Daily Prayers

Adding Personal Requests to Daily Prayers - I understand there are places in the Amidah where one can insert personal prayers – apart from the standard prayers it already includes. How do I do this? More »
Ashrei - Nun - The verses in the prayer of Ashrei follow an alphabetical pattern, yet I see that the Nun is missing. Why? More »
Bedtime Shema - I know that a Jew is to say the Shema prayer twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. But I recently saw mentioned that it is said a third time, at bedtime. What's this all about? More »
Blessing After Washing for Bread - I noticed that whenever we wash our hands – both in the morning and before eating bread – we make the blessing “al netilat yadayim” after washing. But don’t we always make blessings before doing a mitzvah rather than after? More »
Blessing Before Torah Study - I’ve begun studying Torah more regularly and wanted to know if there is some blessing I should say before doing so. More »
Earliest Time for Morning Prayers (Shacharit) - I’ve noticed that our synagogue has morning services (Shacharit) quite early during the workweek, after which most of the congregants hurry off to work. During the winter months it is still dark outside for most of the services. Shouldn’t morning… More »
Exercising Before Shacharit (Morning Prayers) - I have a busy morning schedule and get up very early to exercise. Is there a problem with doing this before morning prayers? More »
Mincha and Ma’ariv Together; Earliest time for Ma’ariv - Our synagogue says Mincha shortly before sunset and Ma’ariv almost immediately after. I’m wondering if there is any issue doing so. It is only beginning to get dark when Ma’ariv is said. What is the earliest time for Ma’ariv? More »
Morning Washing - I read in the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (2:1) that when sleeping, an unclean spirit dwells upon the body, and that's why we wash our hands in the morning. What does washing have to do with getting it off our fingers… More »
Most Important Prayer - I have heard many different opinions and would like to know which prayer is the most fundamental to Jews, the Amidah or the Shema? More »
Praising the Rooster’s Crow - I was recently spending some time with my friend, the singer Matisyahu and his beautiful family on his tour bus before a concert in Dallas. While we were discussing the morning blessings, Matisyahu raised a question that was bothering him:… More »
Reasons for Washing in the Morning - What are the reasons for the entire procedure of washing three times with a cup in the morning? Is it sufficient just to wash hands as regular in the bathroom? More »
Shema - With All Your Soul - In the "Shema" prayer, the Jewish "Pledge of Allegiance," we are commanded to "serve God with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deut. 6:5). What does it mean to love God with all your soul? More »
Tachanun Prayer - I was visiting a synagogue this week and after the silent Amidah everyone sat down and put their heads on their arms, like a sleeping position. I have never seen that before. What is the reason for this? More »
Washing After the Bathroom - How does one wash after going to the bathroom? Is it the same as we wash in the morning? More »
Washing and Using Bathroom in Morning - I have a question about washing in the morning. I’m becoming more observant lately and I’m confused about the steps. Do I wash three times first and then use the bathroom, or do I the bathroom first and then wash?… More »
“Who Did Not Make Me a Woman” - I was born the oldest daughter of a mostly secular Jewish family and became observant in my early adulthood. I love everything about Judaism and my new life. However, to this day I am bothered by the blessing men recite… More »
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