Why Israel Must Destroy Hamas

November 7, 2023

11 min view


Gazans have been suffering at the hands of Hamas for decades. Israel’s aim is to destroy Hamas with the hope to create a future free of terror for both Gazans and Israelis.

How October 7 Changed Everything

The brutal events of October 7th marked a profound shift in Israel's perception of Hamas and triggered a swift and resolute response. This video delves into the transformative impact of that day, detailing Israel's commitment to dismantling Hamas' infrastructure and securing its borders. The massacre on October 7th was a pivotal point in altering the historical approach towards Hamas.

More Hamas Terror Against Palestinians in Gaza

The notable escalation of Hamas terror against Israelis has thrusted the terrorist group into the spotlight of the media.  The video provides a closer look at the invasion of Israeli communities by Hamas terrorists, describing the grim accounts of families murdered in their homes. Less spoken about, is the continued terrorism against Gazans by Hamas, who retain an undemocratic rule over the strip. This video delves into the complexities of supporting Israel's right to defend itself while acknowledging the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza, offering insights into the ongoing crisis.

Egyptian and Israeli Blockades on Gaza

Many challenges stem from Egyptian and Israeli blockades on Gaza since 2007. This video delves into the impact on employment, education, and overall quality of life for Gazans. The absence of an airport or seaport compounds the difficulties faced by the population. By examining the repercussions of these blockades, the video sheds light on the broader context that adds complexity to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Israel need to destroy Hamas? 

While not an easy question, Israel needs to destroy Hamas, after it’s brutal massacre on October 7th, its preparations for war since coming to power, and its intentions to destroy the Jewish state. Watch our video to understand the full story.

Is it possible to have sympathy for both Palestinians and Israelis?

Yes, it is possible to have sympathy for both Israelis and Gazans in the current war. Both sides have suffered, and it is normal to feel compassion for both Israelis and Gazans.

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Robert Mandel
Robert Mandel
4 months ago

Hey Unpacked

There is a prophecy from Zachariah 9:1-8 that appears to report this Hamas war and its outcome, according to G-d. All the cities mentioned are in Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza. Your insight is appreciated.

Michelle milner
Michelle milner
5 months ago

Stop justifying- just do.SG MM 2610

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
6 months ago

I am getting sick and tired of seeing all the Pro-Palestine marches.

Where are all the Pro-Israel marches?

6 months ago

Someone ironically said something like fancy Israel having the cheek to retaliate against the atrocities, which the person listed. The NZ news is showing both sides, thank goodness, but I cannot for the life of me understand how people are victim blaming; it wasn't Israel who invaded Gaza, abducted people, raped. mutlilated, murdered, tortured and burned them alive. Did people expect Israel to do nothing? If the antis' were raped and tortured, would they not want anything to happen to the doers?

5 months ago
Reply to  Annie

There is a paradigm of Jewish behaviour that stems from decades of living on sufferance in other peoples’ countries; it goes like this: Jews do not fight. Jews are endlessly nice to everyone while taking meekly whatever anyone does to them.
Naturally this antiquated paradigm is meaningless to Israel. But many people, perhaps subconsciously, still expect Jews even in their own country to adhere to it.

6 months ago

Excellent video that should be seen by the world.

6 months ago

Wow. This video really lays it all out. Excellent. Should be shared with EVERYONE.

Virginia Kondas
Virginia Kondas
6 months ago

Great Video. I hope it is uploaded to all the social media outlets. There is a lot of misinformation among pro Palestinian supporters. Palestine/ Gaza citizens have been free since 2006 but restricted. I agree with the restricted access to Israel. If anyone notices Egypt has a large barrier of land between their border with Gaza which would not allow for any tunnels to connect. Egypt has learned from the past. Jordan also. Israel allowed Gazan workers privileges but some were informants. How else did they have such detailed information about the kibbutz? Israel must always keep their guard up. New terrorists group start indoctrination from childhood. Hamas will be eliminated but Mossad, Shin bet, whatever agency must learn from this so we don’t have to say never again, again.

6 months ago

Yes, that is why I don’t see any way the Gazans can be allowed back into their homes. Bottom line is, sadly, that we just can’t trust them.

Bracha Goetz
Bracha Goetz
6 months ago

Great video! It would be good to include more info about terrorist enclaves purposely being built under playgrounds, schools, mosques, and hospitals.

6 months ago

The people of Gaza elected Hamas. If Hamas was victorious against Israel they would cheer Hamas, and kill all the Jews they could.

Dani'el Kannan
Dani'el Kannan
6 months ago

That’s why God asked Joshua to completely wipe out the Amalekites … and here now to completely wipe out Hamas & all terrorist oppressors as they are a cruel, wicked & hostile people …

6 months ago

Very fair, but should have included the fact that Hamas built their military infrastructure within, around and below civilian homes, schools, hospitals and houses of worship. That is why the Gazan civilians must now suffer a total loss of their residences and lifestyle.

6 months ago
Reply to  Dvirah

I appreciate what you are saying but as is the video is over 10 minutes long. Even that is pushing the attention spans of those who are anti Israel.

5 months ago
Reply to  ElkaZelda

You are probably right but it is a key point, especially in explaining why Israel appears to be targeting civilians.

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