Asking Forgiveness from the Deceased

Round Versus Square Matzah

Eating Before Hearing the Megillah

Studying for a Test on Shabbat

Final Judgment on Chanukah

Jewish Holidays and Celebrating our Enemies’ Destruction

It's been said that the Jewish holidays all celebrate military victories against others. How can we make celebrations over massacring others?

Repeating Havdalah for Others

Significance of Hebrew Year

Why Do We Shake the Lulav?

Are We Obligated to Forgive?

The Cruel Death of the Scapegoat

In the Yom Kippur service with the two goats, one of the goats – the se’ir la’azazel – was taken out to be pushed off a cliff – and would be broken to pieces. What was the point of doing something so cruel?

Shabbat Without Gluten

End of Slavery in Egypt

When did the slavery end in the Egypt – at the start of the plagues or when they finished?

How Miraculous was the Splitting of the Sea?

There is a Midrash that Nachshon was the first to jump into the sea. When the water reached his nostrils, it miraculously split into two. This seems to contradict what the Torah itself says – that God brought a powerful east wind which drove back the sea the entire night?

Eating Shabbat Morning Before Prayers

Blessing After Washing for Bread

Cooking and Using Fire on Yom Tov

Lag B’Omer on Sunday

Shabbat Candles in a Hotel

Unleavened Dough of Exodus

Why is Sukkot Celebrated in the Fall?

Hamentaschen and Haman’s Three-Cornered Hat

Pedometer, Fitbit on Shabbat

Brushing Teeth on Minor Fast Day

Restrictions on Minor Fast Days

Paying Babysitter for Shabbat Work

Repentance – Accepting for Future

Nine Days – Home Repairs

3 Weeks / 9 Days – Home Purchase

Fasting – Recovering from Heart Attack

Swimming on Fast Days, Dangerous Activities

Roasted Foods at Seder

Passover – 14th or 15th?

Early Seder

Cheating on Tests – Repentance

Plague of Blood – Magician’s Imitation

The Plagues: Why the Staff?

Israeli Fruit on Tu B’Shvat

Carobs on Tu B’Shvat

Shiva on Shabbat

Chanukah Gelt

Relighting Extinguished Candles

Lechem Mishna - Double Loaves

Broken Fast

High-Risk Pregnancy

Swimming for Exercise, Swimming Lessons

A Cappella

Purchasing Shoes, Inexpensive Clothes

Washing Clothes – Exceptional Circumstances

Stealing the Afikomen

Next Steps