
Half-Shekel Equality - Before Purim, the rabbi put out a plate and told everyone to give a half-shekel (or its local equivalent). I understand this was done in the times of the Tempe to purchase public offerings. But what is its relevance today? More »
Haman and the Half-Shekel - I read that the Half Shekel that Jews give relates to Haman's offer to pay 10,000 "kikars" to Achashverosh for the right to annihilate the Jews (Esther 3:9). My question: If one kikar equals 3,000 shekels, and Haman offered 10,000… More »
Hamentaschen and Haman’s Three-Cornered Hat - Is there a deeper meaning behind Haman’s 3-cornered hat? Why do we eat hamentaschen in memory of that of all things? More »
Holy Purim Day - I was told by a friend that Purim is considered the holiest day in the Jewish year. That sounds a little far-out to me. This guy likes to party a lot. Is what he’s saying true? More »
Jewish Holidays and Celebrating our Enemies’ Destruction - I have a coworker who has some pretty anti-semitic views about a lot of things. I’m not Jewish either but I’ve tried my best to defend the Jews against him. Most of his “claims” are patent nonsense and he probably… More »
Mishloach Manot - I know that people exchange gifts and food baskets with each other on Purim. Are there specific requirements for this? Is this just a nice practice or does it have a basis in Jewish law? More »
Pinking on Drurim - If it is so good to get drunk on Purim, why not do it all the time? More »
Pisces the Fish - A recent article mentioned the astrological sign Pisces the fish, saying that: "Pisceans tend to be on the spacey side, slightly out of touch with the physical world." This struck me as somewhat incongruous to Judaism. I realize you're… More »
Purim Drinking Dangers - I'm told that it's a mitzvah to become intoxicated on Purim. This puzzles me, because to my understanding, it is not considered a good thing to become intoxicated, period. One of the characteristics of the at-risk youth is their use… More »
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