Calendar Discrepancy - I am fascinated by history, and in browsing your website's Western Wall Tunnel Tour ( I was surprised by the dates of various events in Jewish history. According to your timeline, King Solomon built the First Temple in 825 BCE.… More »
Calendar Software - Is there any way I can get hold of a Jewish calendar for the current year? More »
Historical Dating: Jewish versus Secular - In learning through your excellent “Crash Course in Jewish History” (, I notice that in referencing some historical dates, the Jewish dating system and the Christian dating system vary by as much as 150 years - but by the time… More »
Jewish Calendar System - I'm confused every year when the High Holidays come out at the beginning of September, or the middle of the month, and sometimes in October. How does the Hebrew calendar correspond to the English calendar? More »
Jewish Holidays and Celebrating our Enemies’ Destruction - I have a coworker who has some pretty anti-semitic views about a lot of things. I’m not Jewish either but I’ve tried my best to defend the Jews against him. Most of his “claims” are patent nonsense and he probably… More »
Names of Hebrew Months - How did the Hebrew months get their names? When did the names of the months come about and to whom are they attributed? More »
Sylvester Day - I understand that in Israel the secular New Year is referred to as "Yom Sylvester." Where does this name come from? More »
Two Days of Yom Tov - I live in England and want to know: Why do we celebrate one day of Yom Kippur, but two days of the other holidays? What's the difference? More »
Yom Kippur for Two Days - I was wondering why Yom Kippur is not observed for two days as the other major holidays in the Diaspora. I know it would be almost impossible, but if there is a doubt when Rosh Hashanah is (and so we… More »
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