About the Author

Lori Palatnik

Lori Palatnik is a writer and Jewish educator who has appeared on television and radio. She is the Founding Director of Momentum (formerly the JWRP) an international initiative that together with Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and over 300 partnering organizations worldwide, brings thousands of Jewish mothers (and now fathers) to Israel each year for a highly subsidized, 8-day transformational experience with a one-year follow-up program in their home cities. (www.momentumunlimited.org). She is a much sought-after international speaker based in Jerusalem. Follow Lori on Facebook, Instagram: @loripalatnik and Twitter: @LoriAlmostLive


Helping Singles Get Married

My top four pieces of advice.


Making a Meaningful, Fun Passover Seder

Some of our best tips and practices.


What Would You Save?

If you can only take one thing from the fire.


The 4 Stages of Organizations

Forming, storming, norming, and performing – applied to marriage.


The 100 Things Challenge

How much stuff do you really need?


This Year’s Powerful Purim Opportunity

This is the month when anything is possible.


The Solution Before the Problem

A positive way to look at challenges.


Cell Phones on a Plane

Why it’s a terrible idea.


Where to Be Buried

Yes, it does make a difference.


The Verdict

Three things can change a decree.


What’s Your Dream?

Dreams really can come true. Don’t give up.


Miley Cyrus: Marketing Genius?

When did branding yourself, turning yourself into a product, become an ideal?


Becoming a Levi

The Jewish people need teachers with passion. What are you waiting for?


Lean On

Be a person others can count on.


Building Fences

Practical Jewish advice for preserving what’s important.


Confessions of a Mean Girl

People really do change.


3 Things that are Hard to Acquire

Torah wisdom, the Next World, and the Land of Israel.


Admired or Loved?

What’s the difference and which one is greater?


Hanukkah & Thanksgiving

Embrace the opportunity to drive home the real message of Hanukkah.


How Much Sleep?

A necessary evil or greatest pleasure?


Jewish Mothers

It’s time to break the stereotype.


24 Hours of No Talking

Take the challenge and see the power of this Jewish custom.


Mission Statements

Applying business practices to life.


The Pledge

How Jews in the Diaspora came to Israel’s aid.


Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s Funeral

Mourning for the head of the family.


Thank God for Shabbat

Disconnecting in order to relate to each other.


The Sukkah Hop

Discover the joy of community this Sukkot.


My Most Important Piece of Marriage Advice

Marriage isn’t a partnership; it’s a merger.


How to Have a Great Yom Kippur

It starts with preparing right for the fast.


Three Ways to Make Rosh Hashanah Great

How to prepare for the big day.


Taking the High Road

Be the person to initiate peace.


Saying Goodbye to Your Kids

Don't just cry – celebrate!


Flowers from My Husband

They don’t last, but their message certainly does.


Reply All Faux Pas

Don’t put in writing something that others would be uncomfortable to read.


Facebook Envy

Keeping up with the Joneses in today’s oversharing world.


Mazel Tov Carina!

An Aish.com success story.


Rabbi Weinberg’s Marriage Advice

What qualities did you see in your spouse when you first got married?


Cremation: A Jewish Perspective

Why this growing trend isn’t a good idea.


Snail Mail

Let’s bring back the art of writing a letter and mailing it.


Turning 80

Every day is precious.


Aliyah: It’s Never Too Late

Life is about change and growth, no matter how old you are.



Protect yourself from crossing that line.


Love or Respect

Which one is more important? It depends if you’re a man or a woman.


Do I Look Fat?

On being truthful to your spouse.


Mother’s Day, Hallmark Day

Show your love and appreciation every day.


Shavuot: All Night Long

The power and excitement of learning Torah all night long.


Annette Funicello & Today’s Celebrities

Who are your kids’ role models?


Snorkeling & the World to Come

Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there.


God’s Beautiful World

He did an amazing job with Hawaii.


3 Tips on Being a Better Parent

Each of your children is a match made in Heaven.

Next Steps