Divine Gender?

Crawling Towards God

An encounter with the Unknowables: faith, prayer, and a Force beyond the self.

Chief Editor's Blog

The Gifts of the Jews: Revolutionary Jewish Ideas that Formed the Bedrock of Western Civilization

Fascinating insights from bestselling author, Thomas Cahill, who passed away this week.

My Strange Relationship with Daniel Pearl

The wild twist of fate that united musician Peter Himmelman with the late journalist Daniel Pearl.

Bob Dylan and the Philosophy of Modern Song

Reflections on the music and spirituality of a rock legend.

Homeschooling and the Purpose of Jewish Education

Jews have always embraced the idea of a customized education. A small vanguard is now taking it to the next level.

Angel Meets Ape: The Body/Soul Conundrum

The uncomfortable conclusions of a purely physical universe.

Rick and Morty’s Jewish Philosophy Lessons

The hit show’s latest episode takes a deep dive into some fundamental Jewish concepts.

Chief Editor's Blog

How Do You Know You Have Free Will?

Free will is a pillar of Judaism. Here are three approaches to know that you have agency.


The Horse: A Path to Peace of Mind

What's the best perspective to be able to keep calm in a turbulent world?

Near Death Experience in Ancient Jewish Sources

Is the Near Death Experience a purely modern phenomenon or are there credible sources that support it in ancient texts?

Mathematical Evidence for Miracles?

Is there such a thing as a mathematically inexplicable event?

How Can You Detect God if You Can't See Him?

Science is adept at detecting and measuring that which is not directly detectable.

Dylan, Kierkegaard, and the Binding of Isaac

However you slice it, the binding of Isaac is a story that begs for interpretation.

Math and the Mind of God

According to the German mathematician Georg Cantor, there are three levels of existence: the physical universe, the human mind, and the Mind of God.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

What Does God Have to Do with My Parking Space?

The impact of monotheism on our daily lives.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope and Finding God

The world shares a glorious moment of awe.

Did Anne Frank Have Privilege? Do You?

For a Jew, privilege doesn’t mean access, opportunity, or favors. It means responsibility to set an example, to live elevated, meaningful lives.

Carl Sagan and the Freedom to Doubt

At the intersection of science and public policy, nothing is more hazardous than dogmatism enforced through the squelching of dissenting attitudes.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Ram Dass: The Jew in the Guru

Within the famous Hindu spiritual teacher beat a distinctly Jewish heart.

The Mystical Power of Hebrew Letters

The meaning of the Hebrew alphabet’s first two letters.

The Atheist's Faith

There are a lot of atheists out there. Does it actually require faith to maintain that position?

How the Greatest Mathematical Mind of the 20th Century Proved the Existence of God

That time a math genius proved God and you never heard about it.

Apologizing for God

Many great thinkers consider the question "Why do bad things happen to good people?" to be the most perplexing question in philosophy and theology. Are there any truly good answers?

Hardening Pharaoh’s Heart: How’s That Fair?

If Pharaoh’s actions are imposed upon him by God, how can he be held accountable and be punished for those actions?

The Meaning of Dr. Seuss’s Thidwick The Big-Hearted Moose

A cautionary tale about being complicit in our own oppression.

Why Is Israel One of the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World?

Despite the daily dangers, Israelis are remarkably happy. Here’s a Jewish secret to happiness.


What's the Difference between Happiness and Pleasure?

While pleasure is in the moment, happiness lasts a lifetime.

Inspiring Quotes by Jewish Women

Marking International Women’s Day, here are some thought-provoking quotes by a wide range of Jewish women.

Spotify’s Shuffle Button and the Meaning of Purim

Adele was really on to something.


The Meaning of L’Chaim: The Hebrew ‘Cheers’

Uncovering the deeper meaning behind this iconic Hebrew phrase.


Real Diamonds have Imperfections

They're not flaws – they're inclusions that make them so precious.

The Secret of the Jewish Leap Year

The intricate science and philosophy behind reconciling the lunar and solar calendars can leave one speechless.

Chief Editor's Blog

Growth through Adversity: God is the Ultimate Coach

Choose life. Because the alternative is death.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Are Jews a Race? It’s Complicated

Perhaps there’s a good reason for Whoopi Goldberg’s confusion.

Everything and Its Opposite Is Given as a Reason for Antisemitism

That's why they're excuses, not reasons.

Chief Editor's Blog

God, Paradox, and the Holocaust: When Our Minds Cannot Understand

The inability to fully grasp the nature of God is humbling and frustrating, and forces us to “live with the question.”


The Mutation of Antisemitism

We are witnessing the rise of antisemitism around the world. How has antisemitism mutated over time? And why does its return today present a danger not just for Jews, but for all who care about our common humanity?

Chief Editor's Blog

How Can Judaism Command to Know God Exists?

Either you believe in God, or you don’t. If you do, the commandment is redundant. If you don’t, it’s irrelevant.

The "Eye for an Eye" Fallacy

The phrase doesn’t mean what you think it means.

Antisemitism: The Problem We All Live With

One answer: Do more Jewish.

The Meaning of 7 Common Jewish Words

A deeper look behind some common Jewish words like chutzpah, oy vey and yarmulke.

Judaism and Suicide

Judaism regards the taking of one's life as abhorrent and tantamount to murder. The preservation of life has always been regarded as a cardinal value.

The Talmud’s Guide to Crisis Management

Jewish wisdom on how to get going when the going gets tough.

What’s Wrong with “Merry Christmas”?

A historical look of Jews and Christmas and the surprising origins of the greeting “Merry Christmas.”

Chief Editor's Blog

Can You Have Your Fake Pork and Eat It Too?

Should we be disgusted by the idea of eating imitation pork?

What is the Meaning of An Eye for an Eye?

The Torah isn't talking about punitive damages; it’s speaking of compensatory, or monetary damages.

Why Are Jews Called People of the Book?

5 facts about this curious term

Myth: Judaism, Like Most Religions, Requires a Leap of Faith

Blind faith is not a Jewish idea.

Myth: Religious Jews have Sex through a Hole in a Sheet

Wrong. That’s an urban legend.

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