Guilt Over Past Sins

How to Forgive Ourselves

I'm having difficulty coming to terms with a lot of my past life choices and mistakes. I'm so far behind where I feel I should be in life and blame myself for my poor choices which so set me back. What should I do about this?

Rosh Hashanah – God’s Kingship (Malchut)

Yom Kippur for Two Days

Vitamin/Energy Patch on Fast Day

Dizzy & Sick From Fasting

New Fruit on Second Night of Rosh Hashanah

Asking Forgiveness from the Deceased

Significance of Hebrew Year

Are We Obligated to Forgive?

The Cruel Death of the Scapegoat

In the Yom Kippur service with the two goats, one of the goats – the se’ir la’azazel – was taken out to be pushed off a cliff – and would be broken to pieces. What was the point of doing something so cruel?

Repentance – Accepting for Future

Cheating on Tests – Repentance

Temple Service - Two Little Goats

Making Rosh Hashanah Meaningful


Making Rosh Hashanah Meaningful

It’s time to get out of your comfort zone.

Meaningful High Holiday Services?

Shofar Blasts in Month of Elul

Priest on a Rope

Nicotine Patch

Holy Purim Day

Happy New Year

Eating on Yom Kippur?

Easy Fast

Clothing on Yom Kippur

Clothing on Rosh Hashanah

Book of Life

Book of Jonah

Stolen Funds

The Nose & Smells

Great Teshuva

Pagan Customs

Doing Teshuva

Court Punishments

Leather Shoes

What is the Purpose of Fasting?

Does lowering physical pursuits help us to focus on our spiritual selves?

Why Fast?

Few in Number

Next Steps