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My Heroic Son Was Killed by Hamas

Daniel Perez fought valiantly on October 7th.


From Slavery to Freedom: Your Passover Crash Course

Everything you need to know about the Jewish holiday of freedom.


Everything You Need to Know about Hanukkah

Discover the history, customs, and significance behind this cherished Jewish holiday.


Jew Know It: What happens on Yom Kippur?

Is it the holiest or hungriest day of the year?


Pixar's Toy Story and the Secret of Rosh Hashanah

The structure of Pixar's films captures the spiritual essence of the blasts of the shofar.


Jew Know It: What happens on Rosh Hashanah?

Whether you're new to Rosh Hashanah or a seasoned observer, this video is a comprehensive guide to understanding and celebrating this special day.


Carrying the Torch: The Menorah and the Eternal Jewish People

The Arch of Titus reminds us what is the secret of the Jews' immortality.


Yom HaZikaron (Israel Memorial Day) - A Video: Gates of Heaven

A moving video for Israel Memorial Day.


Bombs Over Germany: A Passover Video

Although you may not be able to change your situation, you can choose greatness within your situation.


The Passovr Weeknd: Passover Music Video

Guess who's coming to the Passover seder this year?


How to Run Your own Seder: Everything You Need to Know

Whether it's your first Seder or a seasoned pro, here's a detailed how-to guide on how to run a Seder.


The Adele/Bieber Passover Mashup

Featuring Charlton Heston as Moses and Yul Brynner as Pharaoh. You have to see it to believe it.


The Last Seder in the Warsaw Ghetto

Passover 1943, an act of great spiritual defiance.


Passover: I’m in Love with the Taste of You

An epic Passover mashup celebrating freedom throughout history.


Passover’s Three Steps to Personal Freedom

The meaning of Pesach, Matzah and Maror.


Passover Funk

Passover night and we are living it up… A Passover musical parody to Uptown Funk. Yankele, get the stretch!


Passover Rhapsody

The Exodus story set to Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody."


Google Exodus

What if Moses had Facebook?


Free to Hope: Passover in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Passover is the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Holocaust Survivor Ella Blumenthal, whose family drew strength from the holiday's message of liberation at all costs, gives her testimony.


The Story of Purim Animated

Watch the Purim story come alive.


The Death of Stalin: The Untold Purim Story

Stalin planned to murder millions of Jews. Then the tables suddenly turned.


My Father’s Best Marriage Advice & the Power of Purim

Why all Jews should care about Purim.


Is Hanukkah Overrated?: This Video Will Make Your Holiday More Meaningful

Why do we go all out thanking God for the small miracle of the oil?


Hanukkah: From Oppression to Freedom

Let's skip to the good part!


Feeling the Love on Yom Kippur

Who are we praying to on Yom Kippur?


Why We Blow the Shofar

A powerful tool to wake up and live mindfully. It's a new year, and a new you.


8 Things You Didn't Know about Rosh Hashanah

8 short video segments on the significance of this pivotal day.


A Dying Boy's Last Wish and the Key to a Meaningful New Year

Notre Dame football coach's inspiring lesson on keeping our word and fulfilling our resolutions.


How to Approach God on Rosh Hashanah

Don't come with what you want; come with what you want to do.


Burning Books and the 17th of Tammuz

A hallmark of all repressive regimes is burning books. The burning of the Torah is one the tragedies that happened on this fast day.


Shavuot: The Empty Landscape

Why is there no identifying mitzvah with this holiday?


Torn Page of History: A Passover Message

Jewish boys in hiding receive a message of hope that they would never forget.


What's So Wrong With Bread?

A deeper look into the meaning of matzah and chametz.


Passover: Keeping Our Ancient Story Young

You are only 20 shared Seder Nights away from the exodus from Egypt.


Now's the Time to Reveal Your True Identity

Stop hiding behind your mask and be the person you're meant to be.


Healing Division: The Jewish People's Strength

Like today, the Jews were disunited in the time of Haman. Queen Esther understood our victory depends on being united.


The Chinese Bamboo and Tu B'Shvat

Real growth sometimes happens beneath the surface where no one can see.


Grow Like the Trees

In honor of Tu B’Shvat, 6 lessons on how to grow.


Our Modern-Day Hanukkah Story

Hanukkah reminds us that even amidst a dark pandemic, nothing is left to chance.


Why Only Hanukkah Is Celebrated as a Family

Judaism places the value of a happy marriage more than military victory, children more than soldiers, and the home more than the battlefield.


Dreidel: 5 Interesting Facts

A dizzying array of fascinating insights behind this iconic Jewish symbol.


Light One More: Hanukkah Music Video

This Hanukkah, find the light in the darkness.


Flames of Hope: The Power of Hanukkah

The menorah represents the faith and hope of the Jewish people that cannot be extinguished.


Your Face is a Walking Menorah

Through compassionate use of your ears, eyes and words, you can illuminate the world.


Embracing Insecurity: COVID-19 and Sukkot

The pandemic has stripped away security. But we don't need the security of yesterday to be happy today.


Under God's Protection: A Song for Sukkot

He's holding me tight, so I'll be alright.


Sukkot, Corona, and the Secret to Joy

A survivor's smile taught me how to experience joy during this pandemic.


Squeeze My Hand: An Inspiring Yom Kippur Message

A true story about a father who refused to give up on his child.


Easy Fast in Seven Steps

How to make fasting for 25 hours on Yom Kippur easier.


This Holocaust Survivor Isn't Going to Let the Pandemic Stop Kol Nidre

During this time of change we have the power to strengthen ourselves and find our way in.

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