About the Author

Harry Rothenberg

Harry Rothenberg, Esq., a partner at The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP and magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, is best known for his successes in the courtroom on behalf of victims of catastrophic injury. His firm is one of the leading personal injury law firms in the United States. Harry is equally passionate about speaking on Jewish topics. A sought-after lecturer for his crowd-pleasing talks, his favorite project is this popular weekly video blog about Jewish holidays and the Torah portion of the week.


Guests in the Palace

The world was created just for you.


Brotherly Love

Moses and Aaron: role models for all siblings.


Pharoah's Pajamas

Is it ever OK to gloat?


I Am Not An Animal



G-d gives us the chance to climb the highest mountains.


Rocky and the Mishkan

Why is the Torah so fixated on the details of the Tabernacle? Rocky Balboa’s answer.


It's Up To You: Purim

We do our part; then G-d does His.


Mishloach Manot

It's time to start getting ready for Purim!


The Chosen People

Instead of leaders, Moses chooses "youths" to perform the sacrifices at the base of Mt Sinai. Why?



The Torah uses an unusual word to tell us that Moses' father-in-law, Yisro, rejoiced upon hearing the details of the Exodus. Why; and what relevance does this still have for us today?


We're On a Mission From G-d

While the Jews prepared for the Exodus, Moses went to find Joseph's bones. But why don't we hear about that scene until the Jews leave Egypt?


Fooling Yourself


Moses and Superman

Superman’s origin story has some uncanny similarities to Moses’.


Teach Me How to Fight

Batman plays Moses in the new movie about the Exodus. Good casting? Or should it have been Superman?


You've Got Visitors

Jacob is the first person in history to get sick just before dying. Why? And how should we relate to that scene?


Have We Done Enough?

What should we be asking ourselves as we light Chanuka candles, and why?


Family Matters

At long last, Jacob returns home. He hopes for tranquility but ends up with more family strife instead. Why?


Hanukkah: You Can Run But You Can't Hide

Hanukkah is the time to proclaim your Judaism loud and clear.


Here's Looking At You, Kid

Jacob hides his daughter Dinah so that his wicked brother Esav will not see her and desire her. That sounds reasonable, so why is Jacob criticized for this?


Just Kidding

Rachel asks her sister Leah for a favor and receives a shocking reply. What exactly is going on?



The twins, Jacob and Esav, grow up together then go their separate ways. But could things have been different?


No Regrets

Last week's Torah portion ends with the triumphant return of Abraham and Isaac from the Binding of Isaac. This week's portion begins with the death of Sarah. How are those two scenes related?


2 Hearts Beat As One


Punctuation Saves Lives

By shifting a couple of commas, we can dramatically change how we view Noach.


Gone With the Wind

Why do we head outside on Sukkot so soon after Yom Kippur?


Plain Vanilla

Just how sophisticated should our game plan be for Yom Kippur?


Boom Shakalaka


Heavy Lifting

Heavy lifting is not just for building muscle.


ReJEWvenated: Elul


Show Me the Money

Say you have fulfilled your obligation to give charity. But now a friend approaches you for a loan. What is your obligation and why is it so important?


Get Rich Quick

G-d commands us to say the Grace After Meals. But it's not merely a command, rather, it's a recipe - for success.


Can We All Get Along?


Operation Protective Edge


Sin City


A Taste of His Own Medicine




Sympathy For the Devil


Beyond the Fringe


Upon Further Review


Camping Out


The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow


Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?


Leading Off

Understanding the restrictions pertaining to the Kohanim.


Tomorrowland: Passover


Love Taps

It's bad news for any homeowner whose house is declared condemned due to a tzaraas affliction. But as the walls come tumbling down, there is a surprise silver lining to the story. What is it, and why?


Speak No Evil


Kiss of Death


Who Knows?: Purim


Pass the Salt


I Forgive

Next Steps