Soul & Afterlife

Afterlife Video - I was interested to read your explanation on the afterlife. However, perhaps you could clarify one point. I heard that "time" is a concept unique to this world, not existing in the World to Come. How, then, is it possible… More »
Animal Souls - I have a dog that I love dearly. She has brought joy to my life and brought smiles to the faces of many. I've heard many people say that animals don't have souls or that their souls are different from… More »
Assisted Suicide - I am a university student in Alberta, Canada and I am doing a research paper on euthanasia from the Jewish perspective. Can you direct me to more information? Thank you. More »
Better Off Not Created - Why did God create the world? I thought the answer was that in God's kindness, He wanted to give people the opportunity to come close to Him. But I understand the Talmud says we'd have been better off not having… More »
Dybbuk - I recently received tickets to a ballet called "The Dybbuk," with music by Leonard Bernstein. It sounds like something like the "Jewish Exorcist." Please tell me what this is all about. More »
Holocaust: Reincarnated Souls? - I live in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, and I enjoy reading your Ask the Rabbi column. In my local paper today, it was reported that a leading rabbi in Israel said that the Jewish victims of the Holocaust were reincarnated souls… More »
Luz Bone - I have heard about a bone in the brain that never disintegrates. You can't burn it, break it or crush it. What is this bone called and what is its purpose? More »
Reincarnation - I was astonished by your explanation of suffering in little children as being due to their souls being "old" and having experienced past lives. I have always understood this notion as being a component of Buddhism and as being central… More »
Reincarnation and Dreams - I have been reading about the Jewish idea of reincarnation and this has raised a few questions: Does reincarnation explain why it is believed that we were all at Mount Sinai to receive the Torah? Secondly, how do we explain… More »
Singularity Theory - Time Magazine recently ran an article on Singularity Theory, which was new to me and very fascinating, and scary at the same time, that human intelligence is about to be surpassed by machines. Are you familiar with this theory, and… More »
Soul for a Fetus? - Where in Torah is there a reference to the exact time when God places the soul into the human being? Do Jews believe that babies have souls before birth? More »
Source for Afterlife - I know that Judaism believes in the afterlife, but in reading the Torah I did not see any mention of that. You would think such major, essential, fundamental ideas would be openly stated. Where is this discussed? More »
Suicide - A guy who works at the same company just committed suicide. Some people are saying that this is a terrible crime, while others say it's okay because he didn't harm anyone. Can help put this into perspective for me? More »
The Afterlife - Do Jews believe in the hereafter such as life after death? More »
The Creation of Man and the Animals - In our weekly Torah study session, the question came up why the Torah makes special mention of God’s blowing a soul into Adam after creating him (Genesis 2:7). The animals are living beings as well but their bodies and souls… More »
To Life! - If the World to Come (the afterlife) is the ultimate perfect world that we aspire to go when we die, then why are we constantly wishing everyone to "have a long life"? Surely if the afterlife is so wonderful, shouldn't… More »
What Happens Right After We Die? - I am very curious to know what happens to the soul after a person dies. Does it remain with the body, or does it go up to Heaven? When my parents died, I was insistent on having a proper Jewish… More »
World to Come not Mentioned in the Torah - If the belief in the World to Come is so central to Judaism, why does the Torah never mention it? More »
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