About the Author

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Rabbi Benjamin Blech, a frequent contributor to Aish, is a Professor of Talmud at Yeshiva University and an internationally recognized educator, religious leader, and lecturer. He is the author of 19 highly acclaimed books with combined sales of over a half million copies. See his website at rabbibenjaminblech.com.
Click here to purchase Rabbi Blech’s new book, Hope Not Fear: Changing the Way We View Death.

Tiger Woods and Chanukah

Is a beautiful golf swing enough to make you a hero?

Cruel Comfort

Dos and don'ts at a shiva house.

Bernie & The Godfather

Two contemporary morality tales convey the same important message.

A Serious Man

If only the Coen brothers were serious.

It’s A Wonderful Life

The film's powerful Rosh Hashanah message.


Releasing the Lockerbie bomber is a perversion of morality.

My Encounter with the Pope

Was I wrong at that moment to believe it's at last possible to cast off centuries of mistrust, misunderstanding and religious intolerance?

The Golden Compass Controversy

Should this film be boycotted?

Jimmy Carter: Man from Plains

The film is as painful to watch as your last root canal, without the benefit of gaining something positive from the experience.

Jews and Power

If Jews are so smart, how come we are so stupid?

Intermarriage and the N.Y. Times

Is there ever any line that is crossed that calls for communal condemnation?

A Flawed "Mighty Heart"

The film's message is antithetical to the real meaning of Daniel Pearl's murder.

Where Was God in Virginia Tech?

God's seeming indifference is in fact an expression of His greatest gift to mankind.

"The Secret" Revealed

God as a cosmic bellhop.


Gordon Gekko is alive and well. Meet his rival.

"The Da Vinci Code" and the Jews

The controversial book highlights the fundamental differences between Judaism and Roman Catholicism.

Oprah's Choice

The powerful message of Elie Wiesel's Night.

Spielberg Phone Home

Munich is a distortion of truth and morality.

Your Money or Your Life

As a generation blessed with abundant wealth, Sukkot ensures that we keep our priorities straight.

For God's Sake

The challenge of our age: not to desecrate God's holy name with acts that profane all that He stands for.

The Fifth Question: Pessimist or Optimist?

Passover is the story that answers man's existential quest for spiritual connection.

Why Seven Is Holy

On Shabbat, we shut out the world so we can hear our soul.

The Passion: The Movie and the Aftermath

Perhaps our best response to this Hollywood missionary effort is to look inward and take pride in the beauty of our own faith.

Mel Gibson and the Jews

His latest lethal weapon? Mel's film promises spiritual inspiration but instead evokes the kind of rage that for centuries past resulted in ruthless acts of retribution.

If I Were a Rich Man

Losing a lot of money, just like suddenly making millions, forces you to confront your real priorities in life.


Our obsession for acquiring wealth has far less to do with our personal wants than with our refusal to have less than others.

When Bad Things Happen

If God is good, why is the world so bad?

Condemning the Terrorists

September 11th and the danger of moral relativism.

The Eichmann Trial

The trial of the man who Hitler chose to carry out the "Final Solution".

The Silence of the Lamb

Could the victims somehow be seen as accomplices in their own death?

Six Million: The Problem With Numbers

Do the enormous numbers of the Holocaust depersonalize it?

Are First Grade Kids Killers

The tragedy of a first grader killing his classmate should not cloud our vision of the greater picture which is always getting better.

Why 2K?

Worried about the Year 2K problem? Relax. The Jewish people already solved that 3,760 years ago.

No Bread

Passover & four questions for a financial crisis.

No Bread

Passover & four questions for a financial crisis.

The Madoff Madness

Honor and dishonor in the Jewish community.

Kristallnacht: Murder by Euphemism

To remember Kristallnacht properly, we must first renounce its German-given name.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

This well-meaning book ends up distorting the Holocaust.

Judgment Day on Wall Street

Is Wall Street sending us a Rosh Hashanah message?

The Michelangelo Code

Is the Sistine Chapel the site for the greatest subversive act in the history of art?

When The Dow Goes Down

A Jewish perspective on the widening financial crisis.

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