is Looking for Great Writers

February 20, 2022 | by

Are you passionate about Jewish issues? Can you articulate your opinions in clean, unadorned prose that's engaging and culturally relevant? Are you able to write thoughtful, authoritative, factual pieces about Jewish history, food, philosophy, holidays, current events, wisdom, or the intersection between Judaism and science geared for a wide Jewish audience?

If yes,, one of the world's largest Jewish content sites, is looking for writers. Please send two samples of your writing – published work is better, but we'll accept blog posts or unpublished pieces, too – and a blurb about your background, interests, and experience.

We're open to any style – being your genuine self is a must – but appreciate edge, personality, humor, and even some snark. We pay competitive rates for quality writing.



8 comments on “Identifying as a Jew”

  1. How shameful it is that Faculty and Students who are Jewish are supporting Palestine at Columbia University!

    They are all kapos.

    1. Yes, it is shameful. At Columbia, UPenn, Harvard, Stanford; it breaks my heart, and does damage in many ways. An example: On The Hill daily podcast/youtube, "Rising", one anchor is Rob Soave. He says that campus protesters who (aggressively even physically) oppose Jewish students supportive of Israel are anti-Semitic.

      The other anchor is a bright, black, not-Jewish attorney (she was Bernie Sanders campaign manager), Brianna Joy. She responds to Robbie by emphasizing that many pro-Palestinian protesters at Ivy League schools are Jewish, and accompanied and protected by the Jewish, pro-Palestinian faculty.

      Brianna is ardently pro-Palestinian AND anti-Israel. She overstates the extent of that support, but there is more than enough as evidence to argue against Robbie.

      1. Self-hating Jews are a uniquely Jewish problem.

        After all, you never, ever hear of self-hating Christians or self-hating Muslims.

        But self-hating Jews are everywhere.

        We are being betrayed by our own.

  2. This article hit me pretty hard because I’ve seen Hashem’s work in my life. He wants me to be the best Jew that I can be but I know I come up short. I won’t get into specifics but I really needed this article. I need my people just as much as I need Hashem! Thank you! I needed this article more than I realized.

  3. When I was just a little boy, my grandfather who came to America from Poland at the turn of the 19th to 20th Century (he called it "Rutland" of Russia) told me that the worst anti-Semites were the Jewish anti-Semites. Looking at what we see today in the Democrat Party and in the American universities, he was literally prophetic.

  4. I’m in. I’ve experienced the magical, mystical safety net and though, at times, I’m frustrated trying to fulfill the Laws, I know follow my Jew-ness is what is best for me. I wish everyone a blessed Pesach!

    1. If they only knew: every “Palestinian” organization that existed prior to Israel’s Declaration of Independence was Jewish!

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