Springtime Blessing – Flowering Fruit Trees

Earliest Time for Morning Prayers (Shacharit)

Completion of Kaddish

Tasting Food

Forgotten Blessing

Blessing on Bananas and Berries

Blessing on Medicines

Shema - With All Your Soul

Tachanun Prayer

Praying for Smaller Needs

Praising the Rooster’s Crow

Too Many Blessings

Meaningful High Holiday Services?

Entering a Church

Space Prayer

If humans ever colonize the moon or other planets, which direction would we face while praying?


Driving to Synagogue on Shabbat

Ashkenazi-Sefardi Pronunciation

Prayer of an Atheist

Women - Torah Reading

User-friendly Siddur

The siddur I use has a stilted translation. Is there anything more up-to-date?

The Synagogue

What is the significance of the synagogue in Jewish life today? How has that role changed over the years? What are some of the challenges facing the modern American synagogue?

Synagogue Dues: Pay to Pray?

Prayer in Any Language

Is it wrong way to pray if I don't know the Hebrew text? Am I missing something?

Prayer Book

Most Important Prayer

Of all the prayers, which is the most fundamental to Judaism?

Morning Washing

I read that when sleeping, unclean spirits dwell on the body, so we wash our hands in the morning.

Mismatched Torah Portions

Why in Israel are they reading a different Torah portion than at my synagogue back home?

Minyan of Ten

Why does a minyan have 10 people? What is the significance?

Kaddish - Minyan

Finite Praise of God?

I am grateful to God for all He has done. But sometimes I feel that my words are inadequate. Any suggestions?

Double Torah Portion

Completing a Book of the Torah

Blessing on Natural Wonders

Blessing for New Rabbi

Bedtime Shema


Women Saying Kaddish

Blessing on Sex

Ashrei - Nun

Next Steps