About the Author

Rabbi Dovid Rosenfeld

Dovid Rosenfeld grew up in Silver Spring, MD, and received Rabbinical ordination from Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, Baltimore, MD. He works as a web programmer for aish.com and a writer for ArtScroll. He lives with his wife and family in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel.

The Purpose of the Mishkan (Tabernacle)

King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba

Jacob vs. Esau, Part 3: The Next Generation

Joseph embodied Jacob's mission to the world; Judah embodied Israel's.

What Was the Serpent?

How Our Forefathers’ Merit Helps Us

Washing Again During Bread Meal

Washing After the Bathroom

The Evil of Idolatry

Final Judgment on Chanukah

Joseph Buys the Egyptians and Their Land

Customs for Waiting Between Meat and Milk

What Does a Noahide Actually Do?

Jewish Holidays and Celebrating our Enemies’ Destruction

It's been said that the Jewish holidays all celebrate military victories against others. How can we make celebrations over massacring others?

Why Can't God Just Reward Us?

Jewish DNA

Repeating Havdalah for Others

Jacob Buys the Birthright for Soup

I’m studying the story of Jacob and Esau and I am so bothered by the simple storyline. Imagine the scenario. Two brothers, one is sitting at home studying and the other returns from an exhausting day at work. He asks his brother for something to eat. Does the brother help him, as any good brother should? No, he takes advantage of Esau’s weakness and only agrees to give him food if he parts with his most precious asset – his birthright. How can Jacob act so unethically?

What is the Behemoth?

Abraham: Discovering God at Three

Significance of Hebrew Year

Why Do Mourners Recite Kaddish?

Why Do We Shake the Lulav?

Adam’s Children’s Marriages

Are We Obligated to Forgive?

Jacob Steals the Blessings

How could Jacob have been so dishonest as to steal Esau’s blessings from his father Isaac? It certainly paints him as the bad guy and not the hero!

The Cruel Death of the Scapegoat

In the Yom Kippur service with the two goats, one of the goats – the se’ir la’azazel – was taken out to be pushed off a cliff – and would be broken to pieces. What was the point of doing something so cruel?

Balaam’s Lack of Surprise at Donkey’s Speech

Shabbat Without Gluten

Prayer: Why Not Leave it up to God?

End of Slavery in Egypt

When did the slavery end in the Egypt – at the start of the plagues or when they finished?

Food Cooked in a Dairy/Meat Pot

How Miraculous was the Splitting of the Sea?

There is a Midrash that Nachshon was the first to jump into the sea. When the water reached his nostrils, it miraculously split into two. This seems to contradict what the Torah itself says – that God brought a powerful east wind which drove back the sea the entire night?

Eating Shabbat Morning Before Prayers

Covering Mirrors in House of Mourning

Eating a Limb from a Live Animal

All the Noahide Laws seem very basic and fundamental – not killing or stealing, setting up courts, etc. But one of them – eating a limb from a live animal – just doesn't seem to fit. What is so significant about it?

Angel injuring Jacob’s Thigh

Blessing After Washing for Bread

Mice and Uncleanness

Jeremiah 31 and the New Covenant

Cooking and Using Fire on Yom Tov

Urim and Thummim

Lag B’Omer on Sunday

The Life of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai

A glimpse into the greatness of this towering scholar whose yahrzeit is commemorated on Lag B’Omer.

Moses’s Cushite Wife

Washing Before Touching Bread

Shabbat Candles in a Hotel

The Book of Job and Satan’s Power

The Book of Job begins with God and Satan making a wager over Job, in which God gives Satan permission to test Job, giving him terrible affliction. Does Satan really have the right to harm an innocent man like that?

120 Year Lifespan

Tzitzit – Size of Garment

Unleavened Dough of Exodus

Next Steps