About the Author

Rabbi Tzvi Sytner

Rabbi Tzvi Sytner grew up in Los Angeles, CA. He is a Rabbi, motivational speaker and therapist. He currently works at the Village Shul & Aish HaTorah Learning Center in Toronto. He has delivered inspiring lectures worldwide, including South Africa, Australia, U.S., and Canada. He has a popular video blog on Aish.com titled, “Just Breathe”. He received Smicha at the Jerusalem Kollel under Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits, a B.A. in Liberal Studies, a master's degree in Education, and a master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy.


When Greatness Knocks, Open the Door

Queen Esther's rise to greatness is applicable to everyone's life.


Hanukkah and the Secret to Jewish Survival

The Greeks tried to stop us from being Jewish. The battle isn't over yet.


Yom Kippur & the Power of Granting Forgiveness

Stop giving so much credit to the person who hurt you. Discover the greatest gift of liberation you can give yourself.


Who Do You Want to Be This New Year?

3 steps to embracing your potential.


Why Successful People Still Feel Inadequate

Conquering that inner voice that whispers you're not worthy.


How to Build Self-Confidence

How to overcome our fear of failure.


How to Handle Insults

And not let them get to you.


Just Breathe: Am I Worthy?

If deep down you think you’re garbage, you’ll treat yourself like garbage.


Just Breathe: Why Celebrate Mother’s Day Even if You Don’t Really Love Your Mother

So much of what we have comes from our mothers.


Beginning the Journey to Mount Sinai

Freedom isn’t enough. You have to know where you want to go.


The Most Important People in Your Life: Teachers

Thank your kids’ teachers today.


The Shema: Why We Cover Our Eyes

I discovered the answer when our baby was rushed to the hospital with a life-threatening emergency.


The Flames of Hanukkah: Reignite Your Soul

This Hanukkah, spread the light.


Yom Kippur: The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the only way to live with the past without being held prisoner by it.


Rosh Hashanah: The Time Is Now

The High Holidays serve as a powerful reminder not to take your time for granted.


Contacting the Pilot: How to Make Life More Meaningful

True story about our lost suit bag and a random photo of a pilot.


The Jewish Definition of Success

Talents are the gifts God gives us. How we use those talents are the gifts we give back to God.


How to Stop Self-Sabotage

It starts by facing your underlying fear.


How to have a Happier Marriage

It’s all in the details. Identify.


Do You and Your Spouse Ever Argue? Watch This

How to achieve unity in your marriage without uniformity.


How to Overcome Rejection & Failure

Steven Spielberg was rejected from film school three times.


Will Smith & Jumping to Freedom

Passover and the exhilaration of letting go.


Aging Solutions: Is There a Problem?

Age is all mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.


What Do We Need to be Happy?

Our natural state is happiness.


Uproot the Nail: A Short Yom Kippur Video on Nailing Down Forgiveness

How to attain real forgiveness.


Instead of Giving Up, Remember the Exodus

Freedom, the burning bush and the incredible true story of Glenn Cunningham.


Rosh Hashanah: Breaking the Walls

This the time of the year to reach out to that neighbor, co-worker or relative, regardless of our differences.


Remembering God’s Promise

God kept His word and took us out of Egypt. That sense of hope has carried us throughout Jewish history.


Inspiring Hanukkah Video: Persevering When All Seems Lost

Crossing the finish line despite all odds.


How to Transform Your High Holidays

A moving story about a young man, an old Jew and a poetry contest.


Passover: Seeing The True You

Breaking free from your inner slave mentality.


Feeling Good Vs. Being Good

What really drives you?


Fighting Terrorism

They tried to bury us, but they didn’t realize that we are seeds.


The Power of a Tiny Flame

Small miracles make a great impact.


The Ferguson Riots: A Non-Political Lesson

What is the connection between anger and looting?


Reach Out for Help

Don’t be afraid to show your weakness in order to let people help.


Think Ahead First

If you could change anything this upcoming new year, what would it be?


Our Waze or His Ways

Technology and the illusion of control.


Making the Sacrifice

What are you willing to give up for your beliefs? A lesson from Israeli soldiers.


Stop Complaining

And do something about it instead.


Israel’s Rollercoaster

With Hamas rockets raining down on Israel, we must continue our efforts on the spiritual front.


Uniting Together

The Jewish people are responding to the kidnapping as one family.


Accepting Torah: Burden or Opportunity?

Why did we take on these restrictive commandments after finally becoming free?


Sterling Words

Lessons from the Donald Sterling brouhaha.


Passover: Never Give Up Hope

Why was sanctifying the new moon the first mitzvah the Jewish People received as a nation?


You’re Not Listening!

Men want to fix, women want to be heard.


Purim: Feeling Someone’s Pain

Where did Mordechai’s get the strength to sit for 10 years outside the palace?


Living in a Selfie World

Me and a 2000 pound bull who’s trying to gore me? Have we lost our sense of self in a selfie world?


The Super Bowl: Game Time

It’s not enough to just show up. Inspiration takes work.


Tu B'Shvat: Trees or Fruits?

We make a living by what we get. But we make a life by what we give.

Next Steps