About the Author

Lori Palatnik

Lori Palatnik is a writer and Jewish educator who has appeared on television and radio. She is the Founding Director of Momentum (formerly the JWRP) an international initiative that together with Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and over 300 partnering organizations worldwide, brings thousands of Jewish mothers (and now fathers) to Israel each year for a highly subsidized, 8-day transformational experience with a one-year follow-up program in their home cities. (www.momentumunlimited.org). She is a much sought-after international speaker based in Jerusalem. Follow Lori on Facebook, Instagram: @loripalatnik and Twitter: @LoriAlmostLive


The Jewish Doctor

The Jewish people is one big family.


My Husband’s Surgery

The importance of being positive.


Why Bitter Herbs

Why do we need to be reminded that slavery is bitter?


3 Ways to Overcome Fear

Putting our fears into perspective.


Purim: Chance or Divine Plan?

Why isn’t God mentioned in the Book of Esther?


3 Keys to Self-Esteem

How to nurture self-esteem in your kids and yourself.


Surprise, Surprise!

It’s not always a great idea to surprise someone.


Hearing Sirens

There’s a reason you’re hearing that ambulance. Stop and get its message.


Buy Local

If Jews don’t support each other, who will?


Pleasure’s Price Tag

Would you want to live life experiencing no pain?


Three Tips on Raising Teenagers

Feel their pain, don’t ride their drama, it’s not going to last.


Torah: Ahead Of Its Time

The best-selling, revolutionary self-help book of all time.


3 Ways to Make Your Marriage More Vibrant

Simple, effective tools that really work.


1-800-God Part 4: Say Thank You

God sends us gifts every day, and they come with a card.


1-800-God Part 3: Just Ask

God wants you to ask. There's nothing too big, there's nothing too small.


1-800-God 2: Why Praise God?

God doesn’t need the ego stroke.


1-800-God, 1: Use God’s Name

Recognize there is a God and talk to Him.


Hanukkah: A Time to Fight

Jewish history teaches that there are times we need to stand up and fight.

General Petraeus & Us

It’s no wonder Judaism forbids a man from being alone with a woman who is not his wife.


Take Off the Training Wheels

Gaining Jewish literacy requires pushing beyond your comfort zone.


Thanksgiving: I’m an American!

Why I made this fateful decision.

An American Jew?

Where does my ultimate loyalty lie?


Who’s Your Rabbi?

Why everyone needs to choose a rabbi for guidance.


Choosing Our Leaders

The Jewish system is radically different than the American one.


Worth Fighting For

For what goals are you willing to make real sacrifices?


Simchat Torah: Let’s Dance!

The end is just the beginning.


Sukkot: A Hug from God

Why Sukkot is my favorite holiday.


Yom Kippur: Do the Work

Make your plan and put in the effort.


Define Your Terms

Stop arguing and strive to reach a mutual understanding.


Discovering the Real You: The Tov Soul

Fighters for justice, driven to do the right thing.


Discovering the Real You: Life of the Party

Welcome to the world of the “Bracha” soul and body.


Rosh Hashanah: Going Up

Are you a better person this year?


The Real You: Pleasure of Understanding

The creative thinkers.


Discovering the Real You

Understanding yourself and others through this Jewish personality typing.


Tests: My Will Vs God’s Will

What I want to do versus what I feel like doing.


Tests: Acceptance Vs Rejection

Putting God into the equation.


Tests: Connection Vs. Estrangement

The most common challenge we have with our spouse.


Tests: Giver Vs. Taker

One of life’s challenges is learning to get out of ourselves.


Tests: Why God Gives Them

Would you send your child to a school that gives no tests?


Jewish Leadership

Three essential aspects: vision, responsibility, care.


Everything Happens to Me

We need to learn how to get out of ourselves.


Courage to Live Your Clarity

Having the guts to stand up to social pressure.


Is There a Doctor on Board?

When a kippah-clad doctor stepped forward to rescue a passenger.


Completing the Talmud

A major celebration is in the works. And it’s not too late for you to participate.


Dear Dad

We were so excited when our father came home.


Conflict Resolution

Screaming and yelling is not the Jewish way.


Lost in Translation

No hablo Español!


Shavuot: Maintaining the Inspiration

Holding on to the clarity after Sinai.


My Ideal Mother’s Day

Now that my kids are grown, I have a greater appreciation of the day.


Complaining in America

We forget how blessed we really are.

Next Steps