God, Give Me a Sign

What is Kabbalah?

Many pillars of Jewish belief are impossible to comprehend without studying Kabbalah. So why is it so misunderstood?

Mourner’s Kaddish: The Jewish Prayer for the Dead

The Mourner’s Kaddish is one of a number of important prayers said in the merit of the departed.

Why Blessings Matter

Thank God for thankfulness. Saying blessings can transform your life.

A Peek into the Jewish Prayer Book

An informal tour of the daily prayers.

Praying in a World Gone Mad

The specter of antisemitism is shaping my ongoing dialogue with God.

The Nuts and Bolts of Prayer

The primary purpose of prayer is to get close to God.

Anatomy of a Blessing

Blessings over food and other experiences are tools for transcendental amazement.

Shema Yisrael

What is behind the most famous Jewish prayer?

Tefillin: A Primer

Tefillin: Everything you need to know about those powerful black boxes, placed on the head and arm.

What Is Jewish Prayer?

Prayer plays an important role in Jewish life. What is it, and what’s the best way to use it?

Mincha - The Afternoon Prayer

Mincha is an oasis of spiritual time in a tough workday, a moment of calming nerves and focusing on priorities.

What Are Psalms and Why Should I Say Them?

With Israel under attack, every prayer matters. Here are the Psalms traditionally recited during times of war.

6 Not-So-Obvious Benefits of Prayer

Surprising benefits of prayer that are backed by scientific studies.

Three Meditations When Hearing the Shofar

What should you be thinking about as the shofar pierces the air?

Gal Gadot’s Favorite Jewish Prayer

The Israeli actress wakes up each morning with a prayer of thanks on her lips.

Praying on Rosh Hashanah in 3 Easy Steps

Exploring the primary themes of the special Mussaf prayer.

Meeting with God at the Dentist

How the dentist chair became one of the most intense places I encounter God.

Why Pray If God Knows What’s Best?

Exploring the Jewish understanding of prayer.

Answered Prayers

If we pray with sincerity, there is no such thing as an unanswered prayer.

Gematria: Meaning, Code & Use

Numerology, code, and a deeper meaning of life,

Thank God for the Unanswered Prayers

Sometimes it’s the events that seem so wrong that end up saving us.

So You Don't Feel God in Your Life?

I was berating myself, feeling down and useless. Little did I know that God was listening to my pain.

Prayer: Maintaining the Connection

God is waiting for your call.

When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?

Why do human beings undergo a mini-death every night?

How to Pray For Something You Really Want

Ten steps to a powerful ask.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

A Rabbi’s Confession: What I Discovered by Not Going to Shul

I prayed and learned Torah at home, but there was no way I could replace the communal aspect that only a synagogue supplies.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Feeling God’s Presence During Covid-19

Henny Machlis’s recipe for treating the ills of the pandemic.

The Truest Prayers

They're not pretty. They begin when we put down the facade of competence and acknowledge that we can’t manage, we can’t handle, we can’t fix.

The 48 Ways to Prayer

How Rabbi Noah Weinberg's book shook my stagnation and gave me a path to meaningful prayer.

A Relationship with God

What happens when God doesn't answer our prayers?

Kabbala #1: What Is Kabbala?

Kabbala is the Torah's expression of the way the world works. Removed from its source, it's a lot of rubbish. (First in a series.)

Kabbala #2: Perceiving the Infinite

How can we get a glimpse of God? Kabbala reveals how the Infinite interacts with humanity.

Kabbala #3: The Ten Sefirot

A Kabbalistic concept explaining the multiplicity of God's manifestations in the world helps us see how God is truly One.

Kabbala #4: Why 10?

Ten Sefirot are not "ten" by chance -- their number helps us understand the design of the entire world.

Why Do Jews Pray Three Times a Day?

One answer lies in the three key moments that can help make or break a basketball player’s spirit.

Kabbala #5: Prayer, Study and the Ten Sefirot

Prayer lifts us above a fragmented world, where we turn our focus to only One God, whose many attributes make up one cohesive union.

Kabbala #6: The Sefirot and the Divine Plan

God funnels His will through the primary Sefirot of intellect, creating a world where each event and interaction is part of a larger, comprehensible pattern.

Kabbala #7: Chochma: Inspired Intellect

Out of the Ten Sefirot, chochmah, wisdom is the trait which allows creating something out of nothing, for it truly comes from "nowhere."

Kabbala #8: Binah - Processing Wisdom

The second of the Ten Sefirot -- binah – is the womb where raw understanding is developed and processed.

Kabbala #9: Daat - The Bridge Between Idea and Reality

The third of the Ten Sefirot -- daat -- allows flashes of inspiration, once processed, to be brought to fruition.

Kabbala #10: Chesed - The World is Built on Kindness

The fourth of the Ten Sefirot -- chesed -- precedes all others because it is the only one that is unconditional and unmotivated.

Kabbala #11: Gevurah: The Strength of Judgment

The fifth of the Ten Sefirot -- gevurah -- is the second sefira of action and one which brings strict justice into the world.

Kabbala #12: Chesed and Gevurah: The Two Sided Approach

Chesed-kindness and gevurah-strength work in tandem, defining God's interaction with the world as a right/left pull/push phenomenon.

Kabbala #13: The Interplay of Matter and Form

Creation of raw matter is an act of chesed-kindness. Giving form to creation requires the restraint of gevurah-strength.

Kabbala #14: Love and Awe

The sefirot of "action" engender love and fear on our part, the two "wings" which we need to soar up to the heavens.

Kabbala #15: Tiferet: Beautiful Synthesis

Of the Ten Sefirot, tiferet -- which literally means "beauty" or "glory" -- is the most central as it mediates between chesed ("kindness") and gevurah ("strength").

Kabbala #16: Beauty as Mercy

The dynamic of interaction between the three sefirot of "action" can be compared to a courtroom where kindness, chesed, is the defender and judgment gevurah/din the prosecutor.

Kabbala #17: History of Kabbala: Part 1

A mysterious dialogue between Moses and God gives us clues to the "ways of God" -- revelations of a deep mystical knowledge which enriches our understanding of the Torah.

Kabbala #18: Center of the Earth

The sefirot of chesed, gevurah, tiferet -- kindness, strength and beauty -- have an interrelationship that serves as a model for understanding the relationships between the other sefirot.




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