About the Author

Lori Palatnik

Lori Palatnik is a writer and Jewish educator who has appeared on television and radio. She is the Founding Director of Momentum (formerly the JWRP) an international initiative that together with Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and over 300 partnering organizations worldwide, brings thousands of Jewish mothers (and now fathers) to Israel each year for a highly subsidized, 8-day transformational experience with a one-year follow-up program in their home cities. (www.momentumunlimited.org). She is a much sought-after international speaker based in Jerusalem. Follow Lori on Facebook, Instagram: @loripalatnik and Twitter: @LoriAlmostLive


God's Complete World

Every person is unique and matters.


Corner the Market

Pick one mitzvah you're going to do to the ultimate.


Matchmaker! Matchmaker!

Make the effort. After all, you're just the messenger.


Praying for Someone You Don't Like

Try it -- you'll be surprised by the results.


Thank You, Mark

A lesson in gratitude.

The Time to Reinvest is Now

Don't ask Mr. Soros or Mr. Buffett about when it is time to reinvest. Ask yourself.

A Practical Guide to Paying A Shiva Call

A short primer on how to comfort a mourner.


Why I Don't Live In Israel

Not everyone has the merit.


Jewish Names

Use it, or lose it.


I Deserve

Why do so many kids cry at their own birthday party?


Being Angry at God

God has big shoulders; He can take it.


Our Job As Parents

Director, supervisor, and consultant.


Acknowledging Others

Who profoundly impacted your life?


The Ten Commandments

Can you name them? In order?


My Husband's Story

Walking across the Sinai desert and running out of water.

Where's the Respect?

Why kids should not call adults by their first names.

Where's the Respect?

Why kids should not call adults by their first names.

Dad's Chair

Have we forgotten what it means to give honor?

Dad's Chair

Have we forgotten what it means to give honor?

The House Always Wins

When one spouse is more committed Jewishly than the other.

Don't Go After Your Eyes And Your Heart

Don't Go After Your Eyes And Your Heart


Contemplating Divorce

Divorce is like amputation -- it's only done when the marriage is killing you.


Men in Power

Men in Power


Wise Guy

Who needs a rabbi? We all do.


Learning from Mistakes

A wise person learns from other people's mistakes.


It Starts with You

Don't become religious for someone else.


Make It Personal

You don't have to be personally affected in order to fight for a cause.


First Comes Love?

Real love grows after marriage.


Make Time for God

And He'll make time for you.


Summer Break

Don't take a holiday from God.

Dating after Marriage

When was the last time you and your spouse went out together on a date?


Should We Have More Kids?

Making a decision you won't regret.


Rabbi Akiva's Inspiration

How Aish HaTorah got its name.


At the Holocaust Museum

What can we do to strengthen the Jewish people.


Creating Memories

How you react shapes your kids memories forever.


Finding Money

Ask God, anytime, in any language.


Kelly O'Neil

You never know where and when Elijah the Prophet will show up.


Passover Priorities

Passover is not spring cleaning.


Partnership Or Merger?

Marriage isn't a 50-50 proposition.


David Letterman, It's All Wrong

Lowering the morality bar.


The Worth of a Man

Three ways to know if this is the right guy..


The Thank You People

Where does the word "Jewish" come from?



Donating a kidney taught me the importance of appreciating your good health.


Nasty or Nice?

Winning our kids over with love.


Rabbi Weinberg's Love

One way how we can carry on Rabbi Weinberg's legacy.

Journey to the Next World

What happens when you die? How does the life you lead in this world affect your experience of the next world?

Next Steps