin

And criticism of a religion is not the same as hatred of an ethnicity. Orthodox Jews should not be allowed to represent the entirety of the Jewish people and if you are Jewish you should resent the fact that it's being framed that way.

Krystal Wright
Krystal Wright
2 months ago

I am 70 yrs old and have never understood the hatred of the Jewish people. I pray for their protection against all that try to harm them. I stand with Israel!

3 months ago

It wasn't the Jews that killed jesus it was the Romans. I happen to admire the Jews although I'm not Jewish, they've befriended me. Not for any personal gain I hasten to add and I'm pleased for them when they become successful. There have been many worse leaders in the world who have not been Jewish

3 months ago

90% of civilian Palestinian deaths are solely on the shoulders of Hamas.
Those who can't grasp that are ravaged with antisemitism.

3 months ago

I am now a man of 64 years of age. I have no idea why the Jewish people are hated so much. I was raised Catholic and have no hatred of Jews or their religion. I have always considered that religion to be each person's belief

3 months ago

I have never been able to understand discrimination of any sort.
We are all the same on the inside...(pink and squishy)...the outside is just a way to protect the inside.
Doesnt that make us the same?
No one is different to anyone else. Male female black white Jew Muslim Trans or cis.
We are all the same.
no matter what u believe or the colour of ur skin.

Iain Tarr
Iain Tarr
4 months ago

I was in Prison a few years ago during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the UK. Lots of people from lots of backgrounds, however there was a lot of Muslims and they were looked after in terms of worship with an Iman visiting them regularly in cell whilst we were all locked up 23 1/2 hours a day. Some moaning amongst the Christians, but would they really practice?
I met 1 Jewish guy in the 2 years I was there, he had been involved in money fraud £12million+ , a lot of people when hearing that he was doing 7+ years for non-violent crime dug him out on his religion! I looked into the % of Jews in UK Prison and it would appear there aren't many less than 1% of the total population. My experience of antisemitism in prison and in public always comes down to finance and wealth.

2 months ago
Reply to  Iain Tarr

But I don't understand bc, though Jews are News wherever they go I know hundreds of Jewish people(I live in U.K) and most are very UN rich due to their lifestyle being so costly! There's possibly more rich Muslims than Jews but we.... Got To Pick On The Jews.It's just a mentality!

4 months ago

If this article is saying that the jews are hated because this is the only way they can learn to be a better people, then that is a completely unreasonable expectation to place on the rest of the planet. That is like saying the jews have no responsibility to even try to be moral or try to develop a conscience. Although the jews seem to lack morality, honesty or basic humanity throughout their entire history, they still independently have a responsibility to provide some education for their own race to be taught to embrace these qualities.
Although there is a genetic predisposition to their lack of goodness, like dogs they can be taught to behave in an appropriate way. This would take many generations to probably only yield a modest success rate. But this is the only way forward for them.

Jewish Mom
Jewish Mom
3 months ago
Reply to  Irena

Irena - NO! Jews DO NOT seem to lack morality, honesty, or basic humanity throughout their entire history. What brainless anti-Semitic rhetoric! They DO educate their children to embrace these qualities way more than any other nation on earth. Jews always have - and still do - give more charity than anyone else on earth (and not only to Jewish causes), they are the most selfless volunteers (way out of proportion to their numbers), and take care to protect and defend the weaker segments of the population. The reason G-d keeps sending Jews reminder through anti-Semitism is because His expectations of them are very high - much higher than any other nation. He is reminding them of the covenant - the whole 9 yards of 613 commandments - Sabbath and other Holy Days and much more, not just ethics

3 months ago
Reply to  Jewish Mom

You are wasting your time responding to such an ignorant and antisemitic comment, however, I'd like to point out two things in your comment:

  1. Yes ... do emphasis that Judaism puts a high value on education and charity. This is something Jews are taught and aspire to do.
  2. No ... please leave God out of this. God created all of us and expects the same high standard from all of us.

Many cultures have similar high standards. People find attitudes of superiority and exceptionalism abrasive and this is one of the factors that leads to hate.

2 months ago
Reply to  Irena

Omg.How antisemitic,ugly and bitter of you.
Jealous by any chance?
Check out crime and anti social behaviour in predominantly religious Jewish residential areas- anywhere in the world.
Yup.Jealous.I told you!

Mike Sweeney
Mike Sweeney
4 months ago

I am from the UK. I have never really understood why the Jews are hated. No Jews have ever attacked me, tried to shoot me, burgled me, assaulted me, or threatened me. Though I can understand why they keep themselves to themselves socially, as a nation of people in communities around the world. I think most normal people don't understand their history, culture, and lifestyle, as well as how they serve their religion. And in the Middle East. They are surrounded by Islamic countries. Israel is the only one country left there, defending a civilized democratic way of life and Government. This is another reason why the other surrounding Islamic states and countries want to defeat Israel by wiping them off the map. And take it over as an Islamic country.

Marie Damore
Marie Damore
3 days ago
Reply to  Mike Sweeney

These universities should not allow these protests as it seems these activists are controlling the outcome. They are unintentionally inviting paid activists and thugs to enter the grounds and create chaos. Obviously these students there are very naive to the history of the Middle East. Students can make demands to the university without exhibiting hatred or harm to their fellow students. This is the 21st century. We have gone beyond this craziness many years ago. How are these fellow Jewish students in any way related to your demands? Grow up!

James Johnson
James Johnson
4 months ago

Hating Jews because they killed Jesus is the stupidest thing I ever heard. Jesus was a Jew and he was killed by an Italian. Why then don't people hate Italians.

4 months ago

Just putting in my two cents, and my opinion may be wrong but,
I believe a major reason for several thousands of years of hatred boils down to
one reason; Interest. The whole concept of changing interest on loans is a jewish invention. As is the idea of default and forfeiture of assets on defaults.
People resent the parasitic relationship with the money lenders( usually a jew, even if it’s
one tenth of one percent of the jewish population. From there the us vs. them begin) again this viewpoint could be totally invalid but it rings true.
And Israel is actively committing genocide as l write this thus losing ANY moral high ground they may have gained by Germany failing in its attempt at resolving the “problem”.

Paul ben Noach
Paul ben Noach
3 months ago
Reply to  Murf

Genocide? That's naive. Free the hostages NOW. Unconditional surrender of Hamas NOW. The fighting would stop immediately. Quit defending people who dress their toddlers up as terrorists and send them to schools named after suicide bombers. Jews may have their issues, but Hamas is evil, their actions on Oct 7 were evil. Hamas is killing those people by refusing to surrender and return the hostages.

2 months ago
Reply to  Murf

If you accuse Israel of genocide you are clearly a sheep.
Sure,we all know what the Muslims are SAYING but since when do they tell the truth?? You can do your own proper research now- if you care about the truth.Or eat your words later.
The 'majority ' doesn't mean it's correct so be care before choosing sides.

Leslie Miller
Leslie Miller
4 months ago

I am really confused when it comes to antisemitism. I do not understand why there is so much hatred toward Jewish people.This is the reason I read this article. I still do not understand why this hatred exists. I am a 58 year old Black woman who does not hold hatred in my heart. It seems the hate exists only as an excuse to hate. I know what hatred feels like and I feel badly that Jewish people are persecuted for reasons that I cannot grasp. Why can’t we just love for the sake of love.

Gail Watts
Gail Watts
4 months ago
Reply to  Leslie Miller

This whole thing is just absurd to me. Every senior citizen doesn't hate Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats for taking money from Social Security for the country's aid. Some ignorant people just want to hate somebody. Yes the Jews killed Jesus but Jesus was still a Jew. Some of the nicest people I have ever known were Jews,both black and white.

2 months ago
Reply to  Gail Watts

The Jews killed Jesus? Isn't TWO versions of the bible enough?? The ROMANS killed him.I hope your not a Christian!
Look it up please lady.

Marie Damore
Marie Damore
3 days ago
Reply to  Gail Watts

It is absurd!

4 months ago
Reply to  Leslie Miller

I don't understand the hate toward the Jewish and reading this has not given me any clarity on the subject. We are on this planet together and should learn acceptance and respect for all life on it

Jeff Amos
Jeff Amos
3 months ago
Reply to  Leslie Miller

Wow Leslie Miller, I agree with you 100%. I am a 70 years old white male and I cannot understand why Jews are and have always been hated. Firstly, I had no choice to be born a white man, and a Jew did not have a choice to be born a Jew. Love starts in the heart and everyone of us do have a choice to either love or hate and in this lost and dying world, I choose to love everyone, no matter their skin color, or their race. God is love, and Jews were and still are Gods chosen people.

Last edited 3 months ago by Jeff Amos
4 months ago

I just finished watching an interview from the Shoah Foundation ( Slava Fintel) I too had a bad childhood, had to survive rape, beatings, starvation. I did not run from machine guns years. I didn’t have to hide in the ground while rats were chewing on me, while I had scabies, head lice, blood soaked, body injuries for days with no end no end at all in sight. I never smelt that much death. The nightmares are very real and very raw, but their nightmares they never go away they sometimes last forever. But I noticed one thing out of all the Shoah interviews is that they all still have love in their heart they all still love they had families, grand children and they’re still have so much love. They died with so much love in our hearts.

Gail Watts
Gail Watts
4 months ago
Reply to  Carama


4 months ago

Jewish and gentile people all must return to the Creator.
Only He can save. Only He is the Shepherd who prepares
a table in the presence of our enemies . . . only He restores
the soul. We need fear no evil when He is with us.
His rod and staff will comfort us. He supplies goodness
and mercy now and forever. (Psalm 23)

4 months ago

I an a jew and i do not feel safe

Gail Watts
Gail Watts
4 months ago
Reply to  someone

I am so sorry you feel this way and I don't understand some people to make you feel this way.

3 months ago
Reply to  someone

Shalom. I am very sorry for that.

2 months ago
Reply to  someone

Find a study partner Phone and Learn ? Aish? You need to fortify your faith in these difficult times

Robert Wasserman
Robert Wasserman
4 months ago

I am an a American who dose not hate the Jews.

2 months ago

You have an esteemed Jewish surname too.

4 months ago

Always amazes me that the nazis could claim their “superiority” over all Jews whilst Albert Einstein was still roaming the Earth. Add to that every other great key Jewish figure throughout history up to present day and antisemitism looks a rather pathetic point of view. I’m not saying Jewish people are superior btw. But c’mon… inferior…. Really?
Being Jewish is nothing to be ashamed of.

Rachel Ruhm
Rachel Ruhm
4 months ago
Reply to  Carl

Like stated in the above articel, maybe THE main characteristic of antisemitism is its unabashed and moronic irrationality.

Gail Watts
Gail Watts
4 months ago
Reply to  Carl

I totally agree

4 months ago

Why Israel is destroying a full Islam nation that is been there together with the Jews (with high and lowes) forever? I am an Humanitarian person, I hate the extremism of Hitler, Mussolini, Trump, Nataniau , and later of Biden. I am for PEACE, Israel is abusing and destroying a full nation. Does anybody things that that after this GENOCIDE the Jews will be loved?
I am Italian, (non religious) I lived in Israel ( for 6 months, I am not a Jew because I refused the circoncision,) I lived in in Saudi Arabia (for 2 years and more i Puerto Rico, France and Germany
I don't hate anybody, but I dislike EXTREMISM

4 months ago
Reply to  Anthony

Why did you refuse Circumcision?

4 months ago
Reply to  Phil

It hurts

Rachel Ruhm
Rachel Ruhm
4 months ago
Reply to  Bulubulaila


4 months ago
Reply to  Anthony

You've got it all wrong because you're swallowing lies and propaganda that provide convenient "justification" for antisemites!
Israel is now fighting terrorists who vowed its destruction, and even though Hamas tried to advance their goal, rabid Jew-haters are choosing to support & protect evil incarnate.
Ultimately, they'll share the same miserable fate as all other enemies of the Jews throughout history; may that happen soon!

4 months ago
Reply to  Anthony

Seems to me that you your self an extremist

4 months ago
Reply to  Anthony

Israel has a right to defend her people.
If you hate extremism, tell Hamas to stop the attacks.
Tell Hamas to help their own Arab people.
Tell Hamas to reject hate and violence.
Tell Arab muslims to question why their god won't let
them live in peace without constant killing.
They need a new interpretation of their dogma.

R Wilson
R Wilson
4 months ago
Reply to  BZBAZ

I agree! Hamas woke a sleeping giant. They were the aggressors in this and EVERYBODY and their momma KNEW what Israel's reaction would be.

2 months ago
Reply to  R Wilson

The Europeans and Americans created Israel by taking Palestinian Lands and giving it to the Jews. All to assuage their concience
The Jews started grabbing the Arab lands and persecuting them to get rid of the Palestinians.
No wonder they are hated all over.
Hopefully the Muslims will unite and do the necessary.

2 months ago
Reply to  Someone

Why would you be stalking replied on a Jewish site? I'm sure there's some Hamas or not Nazi group to inspire you.Good Luck

J. Stack
J. Stack
2 months ago
Reply to  Someone

Israel is over 3200 years old.

J. Stack
J. Stack
2 months ago
Reply to  Anthony

Gaza is the size of Washington DC. It’s not a nation. They didn’t even have a flag until around 1967. Btw Britain named it Palestine when in truth Israel has been around for over 3200 years.

Tellit Likeitis
Tellit Likeitis
2 days ago
Reply to  Anthony

Tsk, tsk, you're one confused dude, poor thing!

4 months ago

I definitely disagree that no other culture is hated as much as Jews. African Americans and many Black African peoples have been hated since Europeans and European Americans encountered us. Many Europeans and European Americans are racist to, I believe all cultures who are not European. It is difficult for me to understand why the hate for Jews because they are, In America, white also. But, throughout European History, Europeans have hated each other just because of their regional differences, always waring with each other since the dark ages of Europe. As in the US, when other Europeans came for example, the Irish Immigrants and Italian Immigrants, they were hated/discriminated against. So is it just a superiority complex handed down through European generations or just plain crazy?

4 months ago
Reply to  Lee

If you ask a Muslim, they will tell you that THEY are the most hated in the world.

A religion-based "superiority complex" or arrogance is at the root of much of the hatred. Even with the Irish- and Italian-Americans that you mention, it begins with the religious disagreements between the Catholics and other Christian denominations.

4 months ago
Reply to  ADS

Muslim and all other religions and non-religions attack the Jews, the reason is spelled out by God. Not just rellgions but all are used. There is a battle going and will continue until the end at which he (the god of this world will be judged).
2 Corthinthians 4:3

Heather Harvey
Heather Harvey
1 month ago
Reply to  Phil

Where is it spelled out? I'm asking to learn, not sarcasm.

3 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Exactly, any excuse will do. The Europeans have always destroyed/hated/intimidated thru violence/ stole and made it their own. Why?
There reasons/ excuses that have been created and Somehow made factual and truthful are the reason the mixture of just human, non biased … don’t get what they say should be common sense. 🤷🏽‍♀️ my question really is this. What is the addiction, the need to be the superior over any other race. I do believe Europeans Crave and have been taught generation after generation that they are SUPERIOR than any other . ( 😂😂😂 yep Superiority Complex) I agree Plain Crazy!

3 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Jews are persecuted way before Europeans enslaved Africans. Discrimination and hate is not a privilege of White nor Europeans and it is not a function of colonialism. Native peoples, of all racesof and lands have been fighting and killing each other for millennia..conquering land. Look at Japanese history, Sunnis and Shias in the Arab world (Israel and Palestine being a proxy for that) and African history. This is a human problem.

5 months ago

Rabbi Lord Sacks might say it is because judaism puts strong emphasis on curbing the wild sexual urge and conduct. His commentary at is quite interesting. Of course there are many, many reasons societies hate Jews, but this Freudian-type answer is intriguing, and also goes to non-semitic revulsion at circumcision. (I continue to be profoundly affected by all of Rabbi Sacks' commentaries, he was an incredibly insightful Torah scholar and modern-world scholar as well.)

2 months ago
Reply to  Todd

Wrong reply

Last edited 2 months ago by Dad
2 months ago
Reply to  Todd

We ban FGM on children in most western countries. FGM arguably being carried out due to traditions.. but circumcision on children incapable of a choice is fine? Please make it make sense.

5 months ago

Most attempts by humanistic scholars to explain the why of antisemitism are rubbish, and fall apart when you look at the broader scope of history. Trying to explain it through some social science gibberish fails because quite simply - the Jewish religion speaks the truth, and everyone hates it.

Ideas that are total rubbish get rejected, but the Jewish idea of monotheism struck a chord with others. The Jews were the first to have it, and others have come to it, but grudgingly and trying to push the Jews out. If Judaism was nonsense, it'd be in the dustbin of history with Zeus, the gods of Egypt and numerous wacko cults.

The fact that the Jewish people has survived all attempts to wipe it out, and now thrives speaks to the obvious - G-d keeps his promises to us!

Last edited 5 months ago by Dovid
5 months ago
Reply to  Dovid

Both Christianity and Islam claim to have taken Jewish "truth" and perfected it. Your explanation for why they hate Jews is backwards: they hate that Jews refuse to accept their perfection, not that they hate the perfection of Judaism.

Similar to your explanation, Muslims claim that "Islamophobia" is rooted in jealously of its perfection. This, too, is a false argument since anyone who felt such jealously could simply convert to Islam.

No religion is perfect. Anyone arrogantly claiming to have the perfect religion and benefitting from God's grace is going to treat others with condescension; they will be disrespectful and, in return, will be viewed with some level of contempt.

4 months ago
Reply to  ADS

You should speak to righteous converts to Judaism who have tried other faiths; they'll tell you that there can only be one truth!

Jerri Kimbrough
Jerri Kimbrough
3 months ago
Reply to  Dovid

Good job!

5 months ago

Antisemitism takes many forms and I don't think all forms can be attributed to a single cause.

In the case of the Islamic hatred of Jews, the origin is simple: The Arabian Jews in the time of Muhammad rejected Muhammad's claim of being a successor of the biblical prophets. His anger at this rejection is well documented in the Qur'an. His genocidal response to this rejection is documented in the Islamic histories (Sirah), for example, the Biography of The Prophet Muhammad by Ibn Hisham (9th Century)

One only needs to read the chapters of the Qur'an which were addressed to the Jews of Medina and read what the Muslims say happened to the 7th Century Arabian Jews to appreciate just how embedded into Islam the hatred of Jews is.

5 months ago

Harold - May I suggest that - you read my responses below to EJM - as well as my post just above my response to Ben Blue and Julianna. Then get the Artscroll Stone Edition Torah and Prophets. A Jew - needs to look no further than - The Written Torah Given BY G-D - to the Jewish People Nation and Converts. In - Deu. 4-1/2 - and Deu. 13-1 - G-D Said - “You shall not add to the word that I COMMAND you - NOR - shall you subtract from it - (Torah/Prophets) to observe the COMMANDMENTS of Hashem - YOUR G-D - that I COMMAND YOU”! In Hosea - 11 - 9 - G-D said: “….. I am G-D and not a man; ……”In Hosea 13 4 - G-D Said: “I am Hashem your G-D since the land of Egypt - and you should not have known any g-d besides Me - for there is no savior but me.”.. Also read In Joel Chap. 2  - 27.  

Paul ben Noach
Paul ben Noach
3 months ago
Reply to  Gershom


5 months ago

Is it anti-Semitic to tell the truth?
Both the Jews and Arabs/Palestinians are Semites, (descended from Shem, Noah's son)
Are there any two people groups that hate each other more viciously?
If any has a desire to understand the real reason for antisemitism disguise yourself as a Palestinian and go live in Israel for a month and it will become crystal clear. Even a day!
G-D said in Isaiah
Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord:
though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land:
But if ye refuse and rebel,
you shall be devoured with the sword:
for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.

5 months ago
Reply to  EJM

EJM - Apparently - you've NEVER BEEN TO ISRAEL - and seen the many Arab/Palestinians - who FREELY walk our streets - go to our health clinics - shopping malls Etc., - WITHOUT BEING HARASSED - or ATTACKED by JEWS. Occasional disrespect - YES. Do your due diligence research - and SEE HOW MANY TIMES - JEWS - HAVE ENTERED THE ARAB/PALESTINIAN CONTROLLED AREAS - AND HAVE BEEN ATTACKED AND OR KILLED! ONLY occasionally - in certain areas - have Jews who wandered into their controlled areas - been helped back out. May we suggest - a JEWISH Written Torah and Prophets - and see that 4000 years ago G-D gave Abraham and his descendants - FOREVER - the whole of the land of Canaan. 3500 years ago G-D gave us the Torah - and confirmed that promise. Continue in next reply.

5 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

EJM - 3500 years ago G-D gave us the Torah - and confirmed that promise - and except for CONVERTS to JUDAISM - we are to drive out - all others. So you can be better informed - I suggest buying an Orthodox Bible - like the Artscroll Stone Edition - in Hebrew/English - to learn the TRUTH. AS - Non-ORTHODOX - and NON-JEWISH versions - have all too often - been RE-WORDED - to reflect their preferred teaching(s). Also - you can go to an Orthodox Synagogue - or school - and learn with them - what we've been learning - since we were given the Written Torah - by G-D 3500 years ago. Also - IF YOU BELIEVE IN THE G-D of the Torah - ask yourself - DID G-D LIE? BTW! - when Arabs walk among us - EXTREMELY RARE -is there
EVER HARM to them! The Isaiah quote - applies When JEWS OBEY G-D.

2 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

Wow, your as extreme as Hamas.

Tellit Likeitis
Tellit Likeitis
2 days ago
Reply to  Dad

Seems there's a typo in your name; the 1st letter should be a "B"!

Tony Rice
Tony Rice
5 months ago

Jealousy is also a main reason, Jews are well represented in finance and diamond industry, why?, because Christians were not allowed to lend money and charging interest, hence Jews filled that gap, and made a success of it. No good comes of evil. Christendom shot itself in the foot.

Barb B
Barb B
4 months ago
Reply to  Tony Rice

You've neglected an important point about money-lending: the Jews in medieval Europe were excluded from most professions and trades!
When Italian banking families came onto the European stage, no fuss was made, but a double standard is usually applied to Jews (as we can readily see today).

Tony Rice
Tony Rice
5 months ago

The * Chosen people " is greatly misunderstood, it means chosen to show the world the ways to live, ie via the Ten Commandments. The Catholic church is also guilty for teaching for thousands of years Jews killed Jesus, which they did not, BUT the fore runners of the Catholic church did !! ie the Romans. Catholics were taught in their church to hate Jews, until Israel got Jerusalem back, then the Vatican had do change it's tune.

Morris Givner
Morris Givner
5 months ago

There are 3 main sources of antisemitism:the teachings of Christianity and Islam and the third are the 10 Commandments which many non-Jews dislike because of the high morals.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
5 months ago

Anti-semitism is baked into the New Testament and Koran.

Paul ben Noach
Paul ben Noach
3 months ago
Reply to  Robert Whig

Sadly, this is true. It's only been "safe" to be Jewish around Christians since maybe the 18/1900's. Martin Luther, father of the Reformation, even wrote a book of hatred about Jews. The modern era of Christians loving Jews was a form of evangelism because they thought Jesus was about to return. It's beginning to look like he's delayed his trip, so the love is starting to wane.

5 months ago

Jews face animosity because they are a minority, intelligent, successful, and resist portraying themselves as victims, unlike some other minorities. This challenges the conventional narrative of victimhood, creating discomfort for various (colorful) minority groups. top that with a well-funded and orchestrated Muslim propaganda and you have the ANTISEMITISM 2.0

5 months ago

I am not Jewish....The reason is because people are jealous and the left hates traditions, family, strength, success. All characteristics of Jews.

Last edited 5 months ago by anthony
Sharon Gerrard
Sharon Gerrard
5 months ago

As a Canadian Christian, I value the Old Testament that has been preserved and passed on. You are still the apple of His eye! If I understand the final reason that you have given, that is Jews are the people of the Book, meant to bring G-d to the nations. Or as you stated, you bring the values, light and conscience according to to the Ten Commandments to a sin sick world. Thus, for me the real reason points to Psalm 2. "Why do the nations rage, and the peoples plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the L-d..."
All the other reasons are factors, but skirt around man's rebellion against G-d
I appreciate your articles Hopefully, this is an acceptable response

J. Stack
J. Stack
2 months ago
Reply to  Sharon Gerrard

Very nice to see you use scripture. If you ever have a question always turn to G~d.

5 months ago

Jews got blamed for killing Jesus when actually the Romans did that and the bible was written many years later and whoever wrote it blamed the Jews.

4 months ago
Reply to  Freed

Freed, you need to research just a little more before making such an idiotic comment

Paul ben Noach
Paul ben Noach
3 months ago
Reply to  Mort

Actually, Freed is right. It was Roman soldiers under authority and orders from the Roman government who killed Jesus. Jews were under occupation and had no authority to carry out capital punishment. And the gospels were written decades after his death.The new testament DOES blame Jews for his death and calls Christianity's ultimate evil - satan - their father. That book caused millions of innocent Jews to be persecuted and killed for over 2000 years, just because it blamed the Jews for Jesus' death. A man who said no one was taking his life, but he was giving his life freely.

5 months ago

Many who propose - WHY - there is ANTISEMITISM - and their points they've mentioned - may be - only the SYMPTOMS - and NOT the ROOT CAUSE. Let's open G-D's Written Torah - and take an HONEST LOOK AT - what HE SAID - HE'd do - IF WE - DIDN'T KEEP HIS Written Torah Laws and Commandments - and TREAT HIM - CASUALLY. Although - G-D said - He'd NEVER ABANDON US - HE - was going to PUNISH US. Since the Common ERA (C.E) - WHY have - there have been 87 KNOWN MAJOR POGROMS - against the JEWS. That's NOT COUNTING - HUNDREDS OF SMALL ONES - OUR LEADERS DIDN'T/WOULDN'T COUNT!
WITH G-D's HELP - HE - will once again be BLESSING US - as HE - also PROMISED TO DO.

Ben Blue
Ben Blue
5 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

Your stance is simply baseless - and indeed abhorrent - as it "explains" Jew-hatred as a result of disobedience to Ha-Shem. "Punishment" from God? Absurd unless one believes in a malevolent God. You are free to believe in such a God; I unequivocally and vehemently reject that construct.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ben Blue

I agree. A vengeful God? No way can I believe in such a being. Anti-semitism is man-made and to my mind the main reason is envy. The clever kid inbthe class is hated by his peers. Same syndrome. I am not Jewish bit I have a logical brain that I use for REASONING - as we are supposed to do.

5 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

To my NAYSAYERS. Do you believe in the G-D of the Torah? Did G-D LIE - when He - had Moses WRITE THE TORAH? Did Moses LIE - when he WROTE THE TORAH - LETTER FOR LETTER WORD - WORD FOR WORD - as G-D gave it to him? Apparently - you are not acquainted with the JEWISH WRITTEN TORAH - and what G-D Himself Said - that HE'd PUNISH US - for NOT KEEPING HIS TORAH COMMANDMENTS! NOR - are you familiar with the JEWISH Prophets - where they also declare - what G-D Said He'd do to us - BECAUSE WE FAILED TO KEEP HIS WRITTEN TORAH COMMANDMENTS And LAWS! That's NOT BEING A VENGEFUL G-D - to EXPECT US TO OBEY HIM. WE - are NOT VENGEFUL - when we expect out children - to obey us - and punish when they don't. As a BENEVOLENT G-D - He also said He'd bless us - for KEEPING HIS COMMANDMENTS & LAWS!

Connie Ritter
Connie Ritter
5 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

How can people say they love God and hate anyone especially the Jewish people .

5 months ago
Reply to  Connie Ritter

Connie - WHY - do people hate Jews? This is a multi-faceted problem - and NOT - just one answer. In short - and in part - from the moment we're conceived - we do not get a choice of - who has access to and teaches us - even throughout the rest of our lives. We don't understand how - all the subliminal nuances we experience - including evil spirits - we pick up along the way - that influence how we make our perceptions/decisions. Sometimes - it's the psychological pressure - to BELONG & ACCEPTED - by whichever group - we want to belong to. EG: fraternal organizations etc.. Or like many Jews - who deny their heritage - or assimilate - so that they can FIT IN. As I said - it's NOT JUST ONE SIMPLE ANSWER. In assessing the problem - factor these into the assessment.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gershom
5 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

Connie - to add to that - because of the reasons above - many people were taught HOW to LOVE THE DEITY THEY WERE TAUGHT TO BELIEVE IN. And some teach that G-D ABANDONED THE JEWS - and that we are ABHORRENT ETC,. - and deserving of being reviled and punished. There are other reasons that are used as well.

5 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

Gershom, you're almost hitting the nail on the head, but don't you see ...
Some say that God said this and others say that God said that. Religious beliefs like this create division and, in extreme cases, hate. People who arrogantly believe that God favours them over others will be shunned, persecuted, hated.

Please stop claiming that you know God's will. Please judge scriptures by what they tell us and not by what you believe about their origin.

4 months ago
Reply to  Connie Ritter

Hate in your heart not going to make it in heaven is not a race problem it's a sin problem of the heart spirit of murder repent of it get rid of it time is to short rapture can happen at any time you don't want to get left behind

J. Stack
J. Stack
2 months ago
Reply to  Gershom

Sometimes Hashem sends difficulty to his children like a father. It isn’t always about sin.

Erwin Posner
Erwin Posner
5 months ago

Through the ages people have tried to find the answer to obliterating antisemitism. Some tried assimilation, some tried appeasement and some tried education.

They said poor nonJews were being kept uneducated and antisemitic so the elite would prevent them from from revolting against the ruling class. But see how the educated, both students and faculty, at elite universities around the world still foment antisemitism.

Some said tell the tale of the horror of the Holocaust to teach why never again should be meaningful to all people. Holocaust museums sprung up to spread the message of preventing hate. But the message of preventing hate became diluted and often didn't apply to Jews.

Somehow everytime we think we know how to antisemitism that disease morphs into something else.

Michael Davis
Michael Davis
5 months ago

the nations show up with political spin of their deranged thoughts and hate of the Light exposing their idol orgies

lauralynn leosher
lauralynn leosher
5 months ago

i reject the bottom line of your argument. i believe antisemitism is first because en mass we will not assimilate to with the world, our choice, but its a primary factor .. which leads to number 2 . people have to have someone to blame, s very small minority population is the easiest target, especially when any argument will justify it.. they're too successful theyre communists, their moralist theyre too white theyre nit white enough, every argument fits into the scenario..
then the religious arguments they killed jesus they kill Christian children to make matzah .. t
from the muslims they were never in Israel they they lie they steal etc etc .. my favorite, they refuse to convert to Islam they refuse to convert to jesus .. the list goes on and on...

5 months ago

You are just rehashing the list given in the video. The point is why, in particular, Jew-hatred exists even when none of the listed conditions do. And for that, the conclusion of the video remains the most compelling answer.

5 months ago

The largest wave of antisemitism in recent world history (the Holocaust) was preceded by the biggest attempt of Jews in world history to assimilate and become secular Germans. Sort of goes against your "first reason" for antisemitism, no?

J. Stack
J. Stack
2 months ago
Reply to  Alex

Did you know that Hitler killed 6 million while Russia killed 12 million Jews?

5 months ago

The assimilation argument can't be used too broadly. I was raised in Brooklyn in an Italian home and am not Jewish. Some Jews like Hasidic Jews don't assimilate culturally but are very active in that they own business and deal with non Jews and are generally pleasant once you strike a conversation with them. There are other Jews that are totally assimilated and marry outside the religion. From a non-Jewish perspective I see jealousy as a driving factor. I also believe as I stated in a previous comment that people on the left detest people are have strong traditions, family centric, confident and successful. Believe me, if the Jews were on their hands and knees begging for assistance the left would not detest them as they would fit the victim narrative. God Bless..Much respect...

Melanie Gadsdon
Melanie Gadsdon
5 months ago

Jewish people (I prefer to call us Hebrews) are clever people and have many many contributions to the world such as Medicine, DNA, Psychiatry, writers, musicians, artists, film makers, chess players etc etc. We are being denied recognition for anything abovementioned simply (or not simply) People are jealous. Jealousy rears its ugly head.

5 months ago

Melanie, I think you are absolutely correct. I would also add that in recent times, Islam has been a major factor in antisemitism.

5 months ago

Yes jealousy does play a part. It's amazes me how many Jews have one Nobel prizes when compared to their % of the world population. Look at how many people from Muslim countries have won Nobel prizes in the areas of science. You can count them on one hand even if you were not born with all five fingers.

5 months ago
Reply to  anthony

Why do our people alway's vote for the enemies of the Jewish people.
?. Where r the
Jewish folks that represent us? Never again means, Never Again!! Stop voting any party that hates Israel. If we lose Israel, G-D forbid, we have no place to go. Ha-Shem gave us a gift, we must never let our enemies take it away. Pray and let us bless Ha-Shem and he will lead us into victory.

Paul ben Noach
Paul ben Noach
3 months ago
Reply to  faigel

At least if you're an American citizen and love the country, stop voting Democrat. You're casting your vote right there with all the pro-Palestinian protesters on all those staunch democrat ivy-league campuses. Better to stay home and pray that vote for that.

4 months ago

Love one another with God kind of love get along

3 months ago
Reply to  Sandra

All religions are manufactured by men as a means of controlling the masses... Fair enough and all good if you truly believe; I have no quarrel... However, just like extraterrestrials definitive proof will surely answer a lot of questions. Oh I'm agnostic.

13 days ago
Reply to  Steve

Disagree. With free will, it's a battle between demons within the individuals who acquire leadership positions, surround themselves with people of like-minded, and interpret scripture to suit their own interests. It doesn't matter where you stand in the hierarchy. You are rewarded for espousing doctrine. I know anything written by man is an interpretation of the ACTUAL WORD. But a congregation of the Faithful is important to us all. It provides an avenue to be better, gives us hope for a better future.

3 months ago
Reply to  Sandra

Amend Sandra

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