About the Author

Lori Palatnik

Lori Palatnik is a writer and Jewish educator who has appeared on television and radio. She is the Founding Director of Momentum (formerly the JWRP) an international initiative that together with Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and over 300 partnering organizations worldwide, brings thousands of Jewish mothers (and now fathers) to Israel each year for a highly subsidized, 8-day transformational experience with a one-year follow-up program in their home cities. (www.momentumunlimited.org). She is a much sought-after international speaker based in Jerusalem. Follow Lori on Facebook, Instagram: @loripalatnik and Twitter: @LoriAlmostLive


Safe to be a Jew?

A Jew can never have too many passports.


A Woman's Power

The woman sanctifies space and sets the tone in the home.


Respecting the Help

We're all Jewish ambassadors. So watch what you say and do.


Leaving Now

What would you take with you?


Next Year in Jerusalem

We sing the song, but do we mean it?


Crossing the Religious/Secular Divide

One step is for everyone to stop making sweeping generalizations.


Dropping the Mask

It's good to laugh at ourselves.



Make the time to give of yourselves.


Israeli Taxi Drivers

The best way to get the pulse of the nation.


It's Not Fair!

What message do we give our children when we say, "Life isn't fair"?



Have you ever met an old soul?


Honoring Rav Noah's Legacy

On the occasion of Rabbi Weinberg's yahrzeit, help dedicate a new sefer Torah in his name.


Dressing Up, Dressing Down

Am I dressed too casual?


Can Men & Women Just Be Friends?

Sometimes a little formality is a good thing.


The Sad Israeli Campaign

The aborted pr campaign is unfortunate in so many ways.


Please Give

Does time count as tzedakah?


There for a Reason

Think you're in the wrong place? Think again.


The New Year

Using the day for introspection.


Losing the Chanukah Battle

Are you prepared to give your life for Judaism?


Different Strokes

Don't expect your kids to be the same.


You're a Leader

It's up to all of us to take responsibility for the Jewish people.


Thank You Mrs. Hoffman

Who are you going to personally thank this year?


Default Judaism

The Jewish middle class is disappearing.


Bringing Our Kids Home

We can all reach out to our fellow Jews.


Wiring Our Kid's Hard Drives

Everything we say to our kids goes in, and one day they're going to access it.


Simchat Torah: A Reason to Dance

Why we're really celebrating.


Sukkot: Everyone Counts

Why this is my favorite holiday.


Yom Kippur: Raise the Bar

Bringing the power of the day into the rest of your life.


A Second Look at Judaism

Torah has practical wisdom for every aspect of life.



How many rooms do you really need in your house?


Don't Blame, Don't Complain: An Update

And now you can order your own band!


Deciding for Tomorrow

Appreciating the consequences of our decisions.


Purposeful Love

How to rectify senseless hatred.


Learn Hebrew

Why it's worth putting in the effort.


Loving Jews from Afar

Working on loving Jews that are different than you.


Choosing Your Social Pressure

How does your community influence you?


Watch Your Mouth

How you speak not only affects others, it impacts your soul.


Pivotal Moments

We all have moments that change everything. What's yours?


Jews Aren't Perfect

Don't judge Judaism by the Jews.


Engaged 9 Times

Lessons from a runaway bride.


Never Too Late

Don't underestimate the influence you can still have on your children.


Becoming American

Like becoming a Jew, it takes real knowledge and commitment.


The Woman on the Plane

Lasting Jewish pride is based on a strong Jewish education.


Shavuot: One Nation, One Heart

What unites the Jewish People?


My Jet Lag Solution

The importance of being present.


We Want It NOW

Patience is a rare commodity.


My Israel Connection

There is no other place like the Land of Israel.


Meeting Avital Sharansky

What I learned from this genuine Jewish hero.

When Evil Falls

Is it proper to celebrate Osama Bin Laden's death?


To Tweet or Not to Tweet

Have we crossed a line with all this sharing?

Next Steps