About the Author

Lori Palatnik

Lori Palatnik is a writer and Jewish educator who has appeared on television and radio. She is the Founding Director of Momentum (formerly the JWRP) an international initiative that together with Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and over 300 partnering organizations worldwide, brings thousands of Jewish mothers (and now fathers) to Israel each year for a highly subsidized, 8-day transformational experience with a one-year follow-up program in their home cities. (www.momentumunlimited.org). She is a much sought-after international speaker based in Jerusalem. Follow Lori on Facebook, Instagram: @loripalatnik and Twitter: @LoriAlmostLive


Passover & the Jewish Mission

This Seder recommit to the Jewish People's unique mission.


Jewish Women Renaissance Project

Birthright for women: A powerful program is inspiring Jewish women.


Charlie Sheen Implosion

Why do we like to watch somebody's tragedy?


Eye on the Goal

It's amazing the amount of pain we'll take when we're focused.


Lone Soldier

You're never alone in Israel.


Purim in Auschwitz

For survivors, Purim wasn't simply a victory that happened thousands of years ago.


If You Couldn't Fail...

What would you attempt to do?


The Gulf War: 20 Years Later

Remembering the masks and miracles in Israel.


When the Housekeeper Quit

It was the best thing to happen to our family.


Getting Good Grades

Dealing with pressure in school.


Valentine's Day Every Day

Forget the commercialism and express your love every day.


Responding to Anti-Semitism

I wasn't proud of what I did. What would you do?


Labels Disable

Jewish unity based on growth and understanding.


Change Your Life Diet

How my husband lost 50 pounds and changed his life.


Stay at Home Mom?

A new mother is torn. What would you advise her to do?


Carpool Wars

Don't view it as a burden. It's a way to help people in need.


Christmas Carols

I like them because they remind me I am a guest in this country.


Where is Home?

Where you live? Where you're born? Where you want to live?


Are You a Cell Phone?

When your kids come home, hang up the phone.


Chanukah: Doing the Impossible

When we invite God in, amazing things can happen.


A Kosher Thanksgiving

This year be inclusive and accommodate your fellow Jew.


Halloween Is Not Our Holiday

Why my kids don't feel they're missing out.


Veteran's Day

My son is preparing to go into the Israeli army.


Different Jews

Religious people are not all the same.


Affording Jewish Day School

What a difference free Jewish day school education would make.


Mary Tyler Moore, Where Are You?

Is there anyone on TV today we can look to as a role model?


My Daugher's Bat Mitzvah

What I do on my child's special birthday.


Act Your Age

I just turned 50 and here's my advice.


Celebrating Simchat Torah

The Jewish journey never ends.


Driveway Sukkah

Don't be left out in the cold.


Something New This Yom Kippur

Make your shul experience a meaningful one.


Rosh Hashana: Two Tracks to God

Thanking God and struggling with Him at the same time.


"I'm Jewish!"

You can trust me, we're family.


Elul: Getting Back on Track

It's time to prepare for your day in court.


Jewish Camp

A great way to connect your kids to Judaism.


Waste Not

An extended blackout taught our family an important lesson about conservation.


Feeling God's Pain

Taking responsibility for the Jewish people.


Mazel Tov Leah!

A conversion story.



Some relationships are inherently volatile.


Becoming One

The Jewish definition of marriage.



Hey! I'm a member of the tribe too!


Mazel Tov!

What does it really mean?


Marriage Year One

It's the best and worst year of your marriage.



Why are we putting so much pressure on our young kids?


Instant Education

We've created a generation that has stopped thinking.


Telling Jokes

Humor is a powerful tool. Use it wisely.


Holocaust Legacy

It's not the tattooed number that we need to ensure is carried on.


Marriage in Crisis

Don't ignore the warning signs. Get the help you need.


A Weekly Holiday

Everything is special on Shabbat.


An Entire World

Discover the person next to you.

Next Steps