About the Author

Lori Palatnik

Lori Palatnik is a writer and Jewish educator who has appeared on television and radio. She is the Founding Director of Momentum (formerly the JWRP) an international initiative that together with Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and over 300 partnering organizations worldwide, brings thousands of Jewish mothers (and now fathers) to Israel each year for a highly subsidized, 8-day transformational experience with a one-year follow-up program in their home cities. (www.momentumunlimited.org). She is a much sought-after international speaker based in Jerusalem. Follow Lori on Facebook, Instagram: @loripalatnik and Twitter: @LoriAlmostLive



Speak to your body to wake up your soul.


Chance or God?

It can't be both. Which one is it?


Making Memories

What memories do you want your children to have of your Passover Seders?


Passover and Women

How Jewish women saved the day.


Don't Wait

You may never have that opportunity again.


The Cheater

Are we expecting too much from our kids at school?


Purim & Rationalizing Evil

Amalek -- how could we ever forget?


Empowering Others

I want my children and students to be greater than me.



You are a unique piece in God's puzzle.


Crying Girl on Plane

What do you do when you witness poor parenting.


Dont Quit!

Conquering frustration in one area of your life.


Lori's Stock Tip

The last place to cut back is with your charity dollars.

Step Off Your Cliff

Face your fear and break through the barrier.


Moving to Israel

Don't hold your kids back from living the ideals you taught them.


The Person Next Door

Sometimes we take for granted the people closest to us.


Thinking and Overthinking

Getting in the right frame of mind to make decisions


Anyone Listening?

Getting the runaround? There's always one direct line available.


Chanukah and Women

Women played an instrumental role in the Chanukah story.


Fear Not

Don't pass your fears on to the next generation.


Every Day is Thanksgiving

The Jewish view of gratitude.


Walmart Dreams

Why do so many of us want to be greeters at Walmart?


A Long Goodbye

Would you want to die suddenly in your sleep


Kosher Burger

I couldn't wait to taste that hamburger.


Parenting Teenagers

Empathize! You were once a teenager too.


Universal Jew

We may have different customs and languages, but Jewish wisdom speaks to us all.


People R Human

Who doesn't have challenges?


Expanding Time

By using your time for others, God will somehow give you more time.


Having a Sukkah

Growing up I didn't know about the holiday of Sukkot.


A Meaningful Fast

Why do we fast on Yom Kippur?


The Work of Rosh Hashana

The four steps to change.


My Shabbat with Israeli Soldiers

Witnessing a miracle in our times.


The Lost Camera

Yes God is everywhere, but in Israel He feels a lot closer.


Bed and Breakfast

Making your home a welcoming place.


Jewish Idealism

A key difference between living in Israel and the United States.


Only In Israel

In Israel, everyone is family.


Student of Life

What did you learn today?


Love Giving

Does love lead to giving, or does giving lead to love?


Connecting to Tisha B'Av

Imagine losing your home...


Memorize What's Important

How's your memory?


Don't Call Home!

What happened to sending away your kids to camp?


Time to Let Go

There's more to life than your relationship with your kids.


Shavuot: Standing at Sinai

Transcending the pettiness that divides us.


Jewish Convert to Islam

Why couldn't she find what she was looking for in Judaism?


The Three A's of Marriage

Attention, affection and appreciation. It's not rocket science.


Mother's Day

What I learned from my mother: A personal appreciation.



What is so abhorrent about the pig?


My Commencement Speech

What I would tell college graduates.



What makes you lose your cool? Is it really worth it?


Don't Stop Caring

The job is never really done.


Politics, Shmolitics

Should I become an American?

Next Steps