About the Author

Harry Rothenberg

Harry Rothenberg, Esq., a partner at The Rothenberg Law Firm LLP and magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, is best known for his successes in the courtroom on behalf of victims of catastrophic injury. His firm is one of the leading personal injury law firms in the United States. Harry is equally passionate about speaking on Jewish topics. A sought-after lecturer for his crowd-pleasing talks, his favorite project is this popular weekly video blog about Jewish holidays and the Torah portion of the week.


No Escape: Purim

The Purim story has an incredibly happy ending - for almost everyone….


The Tallis

A chance encounter and a memorable lesson.


There Are No Losers in Heaven

We can learn a valuable lesson from an obscure law.


Now is the Time

Inspiration fades fast.


I Hate When That Happen


All Hail the Chief

Here is an interesting lesson about respect.


Don’t Give Up

G-d teaches Moses - and us - an incredibly important lesson to remember when things are not going well.


The Secret of Jewish Leadership

What does it take to become a Jewish leader?


The Night the NFL Stood Still

Don’t wait for emergencies.


The Protector

There is something incredible hidden in plain sight in this week’s Torah portion.


Do I Know You?

Hope you enjoy this story as much as I did.


The Kiddush Cup

Why do we hold the kiddush cup on top of our palms?


Fight Back

Take a stand against antisemitism.


Are You My Brother?

My twins gave me a break and filmed this week’s video. Hope you enjoy it. And I hope I get my job back next week. :)


The Negotiation

Sometimes you have to give in.


Keep On Loving Them

Why do we need to be told that Esau got up and left after selling his birthright to his younger brother Jacob?


No Parking

Look before you park….

Parsha: No, You Go First

What was the first thing that Noah did after he left the ark, and why was it so important?


No, the Devil Did Not Make You Do It

Does the Devil have horns and a pitchfork?


The Princess: Sukkot

My twins are back, with a story for Sukkot.

Parsha: Meet the Real You: Yom Kippur

Stop underestimating your potential.

Parsha: How Did I Miss It?: Rosh Hashana

Would you have seen the garbage bag?!

Parsha: Stitches

Visits to a plastic surgeon are never easy.

Parsha: Should We?

Yes, we can. But should we?

Parsha: New Year Resolutions

An obscure ritual provides an inspiring message for this time of year.

Parsha: Megillah Gorilla Saves the Day

I learned an important lesson with some help from a furry friend.

Parsha: The Softball Player

Moses shares a very private story. Why?

Parsha: Ask the Right Question: Tisha B’Av

We can handle pain. But contradictions torture us.

Parsha: Gratitude

Moses does something very surprising in this week’s Torah portion. Why? And what is the message for us?

Parsha: Might As Well…

What can we learn from one of the worst villainesses in Jewish history?

Parsha: Just Do Them

Mitzvot are incredibly powerful, even if done for the wrong reasons.

Parsha: Deep Breaths

Story time. Will the prayer service ever end?


Great Place to Live

Sharing a very timely, important lesson.


Fresh Snow

Why does the phrase “Children of Israel” appear 5 times in the same passage (Numbers 8:19)?


The Tapestry

Why does the Torah repeat the details for the 12 identical offerings brought by the tribal leaders?


The Leak at the Supreme Court: Shavuot

Does prayer work?


G-d Time

All day. All the time.


Which Chat Are You On?: Parshas Behar/Lag Ba’Omer

Story time: Lessons from a funeral.


Travel Advisory

Something to think about while traveling….


Counting Weeks: Sefirat HaOmer

What is the significance of counting the weeks in addition to the days between Passover and Shavuot?



Let my twins know if you like their joke. (Bloopers are at the end.) 🙂🙂



How would it “have been enough for us” if G-d had not parted the sea or taken us through it on dry land?


The Next Door Neighbor

Choose your neighbors carefully.


The Slap at the Oscars

What timely lesson can we learn from a slap seen around the world?


Food Fight!

Arguments are inevitable. But we have control over whether and how they end.


How Much Is Enough?: Purim

What can we learn from the Purim story and current events?


Oops, My Bad

We all make mistakes.


Beware of Fish: Adar

What is the significance of the astrological sign of the Jewish month of Adar?


The Bike Path

Watch out for alligators….


The Bat-Signal

How confident are you when you pray?

Next Steps