Defining the Moment of Death - It is my understanding that in order for someone to be a candidate to donate their organs, they need to be declared "brain dead" by two to three physicians, one of whom, I believe, must be a neurologist. Only after… More »
Hitler's Level of Accountability - I have been wondering about the status of someone like Hitler who did not actually kill the 6 million with his own hands, but ordered it done by his emissaries. Does murder by his agents put him into the category… More »
Hitler's Pope - I have heard many Jews blame the Holocaust partly on the silence of the Pope (and Catholics in general). Wasn't this silence just an effort to preserve their own lives in the face of the inevitable destruction by Hitler? Remember… More »
Holocaust Denial - It seems that every time I search for the Holocaust online, there are as many articles denying the Holocaust as there are sites reporting on it. What's behind this Holocaust denial? And what can we do to stop it? More »
Holocaust: Reincarnated Souls? - I live in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, and I enjoy reading your Ask the Rabbi column. In my local paper today, it was reported that a leading rabbi in Israel said that the Jewish victims of the Holocaust were reincarnated souls… More »
Pope John Paul's Visit to Israel - I followed eagerly the news of Pope John Paul II's historic five-day visit to Israel in 2000. While the visit seemed very positive, I heard some criticism from Jewish groups about the fact that the Pope did not apologize for… More »
Sheep to the Slaughter? - I cannot fathom how 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust. Can you explain why so many people wouldn't fight for their life? They all heard the stories and some even managed to relay first-hand what they themselves had seen.… More »
Suffering of Children - I believe that God is just, yet I cannot reconcile this with the countless innocent children lost in the Holocaust. Did these children do terrible misdeeds? How can we justify God allowing this terrible suffering? More »
Tattoo - Holocaust - I have a tattoo on my left arm from the German Auschwitz camp. Since the Torah prohibits tattoos, should I get it removed? More »
The Holocaust: Why? - The pain and tragedy of the Holocaust is so enormous and unfathomable. Why did it happen? More »
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