Global Day of Prayer and Unity

October 25, 2023


Join this united event to support and pray for the hostages.

A moving event to support and pray for the hostages.

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum, together with Aish, held a Global Day of Unity & Prayer in front of the Western Wall, together with representatives of the families and the Chief Rabbis of Israel.

The ceremony was broadcasted live worldwide to schools, synagogues, organizations and individuals from across the international Jewish community as we united in solidarity and support to pray for the welfare of the abducted and missing persons and call for their immediate release.

Ceremony Highlights

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Mother of young children
Mother of young children
6 months ago

May all the hostages be returned and all klal yisroel freed.

This event should never have been advertised for schools. It was not age appropriate for young children.

R Lorbert
R Lorbert
6 months ago

May all of our tefillot be heard.

Is there a copy of the list of the names that was projected? I have a list of names that was compiled last week, but there are now unfortunately more names added.

6 months ago

From Solomon Islands 🇸🇧 we standing with you and we pray all of our children will come back home oh our hearts are broken but with the unity you have gives us all strength to stand and say to the enemy we are going to overcome.

Zvi Weissler
Zvi Weissler
6 months ago

We watched it live. A meaningful, holy, inspirational opportunity for tefilah for, and solidarity with, the abductees and their families. Yasher koach!!!

B Newman
B Newman
6 months ago

Read the Book of Ezekiel to see how much we must repent for Klal Yisrael to show glory for the Divine One and abiding love for Him, Whose children are astray like the lambs rescued by Moses and David. If we want to be rescued by the Divine Hand, we must return to Him in heart, soul, words, and deeds. We have gone astray, and the innocent amongst us pay with their lives and health. It should not take national catastrophe to unite us as brothers and sisters and children of the Holy One. He does not want us to suffer. We must cling to Him and to each other - not only in times of national catastrophe, as now. We belong to Him and to each other.

One Jew's thoughts
One Jew's thoughts
6 months ago

Yes, it makes a big difference when you see these are real people, than what you just read in the news.
May Hashem bring back the abducted soon, and may he exact justice on the perpetrators - and those who answer 'amen to them (those insane individuals worldwide who rally in support of Hamas), and above all, as the rabbi said in the speech, may He bring the insight to people to see His Glory (and to see that peace is more important than wars) and then will have no interest in acting in the silly ways that they do.
I found it intriguing that in that intercepted phone call of the two Hamas operatives discussing how the rocket that landed on the hospital was one of theirs, they were so calm - like good fiends discussing an upcoming trip. May the world learn peace perhaps from that!

Sharon Savage
Sharon Savage
6 months ago

Can you confirm that the "insane individuals" are rallying for HAMAS or for the innocent civilians who are being used as human shields while being deprived of basic neccesities and are casualties of this war?

There is a difference between the two.

Can you consider a prayer for these civilians as well? Perhaps this is an additional mitzvot you can make as a Jew.

I pray every day that Hashem will have mercy on these civilians. There is no one who can help them except Him.

Shabbat shalom.

Thank you.

6 months ago

Thanks for making this event. It was very meaningful and moving. G-dwilling all of those that were kidnapped will be brought home in good health soon. The unity of all of the Jewish people is so inspiring.

Bob Applebaum
Bob Applebaum
6 months ago

Yeah, let's pray, because life is that simple.

Michael Skobac
Michael Skobac
6 months ago

An incredibly moving program of prayer and unity. I cried throughout...

Monica Delgado
Monica Delgado
6 months ago

Can you please post the scripture prayers that were read. I saw Psalms 130 but did not see the reference to the two other prayers. Thank you so much. I continue to pray for the release of all hostages, strength for the families and may God give comfort to all those who have lost love ones and friends.

Gina Brown
Gina Brown
6 months ago

Our hearts are with you and we will not be silent, we cannot be silent. I send hugs not words.We are praying as well. I know our Father in Heaven has heard your heart's cry and He loves you tenderly and is the Almighty Hashem Adonai, nothing is too difficult for Him. He has rescued Israel before and will do so again. You are the apple of His eye. Shalom in the fullness of the word, more than peace.

6 months ago

This was such a power and beautiful ceremony and prayer service. Am Yisrael Chai. Praying for all hostages to be released quickly. Praying for all the IDF soldiers to be protected. May we get rid of evil quickly and speedily and may Moshiach come NOW!!!!!

6 months ago

So powerful. Thank you for organizing this.

Y Firestone
Y Firestone
6 months ago

I am so grateful that I joined all of my brothers, sisters, and family united as one people in prayers. I love you. May we all sing and dance hearing that all of our captives were freed. And that Hashem took vengeance on those who did evil to our people and world. Shalom should reign forever with the coming of Mashiach now. May we have Emunah in Hashem that He loves His children and will do good for us.

6 months ago

It is my prayer from the depths of my being that Hashem Yitbaraj returns to the bosom of their family each of our brothers who have been kidnapped by our enemies. And may He open the understanding of those who, through ignorance or knowing, lean in favor of our enemies, and make them understand how wrong they are in supporting darkness and evil.

Henchy Schnur
Henchy Schnur
6 months ago

What a kiddush Hashem! May "Hashem"answer all our heartfelt prayers!

Ety Benhamu
Ety Benhamu
6 months ago

Que se escuchen todas nuestras plegarias Am Israel Jai ve Kayam

Chris Pierce
Chris Pierce
6 months ago

You are blessed, may you also be comforted in God’s loving arms!🙏

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
6 months ago

Great event!

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