Marriage - General

Ashkenazi-Sephardic Marriage & Children - If my father is Sephardic and my mother is Ashkenazi, am I Sephardic? Also, if I am considered Sephardic and I marry an Ashkenazi man, am I still Sephardic? More »
Becoming a 'Giver' - I’ve been married now for almost a year and my wife is starting to get impatient. He says that I’m selfish and don’t know how to give. I see that in many ways she is right. I grew up in… More »
Cousin Marriages - Does the Torah permit cousin marriages? Is the topic discussed at all? I’m concerned in particular because the inbreeding is likely to cause genetic disorders, as historically happened to many royal families. I have the impression that upper class Jewish… More »
Engagement Party on Nine Days - I have a friend who is getting married shortly after Tisha B’Av. My friends wanted to celebrate a bachelor party for him next week, during the Nine Days. I didn’t feel it was appropriate but they claimed that so long… More »
Kohen Higher Status - My mother is Jewish and my father is not. I have been told that I am 100% Jewish, yet at the same time I may not marry a Kohen. It bothers me that I am penalized for something I have… More »
Kohen Marriages - I am a Reform Jew and am now looking to get married. I went to a few Jewish dating sites, and I saw some profiles which say "permitted to a Kohen." I am a Kohen, and therefore this caught my… More »
Married at Different Levels of Observance - My husband and I have been married for two years, happily. I am Orthodox and he is not. He has learned how to make Kiddush and say Grace After Meals (with transliteration), and happily accompanies me to peoples' homes for… More »
Orphan Visiting Cemetery Before Wedding - Should my fiancé visit her grandfather’s grave in the week before her wedding? I have heard there is such a custom. More »
Platonic Friendships - I met a guy at work and we became best friends. We go places together and have long talks about everything. We are not involved romantically (we even instituted a no-touching rule). In the meantime I’ve been seriously dating another… More »
Polygamy - Is it true that the Bible permits a man to have multiple wives? Is this really the type of family arrangement that God views as ideal? More »
Remarrying One’s Divorcee - I have been studying the Bible much more seriously in recent months to try to understand Moses’s words in their original context. Can you explain to me the basis for the law that one may not remarry his divorcee? More »
Rice and Beans on Passover - I just got married and have an important question: Can we eat rice on Passover? My wife grew up eating it, and I did not. Is this just a matter of family tradition? More »
Why Married Women Cover Their Hair - Why must married women cover their hair? More »
Why Marry? - I’m a happy single Jewish guy, and don’t personally see a reason to get married. I’ve been in very meaningful relationships, some of them long-lasting, which I feel gives me all I would want to get out of life and… More »
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