About the Author

Adina Soclof, MS. CCC-SLP

Adina Soclof is a Parent Educator, Professional Development Instructor and Speech Pathologist working with children in a school setting. She received her BA. in History from Queens College and her MS. in Communication Sciences from Hunter College. Adina is the founder of ParentingSimply.com. She delivers parenting classes as well as professional development workshops for Speech Pathologists, Teachers and other health professionals. You can find her text based CEU courses at PDResources.com and video courses at Homeceuconnection.com and SpeechPathologypd.com. Adina is the author of Parenting Simply: Preparing Kids For Life.
Adina is available for speaking engagements. You can reach her at asoclof@parentingsimply.com or check out her website at www.parentingsimply.com.

7 Ways to Happy Parenting

Because happiness starts at home.

8 Ways to Help Your Child Develop a Positive Attitude

How to teach your kids about positivity.

8 Ways to Make Hanukkah More Meaningful for Your Kids

How to get your kids into the holiday spirit.

But I Can’t: How to Help Your Child Persevere

How to move your child from “I can’t!” to “I can!”

7 Simple Ways to Build a Strong Family

Daily practices to maintain rock-solid ties with your family.

8 Ways to Create a Positive Atmosphere in Your Home

Simple and effective ways to build positivity in your home.

How to Give Advice to Your Kids

Effective ways to help you guide your children while respecting their real need for independence.

The “Selfish” Child: Teaching Kids to Think about Others

Understanding why kids behave the way they do and how to teach them the skills they need.

8 Simple, Powerful Ways to Cultivate Gratefulness in Your Family

How to teach your kids (and yourself) gratitude.

How to Empower Your Child who Struggles with Learning Disabilities

Eight ways you can support your child.

How to Bully-Proof Your Child

Practical ways to teach your child to be assertive and to stand up for other kids who are being bullied.

6 Foolproof Ways to Make Your Family Vacation Great

How to ensure you and your family aren't disappointed with your summer trip.

Technology Addiction and Kids

Practical advice on managing your children's use of technology.

7 Things to Say to Prevent Stress in Our Kids

How to help set up our homes so that our kids can be worry-free.

Great Ideas for Celebrating Hanukkah at Home During the Pandemic

Don't let being housebound get you and your family down!

How to Stop Arguing with Your Child

6 ways to help you stop the cycle of arguing.

Back to School During the Pandemic: Calming Your Child’s Fears

Many kids and parents are feeling more anxious and stressed at this time. Here are some tips that can help.

Summer Fun: Simple Sensory Activities

Super easy activities that stimulate your children’s senses.

Practical Communication Techniques to Create a Peaceful Home

Knowing when, how and what to say can be a lifesaver during this time.

Home with Your Kids: 8 Ways to Manage COVID-19

How to keep sane and positive at home during this pandemic.

How to Say No to Your Kids

Kids need to be told "no." Here are some effective tools to get that message across.

7 Ways to be Your Child's Role Model

Because you are the greatest influence in your child's life.

4 Strategies to Help Your Children Develop Good Character

You can teach your kids everything they need for life.

Keeping Your Sanity Over the Holiday Season

And your kids' sanity too!

5 Simple Ways To Gain Your Child’s Cooperation

How to encourage your kids to help.

Using Screen Time with Your Kids

Practical suggestions on getting the most out of your child’s screen time.

The Importance of Play: 8 Ways to Nurture Your Child’s Mental Health

We need to bring play back into our children’s lives.

Who’s Afraid of Authoritative Parenting?

How to set limits and rules that stick.

5 Tips to Raise Great Kids

From parents who seemed to be doing it right.

The Bossy Child

How to channel their potential to become the leader they’re meant to be.

The After School Meltdown

What you need to know to navigate this common tantrum.

INFOGRAPHIC: 6 Phrases to Help Create a Peaceful Home

Because everyone needs to take a deep breath once in a while.

How to Make the Back-to-School Transition Easier

Practical advice on lowering tensions in the morning and beating the back to school blues.

INFOGRAPHIC: 6 Phrases that Stop Backtalk

Take a deep breath and practice these statements.

4 Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Love One Another

This week is a perfect time to work on fostering kindness and love in your home.

Respect Your Kids and They’ll Respect You

5 ways to model respect through action and speech without giving up your authority.

Moms, Give the Father of Your Kids the Appreciation They Deserve

Five ways to appreciate your husband’s role as father of the house.

INFOGRAPHIC: Ways to Stop Sibling Rivalry

6 simple tools for every home.

INFOGRAPHIC: 6 Ways to Make Mornings with Kids Easy

Take the stress out of your morning!

3 Ways to Motivate Your Child to Learn

How to instill a growth mindset in your kids.

You Don’t Want Your Child to Just be Happy

In fact, almost every day you have to make children feel sad.

The Four Temperaments of Children

And how to motivate your child based on their personality.

5 Tips for Disciplining Your Toddler

How to better handle the terrible-two stage.

Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem: Focus on Their Strengths

Six ways to help children develop their strengths.

4 Simple Phrases to Help Teach Kids to be Respectful

Children get mouthy because they haven’t learned how to handle the overwhelming feelings of anger, disappointment, and frustration.

5 Strategies for Kids Anxious about Going Back to School

How to fight the back to school blues.

Ensure Your Child is Getting These Four Basic Needs

When your child misbehaves, first check that these four essential needs are being met.

7 Phrases to Create a Peaceful Family

Get in the habit of using these expressions to infuse calm into your home.

Be a Playful Parent

It’s one of the best parenting skills, and your children will love it too.

How to Improve Your Child’s Behavior

One good deed will bring another.

Next Steps